>tfw BORED
How do you kill boredom? Already lifted. Burnt out of vidya. Walked the dog.
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>tfw BORED
How do you kill boredom? Already lifted. Burnt out of vidya. Walked the dog.
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read a book
clean something
Read a book
Read a book
Get outside. Can't masturbate outside
that a challenge?
Reminds me of the blue mountain state where the mascot claimed all the cheerleaders caught him masturbating so thad asked them and they all said no
>burnt out of Vidya
This happened to me too after getting fit. I need a new hobby
world of warcraft
Do you have a job? Could you be doing something to save up for your home gym improvements or building some toys for it?
get a job
lifting will be the high point of your day if you spend 90% of it stuck in a cubicle
I'm in this boat more so that I'm unemployed at the moment and now my money has ran dry so I can't party of a weekend..
I've had my house to do up but other than that nothing.
Also I'm feeling more mentally tired than normal and I'm sleeping more(I can tell my body wants it tho)
So at the min all I do is lift 3x a week cardio by either swimming or circuit Once a week and then the rest of my time is probably spent staring at my phone or looking for a film and never watching it.
I also like to use ketamine most nights
does ket break a fast?
I prep for my weekly d&d game that i gm/read/do things with fiancée.
Get a second job that's physical and makes you use up energy. Like a warehouse one.
start putting all that functional strength to work and take up a sport
Get a job
Uhh, dude, that would be salt
Go get you some pussy
look at the bag a little more closely
Just DUDE it
>uni full time
>shit mental health
Easy peezi. I can't remember what happened a minute ago an hour ago and a day ago. Nothing