340 bench

>340 bench
>225 squat

Other urls found in this thread:


looks like the female version of kevin from the office



Daily reminder they paid this ted Cruz look alike 10k to do a prono

more like a female ted cruz

I was thinking Ted Cruz





>90 kg ohp
>75 kg bench

Sweetie bending your knees and squatting down first means you're push pressing it's not OHP.

I'm not push pressing though, and even if I were, having the same numbers on PP and bench is still imbalanced as fuck

you should stop calling a half rep push press on the smith machine an OHP

>itt: jelly fags that barely press lmao1pl8

>bending your knees AT ALL during an OHP means it's not an OHP

t. weak bitch who can't even OHP 75 pounds


You mean the woman in the OP?


You unracking at forehead level?

give me the wheylegates dahnald