>be me >dyel >go out with a girl >she compliments my physique (lel) >feels my biceps, then chest >says my boobs are bigger than hers >she`ll be coming over this friday evening >get mired by her sisters, female coworkers, female roommate and her family and all the other women in my close and distant social circles
This is what having positive attitute towards the world gets you. Share your positive stories bro, pussies and depressed losers are not welcome
Gabriel Lewis
>get mired by her sisters, female coworkers, female roommate and her family and all the other women in my close and distant social circles Please elaborate on these mires
Lucas Jones
>be me >dyel >talk to crush >she immediately starts to compliment me >touches my chest and arms >we have sex >have more sex with any female I ever want to >life is great >win lottery (80 millions) >life is easy, sex, lifting, sleeping and eating just be yourself bro
Robert Gray
>Be me >Yesterday >Just got out of gym >Sweaty and in a wife beater >Go to Jersey Mikes to get a Philly >Sitting, waiting >8/10 walks in, obviously rushed >Miring me >Gets her sandwich and continues to mire me >Sits next to me and tries to mire me discretely >”Is that all you needed, ma’am?” >8/10 stutters >”U-Uh yeah. Just tying my shoe.” >Pretends to tie her shoe, which was already tied
Dominic Harris
If an attractive female sits next to you when there are other open seats and you don't talk to her you're actually a fucking faggot
Carson Hernandez
>This is what having imagination gets you
Fixed that for you. Keep coping, buddy
Jose Johnson
I have a girlfriend and knowing my luck the second I start talking to her my gf would walk in and I’d get an earfull.
Christian Martin
Tyler Torres
>never been in a relationship
Elijah Barnes
I call bs. your story is too cringy
Jaxson Gray
If your girl doesn't let you talk to other girls and/or you're afraid of getting shit from her for that you're by definition a beta male
Julian Fisher
>get mired by her sisters, female coworkers, female roommate and her family and all the other women in my close and distant social circles
I fucked her oldest sister, female roommate`s is all over me too (she just didn`t live with us though), and on parties I get straight out sexually harassed by sluts (sometimes it gets awkward)
Thanks, bro, will do!
Nice to hear your stories, bros. Keep them coming, even if its small victories
Jayden Foster
what is the point in chatting any chick up when you are in a relationship faggot? It's a losing situation nomatter how you look at it
Carson Russell
Fucking lmao this can't be real tea!
Because a man should always have options. Enjoy your getting cucked goals of 2018 fella
Angel Bell
>because a man should always have options confirmed for underage lmfao hold on babe i got this 8/10 from jerseys blowing up the cell so shut the fuck up i need options. You need to get a grip dude
Daniel Barnes
look at this pussy-whipped faggot. Why did you even go out without her chaperoning you?
Asher Gomez
If this ridiculous chain of events is everything your tiny beta brain could come up with, I've got some bad news for you buddy, you might be actually, unironically retarded.
I'm dead fucking sure your girl has tons of male friends who she chatting up everyday while you sit here on Veeky Forums talking about love and not needing anyone other than your gf, stupid cuck.
I have a gf and I do love her and I do trust her, but I'm not delusional and I know how fucked up modern society is, women by nature lack of loyalty so your only bet is if she's from a FULL good family which my girl is. But with all that I still have other girls who I talk to that I know are interested in me and all I do is maintain that interest. It's not about cheating or betraying your beloved one, it's about knowing that if shit happens it won't ruin you.
This should apply to everything in life, not just girls. Always have a backup plan - for education, for job, for business, for everything.
Here's my free advise from me, that your dad should have taught you if you had one.
Grayson Parker
kek that drawn out reply for what? To prove how you are barely over 18 definitively not over 20, youll get it one day >b..b.b...bbbut if we break up I have options so i'm not ruined You sound pathetic
Carter Miller
I'm sorry about your gyno man :/ have you considered surgery? in the meantime don't be so self-conscious, and have a nice day with your friend friday
James Myers
Dude without all the underage angst it's just called being social. You're not supposed to lose your ability to be charming in a relationship and you aren't supposed to fear getting an earful from your gf. Your gf DEFINITELY has 3 or 4 orbiters texting her every once in a while. It probably boosts her confidence and makes her feel secure. Once you stop being able to say hi to a cute girl mirin you, you're relationship is going to decline. It's speaks volumes about your self perception and confidence.
