Do nootropics actually work?
(Mental fitness thread)
Do nootropics actually work?
(Mental fitness thread)
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Some do. I noticed some benefit from taking Ashwagandha, and of course Phenibut is amazing for social situations.
ashwa is good I like it.
good for inflammation too
I am thinking on buying noopept, and modafinil.
Phenibut aswell. They are cheap .
idk but microdosing lsd is great
Phenylpiracetam user checking in
Much better than coffee desu
got the quick rundown?
Modafinil is God tier if you don't overdo it. Once a week max.
medfag here- modafinil is great but has about a 15 hour half life so I recommend taking 100 mg 4x a week on the weekdays (for me wednesday is my off day) and then go clean on weekends to purge everything. Sometimes if it's a tough week I'll do 200mg one day but then take 2 days off so I don't build up a tolerance. It works ridiculously well. If you wanna get even more bang for your buck, take it with a CYP450 inhibitor like grapefruit juice to maximize the duration of its effects
how does one acquire modafinil? One of my friends used to have a prescription for it but I can't remember how they got it.
Mild stim, some compare it to modafinil.
Personally I get less impulsive and work more. But im pretty scatterbrained at baseline so i feel pretty normal on it
What does phenibut go well with?
The cat got shut down. Does anyone know a good seller for modafinil now?
How much phenimeme do you guys take? Most I've taken is 4.5g and I just felt slightly dizzy for a while. Other than making me dizzy it does nothing.
Something to counteract the sedation. Coffee, phenylpiracetam or alcar. Adderall/ritalin if you actually wanna get high
Usually 1-2g.
caffeine. never alcohol
>never alcohol
Can confirm. I didn't know about the interaction and had just a single glass of wine, it felt so awful I just had to go to sleep (which thankfully the drugs made effortless) in the middle of the day.
l-theanine with caffeine (2 to 1 ratio) fixes my anti-social tendencies 100%. I can talk to anyone when I'm on it, without being pushy, loud or annoying like someone on alcohol or adderall.
the balance between the caffeine and l-theanine gives such a nice calm focus. having meals when you're on it is pretty nice too, as I can actually appreciate the taste unlike my general depressed, scattered self.
Just took my daily noopept
You will never regret buying as much noopept as you can get your hands on
I started taking it in early high school and it helped me direct my autism into school work and lifting. If any of you aren't taking noopept you're missing out on what is probably the most proven nootropic and cheapest for effects.
I got into noots so heavily I ended up going to colelge to study neuroscience, and then used nootropics to get me through.
Modafinil is useful but annoying. In the US it's easier to just get Adrafinil, the precursor drug, and take a 2x dose of that. It makes you smell fucking terrible though. Any time you sweat or pee, you will instantly smell acrid nuclear asparagus shit.
Also as a follow-up to this ask me questions about neuroscience and I will try to answer them. I specialized in Cognitive systems like thought patterns and models of mental health.
do you take 200/100 mg?
Is noopept all you take? What dosage? Any side effects?
Noopept is all I take regularly anymore. I have taken every compound imaginable in the Nootropics community at some point, i take Piracetam occasionally but it makes me extremely tired if I don't take a ridiculous amount of Choline.
I stopped measuring my dosages of noopept after the first few years, now I just put a bit on the tip of my finger and place it under my tongue, around 15-30mg, and redose as necessary. The only side effects I can ever recall is a decrease in short term memory after pronolgued use, despite being better at long term memory. I can only think that something along the lines of being completely focused on my current task makes me forget about other things going on.
Another side effect, Noopept is a strong neuroprotective agent and will prevent you from getting drunk without an absolute fucking ton of alcohol. If going out binge drinking and you want to be somewhat in control, it can be nice to take a bit of noopept first so you aren't a stumbling drunk.
The best additive to noopept is anything stimulatory, caffeine/addy/modafinil generally help a lot.
If I'm feeling particularly spicy I'll take some phenylpiracetam for the energy and clarity.
I see. Could you talk a bit more about the differences between noopepts effect and that of addy/modafinil/vyvanse? Not adhd so taking addy makes me too anxious and I never drink caffeine.
Takes for sharing knowledge user.
Howdy pal, just wondering if you've ever had anxiety and if noopept has helped. I get bad anxiety and after reading through this page (linked) I was thinking about trying it. However it also seems to say something about increasing chances of Alzheimer's I think. Or maybe it's the other way around, I don't understand any of these smart science terms.
most famous nootropic caffeine works, studies show improved memory. nootropics show mostly short term gains but adults treated with amphetamine as children show higher iq
hey bruddah how much do you take? I tried nopept for awhile but I found it just made me very irritable. Pretty weird feeling but maybe my dosage wasn't right. It came with a micro scoop and I tried all kinds of variations of the dosage,
I buy it on dream market. A little bit more expensive than ordering from one of those pajeet pharma companies but Id rather buy UK-UK so I don't risk customs stealing it. Quicker delivery too.
I noticed a measurable increase in cognition, social tolerance and motivation when taking low doses of Deprenyl, Creatine, Choline and Krill oil together. Each on their own either shows no noticeable benefit or only temporary benefit.
Deprenyl basically overclocks the brain, but in order to get full use out of that, you need to use the Creatine to prevent fatigue and Choline to retain the information that you're processing. Krill oil helps to develop stronger neural connections in the frontal cortex, which essentially adds permanence to the things that you learn. You should avoid anything aged on this stack, especially alcohol, cheeses, and hung meats. It's not recommended, but I've taken this with Mucana and/or 5-HTP for potentiation as well as St Johns Wort. Any potentiation risks Serotonin syndrome, which could either be a Molly-like high or kill you. Taking with SSRIs or SNRIs carries a VERY high risk of Serotonin syndrome! Caffeine in low doses potentiates motivation effects without risking Serotonin syndrome as it activates Epinephrine receptors rather than Serotonin, but larger amounts cause jitters and anxiety.
Note that Deprenyl and Selegiline are NOT the same thing, they're enantiomers and don't have the same effect. Deprenyl from Chinese suppliers seems to be about 50/50; I don't believe you can get pure Deprenyl without lab licensing.
I have also taken noopept, which seemed to have a precognitive(?) effect but caused acne even at low doses. Forskoli and Artichoke had no noticeable effect, nor did Rhodiola.
I started taking Piracetam the other day, but realized it made me insanely angry at anything, so i stopped, im thinking about taking some Creatine, is it good for nootropic reasons?
Creatine seems to work on the brain the same way that it does for the body, preventing fatigue and allowing you to work harder and longer before you need to quit.
if you don't know what you're taking why the fuck are you taking it brainlet? phenibutis a GABA agonist, meaning it's a "downer"- increases the amount of inhibitory signaling in the CNS. when you combine with alcohol, another CNS depressant, no shit you're going to have problems staying awake. take enough and you'll stop breathing, which is how people die on benzos (other GABA agonsits). worse, if you take high enough doses for long enough, your internal GABA production decreases as your body tries to bring you back to "normal" amounts of CNS activity. when you stop taking the drug, your CNS is now hyperactive because it isn't producing enough inhibitory signals. these are some of the worst withdrawals you can go through, and can be deadly as they can cause fucking seizures. you faggots are fucking retarded for taking this shit when you dont know what the fuck it does just because some other faggot an on croatian microwave tech support forum told you it was fun