Anyone here with brain fog ?

How do you cure or get rid of it ? This brain fog thing has been bothering me and it's hard to study or concentrate on anything productive what do ?

>Stop doing drugs

But seriously, you should read more books to get rid of brain fog and your brain focuses differently since you spend time reading and not just focused on moving pictures or sound

When I try reading it only gets worse

try fasting

3 tips

Get more sleep.
Cultivate discipline.
Take stock frequently E.g. Every hour, ask yourself how much you have accomplished, if you haven't done anything, start something immediately.

My brainfog was a symptom of inactivity.

Keto diet

this and or
meditation , headspace app is great
more sleep

Meditation is the only quick fix for brain fog. Otherwise take Choline supplements and do more cardio, get more sleep, and stop jerking off. If you sit on your ass outside of work or school for more than 2 hours a day stop and stay active. Take a hot shower in an emergency, then switch it to freezing cold at the end and try to keep your breath steady for twenty- thirty seconds. The key is changing your routine drastically to force your brain to increase plasticity to adapt overall, and all of these can help with that.
Source: am a neuroscientist who specialized in cognitive systems


Yes I had brain fog.

I went to my doctor, and got tested for Lyme disease. Had Lyme disease, took antibiotics, no more brain fog.

Try keto, if not that IF or a single 3 day fast per month
Cleared my shit right up

I thought keto was a Veeky Forums meme

Nofap cleared my brain fog. Legit.

HIIT or steady state?

oddly when i picked up smoking it cleared it up for me :/

b-but nofap is a fuggin meme

it is NOT a meme and that's nothin personnel...kid...

At least personally, I do alot of steady state cardio (running). Mental fog disappeared overtime the more I run.

Are you sleeping at normal times? I was going to sleep around 2-4am and almost dropped out of college. I started going to sleep earlier and now my GPA is in the 3s.

stay active and do more things that involve you learning and memorizing things, e.g. if you're unemployed get a job that requires a large amount of thought, after a few weeks you'll realise you don't really have brain fog anymore

it sounds like a catch-22 but that's the best way to get rid of it

this user gets it

You have to start doing something productive - even if baby steps, but has to be something sensible. Don't force it too hard or try to rush it, but it will almost magially clear itself up after starting doing something like doing some simple practice problems, etc.

Also short breaks not spent in front of the computer, so going to the store, short bike ride and all that kind of get-outside bullshit. Even sitting down for coffee might help.

Thank god this post came early because everyone below is spouting bullshit
>Guys I am out of breath easily, what do?
>When I run it gets worse tho ;_;
You are both a faggot and stupid

i sleep at around 2 or 3 am so no

For me it was gluten. Might be worth a shot to eliminate it from your diet for three weeks. No more brainfog for me.

Hey user, has brain fog been bothering you for a long time? If so, have you checked if you have other symptoms of ADHD?

Brain fog is a bitch to get rid of in my experience. You can't just shake it off. Lots of caffeine can *sometimes* help, so does exercise and healthy eating. It always comes back though so you have to be wary of how you're managing these factors.

That's pretty much why i have Brain fog. Avoid those u should be fine

Yeah, smoking crack :/

there seems to be many doctors and sientists who see many benefits of a low carb is not a meme.

>Hey user, has brain fog been bothering you for a long time? If so, have you checked if you have other symptoms of ADHD?
Not OP, but I'm suspecting ADHD (or ADD) in my case.
Since at least primary school I pace back and forth during breaks.
Cannot focus on boring stuff, making math and similar stuff bitch to learn.
I get easily nervous when under pressure.


Didn't mean to quote you twice. I'm not used yet to my new laptop, gotta find a way to turn of that touchpad.

Have you considered having an evaluation? I'd recommend it if your symptoms are negatively affecting your life, work and/or school. When I got my diagnosis it kind of made life make a little more sense. Made me realize why I'm so fucking spaced out all the time.

Been on the waiting list for over a year for a meeting with a psychiatrist for med evaluation. I'm clean and sober though so medication scares the shit out of me.

Start going to bed around 10ish if possible. Makes a world of difference

>Have you considered having an evaluation?
Like going to psychologist? I don't want to be branded more crazy than I'm now.

You don't have to tell anyone, and for what matters this is all just chemical imbalances.


It's a meme in general. Only good for temporary weight loss, we weren't made to stay off carbs forever. You'll get sick, irretable, poor immune system, lack of energy, etc etc.

I do a lot of steady state too, and my brain fog isn't improving :(

I got three jobs, still brain fog. Maybe I'm just retarded lol

go ketogenic, 50/50 fat and protein 0 carbs

My brain fog literally cleared up permanently on day 4

Not that user but did you get any bad side effects from the medication

come on, man...

I haven't got any meds yet, there is a shortage of psychiatrists where I live and I've been waiting over a year for my turn now. I'm a little terrified of the prospect of meds because five years ago weed gave me a psychotic episode but the psychologist said it shouldn't be a concert as far as the meds go.

But I'm more terrified of the unmedicated life awaiting me.

he said with a straight face and his stupidity was never cured.


Maybe I could do like that, but I'm bit afraid of meds. I heard about some med that make you focused, but I fear it might make me into zombie or something.

Elaboratem it actually sounds intriguing.

I had to go the meds route I.e. 3 psychiatric medicines, but no doctor because of circumstances
I don't recommend it unless you have fully read Gilead or whomevers drug manual etc for contraindications and you have a nice slow taper off to give your brain enough time to adjust itself

They have their place but should be kept as a last resort, if you're exhibiting consistent self detrimental behavior give it a shot but nothing is going to help like hard work and discipline in regards to diet, exercise, and good friends