Tyler Green
>be me >depressed cause life decided to fuck 2016 up for me >havent worked out in over 1 year >pick up chick >go to her place >take off shirt >touches my chest and biceps >"oh my god user do you ever stop working out" >mfw i stopped working out 1 year ago >mfw when she only said it cause she was drunk and there was like the smallest amount of muscle left >mfw that actually motivated me to work out again
If she hadn't sucked half of my towns cocks already i would prolly take her out for dinner and respect her
Carter Miller
Post your body
Kevin Long
>what is the point in chatting any chick up when you are in a relationship faggot?
The point is that you are a man. Your goal shouldn't be to get her number. Your goal shouldn't be to have sex with her. Your goal should simply be to start a conversation with her. That's what men do. Not talking to her cause you got a gf is kinda pussywhipped - being in a relationship shouldn't take the fact from you that you are a male and youre supposed to enjoy getting mired but you are also grown up enough to talk a bit, flirt a bit and then get off. That's what men do. you seem pussywhipped and you are prolly lying to yourself about it.
Daniel James
Fucking whipped
Jacob Edwards
>>b..b.b...bbbut if we break up I have options so i'm not ruined
he didnt stutter in his post wtf
Carter Harris
>be me >join new group of friends as nerdy lanklet >get bullied and teased, not really regarded as anything interesting by anyone >start lifting >enter and leave DYEL mode >2 years later I'm "the hot one" in my friend group >guys all get mad when I take my shirt off >girls all drop spaghetti and make really cringey comments that are only cute because they're from girls >in my head i'm still a faggoty lanklet nerd so i have no idea how to handle any of this
Can't deny that it feels good man but I'm wondering when it stops feeling strange.
Jaxson Bailey
>be me kys
William Jenkins
>be little twig in highschool >realized that i was physically inadequate >make gains for 8 years >at my natty peak for the last 2 years >married to a 10/10 >whenever i'm at the bar girls grab my ass and arms >completely ignore them because my wife is way better than they are >feels good man >love my job >making good money
life is bretty great man. I'm 26 and really want to get on the juice to leave humanity behind
wat do?
Jacob Hughes
Maaan i bet you look like shit making up stuff for your sick pseudo mind.You cant make such thread and not post body
Luke Adams
You’re right. She was like a 6-7/10, but 8 sounds better.
Ryder Collins
Joseph Garcia
There is no woman that offers incredibly valueable conversation. I abstain from talking to chicks other than my gf for discipline and loyalty reasons. I have southern values and they pay off in the long run. Hence why I never have argument with her.
Josiah Moore
Most girls are braindead and conversations where you aren't leading them are non-existant. Casual flirting and conversation is pleasant to me in an environment that suits them (bar, club, campus) but not everyone enjoys braindead conversations with every women that shows any signs of interest, everywhere.
There's a lot to be gained on being happy with what you got and not constantly worrying about having "choices" if things don't end up well. I don't need confirmation from random women to feel secure. That's what women do.
Being superficial won't bring you happiness. Give your relationship everything and if it doesn't work at least you tried. Cheating and other degeneracy exists because people have the constant need for validation. The people closest to you should be enough.
You aren't whipped if you are secure enough to go for something serious with another human.
not the same guy btw
Liam Gomez
>No girl other than my mom and my cousin who works out a lot has ever commented on my body One day
Cooper Bennett
>be dyel >lift for 1.5 years >still dyel but ottermode if I lost another 1-2% bodyfat, abs just starting to show through >lifts still shit >mid 20s virgin >girls not interested >also ugly If I just start eating above maintenance my life would improve dramatically.
Hudson Fisher
if you are loving your life, why not focus on maintenance or helping people out? roids might make the good times shorter if you are not careful
Brandon Rivera
post body op
Liam Wood
Then do it?
