
Commit three of the five mortal sins an hero and get reincarnated as a kangaroo

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>Fosters 5 x infinity
>Hop around the outback x 200 million years of evolutipn

real Straya kunts drink VB

Bundie red for me cunt. Eye me and I'll smash ya

No one gives a shit what ausfags do on the asshole of the world with your fuck big spiders and ultraniggers

Skip leg day by the looks of it

>Never got kicked by a kangaroo

It's like getting hit by a car

real australians drink tooheys, you cunt.

Doug would fit in over here, seems like a mad cunt 2bh

>real Australians drink foreign beers
Yeah. Being a moron is pretty Australian.

>Being a moron is pretty Australian.
No one is denying that. We're proud morons

Larrikins m8 we're larrikins and cunts
Love ya cunt
Fuck off

Nob. I'll glass ya faggot


You seem to have mistaken Queenslanders for Australians. Next you'll be saying that Kiwis count.

Wait, what? I was lied to all those years?

Beer tastes in Aus are very... regional. You can buy Castlemaine stuff all over the country but it's rarely the drink of choice outside of Queensland. Most states have a brand or two that's huge there and barely outsells the craft beer elsewhere.

Except VB. Somehow that's the default cheap bear nationwide.

Cascade and Boags for me thanks.

Tassie pride

Tassie pride mate

VB basically isn't even sold here in WA.

how can aussie """"men""" compete?