Jordan Lopez
If you even touch the juice I hope you die. Nothing is gayer than a /fraud/
Aiden Hill
Joseph Smith
brah. you’re living the dream
dont ruin it with roids
Logan Turner
I guess the feeling of being physically inadequate has never left even though i've made it. gotta get bigger. its never enough. and im not concerned about living any longer than 55. i do things everyday that are more dangerous than roids
pic related
Jace Mitchell
I don't know man. It seems like you are thriving with humanity. Why would you want to leave it behind?
Benjamin Scott
making really easy gains would be cool
Leo Bell
Oh yeah, that would be really cool, but to what end? For the sake of just gaining more? From here it looks like you already have enough to live a good life with.
Elijah Gomez
I didn't get to where i am now by being satisfied with myself. but yeah eventually i will have to be satisfied. i'm sure i'll figure that out when i get there
Xavier Diaz
>every story in this thread revolves around women
Adrian Morris
>not particularly muscular without flexing but gained 35 lbs >dad says i look huge
Connor King
family member mires are the best. thats when you know you're really progressing
Christian Hernandez
>making women lose spaghetti One of the most genuine joys of life.
Benjamin Williams
>five months into lifting >meet an old elementary school teacher of mine >"woah there i almost didn't recognize you" >oh hey what's up man I almost missed you too >"i mean, maybe I could've recognized your face but you're huge now, look at you!" >You fool, this isn't even my final form
Aaron Perry
before getting Veeky Forums >random whore gives me any attention >fantasize about life together
>family says good job >feel nothing
after getting Veeky Forums >random whore begs to fuck me >feel nothing
>dad hugs me >best feel on the planet
What do you think the cause of this is? I think it has something to do with actually having structure and discipline in one's life tends to make you more family oriented idk tho maybe just me
Owen Parker
Post pics
Brandon Murphy
It's because you knew it wasn't true before.
Christopher Ross
>Share your positive stories bro, pussies and depressed losers are not welcome
Last night on Elysium I was bored as fuck so I took my lvl 40 warrior and went to Westfall. I shouted "Running noobs in VC! anyone is welcome" So I got a lot of replies and quickly invited 4 dudes, level 12-16. I wrecked the shit out of the dongeon and no one died. The drops were: >the blue agi/int ring from goblin room >smite's hammer from tauren >cookie's wand >the staff from goblin right before VC >cruel barb sword from VC
Everyone got a piece and thanked me afterwards, felt good to help people
Xavier Davis
this is me about a year ago at 6'1" 205lbs. I've gotten a little bigger and more defined since then
Gabriel Robinson
What don't you understand about >pussies and depressed losers are not welcome
Michael Moore
Kek do you even lift? Your chub is showing bucko
Mason James
Shit thread op I'm sure you really intended to facilitate intelligent discussion
Nathan Howard
You're not a pussy when you swing the whirlwind axe you dipshit. Duel me right now if you dare
Evan Campbell
How about you fuck off?
Joseph Sullivan
Your average woman and non Veeky Forums guy think he's god tier. To them he's bear mode and this fitness guy.
Seriously dude. You should go outside more. This is such a basic thing a socially aware person would know and I'm not even the user youre talking to
Xavier Cox
Nah no way this dude doesn't lift he's ""bulked""" but I bet he can barely do 50 lbs. Curious to see what his stats are?
Elijah Ramirez
O god im a faggot
Hunter Martinez
don't fall for the troll you retard
Landon Taylor
Really? You backwoods country fucks always end up in miserable marriages with fat ugly wives, and since you can't express your lechery in public, get stiffys to your family members when y'all go campin'. See where southern values get you? Have fun being exploited by anyone who can do a decent job spotting a sap.
Oliver Morales
I wonder if she was mirin
Joshua Turner
Brandon Green
why would you need to be roided?
Hudson Turner
bro lookin joosy for natty. don't know shit about gear but if anyone is ready it's you
Christian Sanders
>Didn't lift a single day last month due to injury >Would still look dyel but a bit leaner If I did >Went to town with some fresh clothes, feeling like a million dollars >Caught many bitches mirin
Feels good bruvs, even tho my autism stops me from doing something about those mires