Why is it that we can't agree on anything when it comes to diet?

Why is it that we can't agree on anything when it comes to diet?

Just a few examples...

>Saturated fats
most doctors will tell you to keep them to a minimum but keto advocates think it's okay to make them staples.

high salt diets (more than 1g/day) apparently cause heart disease but now medicine has its doubts, high salt may actually be beneficial....

this is a fucking minefield as you know. You have people saying we don't need a gram of carbs and it's unnatural, while others say moderate carb intake is necessary

every fitness guy will tell you it's 1 gram of protein per pound of lean mass, but research on longevity and cell regeneration clearly shows that low protein diets slow down ageing and improve health

can't even agree on fucking fruit. keto people think it's just sugar, but for decades we believed they had essential vitamins

good for bones? paleo doesn't think so.

Now I know some smartass is gonna come here and give their opinion on each of these, but for every study you show me, I'll show you five.

I'm actually afraid to eat anything now.

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Cause shit's complicated, yo.

They are mentally ill, go to that one website with medical studies and read

It seems like the science is complicated, but shouldn't we just follow the diets of populations who are healthiest and live longest? Like Japanese or Italians or whatever? If it works there, you can't just start telling people to do the opposite because of a lab experiment and expect them to believe it.

Ketogenic diet is for fat people trying to lose 50 pounds. It's an extreme measure that works. It is NOT something you can do all your life.

i went to /r/keto and the consensus there is that every other diet is terrible for you but eating bacon and lard is completely sane

Because people make money off of controversy and being edgy so they will do and say anything to convince gullible idiots that won't do their own research into their bullshit

and where exactly is the ultimate source of truth? i saw two studies from stanford released this year whose conclusions were pretty much the opposite. this was in relation to carb intake and DNA damage.

There is no "ultimate source of truth." You're just going to have to pay special attention to the methodology and results and see if it actually makes sense and if it's significant enough to matter at all.

The protein one makes sense as it's the toughest on the digestive system. Vegans are notoriously young looking. Well, the black ones anyway.

1. The human body is complicated as fuck
2. A lot of (((nutritional studies))) in the US of 60s-90s were fucked by a combination of pop science and militant vegetarians
3. Every body is different and you have to find what works for you, but instead of just enjoying the eating habits that work for you, a lot of people take a cultish approach trying to advocate for everyone to covert or die to the "one true way"
4. People are faggots and don't understand that anything we can't see the immediate reaction in, science will be, in some way shape or form, flawed... because humans simply cannot be unbiased. We are hardwired to be emotional and we tend to paint an ulterior motive into any science we investigate on


Ketofags are mentally ill and immune to reason

>Saturated fats
Vilified like all fats because of Ancel Keys and the sugar industry.

Once again, high salt intake being bad was peddled by fraud "doctor" Lewis Dahl.

Was and is still desperately being peddled by the dairy industry as "healthy" purely to sell it.

Money talks, OP. Look into the history of this stuff and it becomes clear that there's a ton of propaganda surrounding our food.

>2. A lot of (((nutritional studies))) in the US of 60s-90s were fucked by a combination of pop science and militant vegetarians

The real reasons were government subsidising the agriculture industry and putting sugar into everything. Everything else, the marketing, propaganda, everyone trying to profit from it, was just an after effect of the sugar industry paying a couple of scientists to publish fake results about the effects of sugar on heath.

And Vegans have been proven to be mentally deficient.
Best diet is an omnivorous diet with infrequent fasts

>Vilified like all fats because of Ancel Keys and the sugar industry.
I don't think it was just that. Monounsaturate and polyunsaturated are healthier in several aspects, compared saturated fats. This is in an important distinction because usually when I hear people say saturated fats are okay they're usually comparing them to sugar simply because of the connection in the whole sugar controversy.

>keto fags
they are completely retarded
>saturated fats
you don't need them AT ALL. same with cholesterol
moderation is key
moderation is key
1.3g protein/kg bodymass is more than enough for people who lift strenuously. you shouldn't need protein supplements to get this
fruits are good for you. so are vegetables. so are leafy greens. don't be retarded and eat too much of either one
you mostly don't need it, but if you like it, eat sparingly as dairy products tend to be high in saturated fats and cholesterol

with everything, moderation is key. where you can, eat whole, unmodified foods. if your wallet allows it, get organic. variety is good. eating is really not that hard

Not that guy but best diet is meat and anything plant-based. Keto is mostly shit-tier meat like bacon (not chicken), and high sat fat shit like butter and cheese. Severely lacks nutrition.

>1.3g protein/kg bodymass is more than enough for people who lift strenuously. you shouldn't need protein supplements to get this
For most people that don't lift, 0.7 grams per kg is what's optimal for both muscle and health, i.e. enough for protein synthesis but not enough to inhibit autophagy.

In my nutrition class we kept it at 0.8-0.9 for the average person because america is all about the meats, but protein is grossly over advertised

Saturated fats aren't well liked because they raise LDL. So if you're eating ONLY saturated fats, sure. But in diets that are real food-based, you're eating healthy fats with them 100%, so your HDL raises along with it. HDL basically scrubs your arteries clean. It's crazy oversimplifying it but that's the basics. In a real foods diet/lifestyle, there should be no fear at all from saturated fat.

>sat fat is bad for you

>real foods diet
I guess this hinges on whether you think cheese and butter is real food, or whether real food is just naturally occurring stuff accessible from the paleo period.

I'm not paleo but I do advocate for food that's more real and less processed, sure.

Like yes, yogurt is "processed", but not in the sense that weird shitty ingredients are being added (if you're eating decent yogurt anyway).

So as a person who is neither sedentary nor lifts strenuously about 1g/kg should be good?

1g per pound

>saturated fats
fine in moderation and if derived from real food (meat, eggs, etc)

only an issue due to the foods associated with extremely high sodium content (mostly canned or microwavable shit), irrelevant to track if you're consuming 4L+ of water a day

vital while bulking, more than 100g/day is unncessary while cutting

2g per kg for optimal muscle gain/sparing, any more is pointless, you might be able to get away with less in many cases (who the fuck cares about anti aging; just do heavy caloric restriction and be forever small if you want to live forever)

basically just sugar but the nutrition makes it a nice option to flavour the kilos of oats you'll be eating

lactose fucks with me super hard; haven't noticed any differences since I stopped it

the ultimate redpill on food:
it's 75% psychological, eat what you truly believe to work and it'll work for you, provided it fits your calorie goals for whatever you're doing

I thought we could at least agree on salt. It's awful for ya. And veggies. Even the paleo/keto meatheads like broccoli. It's not all controversy and discord.

>basically just sugar
Are you fucking kidding me? Magnesium. Fiber. Vitamin C. Vitamin A. Vitamin B. Folate. Copper. Water and vitamins and minerals and phytochemicals and all that good shit. You're not gonna get the same results eating a bajillion tablespoons of sugar vs eating its calorie equivalent in fruit.

>how to troll, the post
I think you took the bait buddy

there's nothing to say they live the longest because of their diet
it could be genetics, it could be the water, the air, the soil, it could be the temperature and humidity, it could be stress level and even attitude
most likely it's all of them and diet on top

no you fucking retard, it's 1g per kg

salt is fucking awesome and gives a great pump as a preworkout

teethrotting fruit no thanks, ill take my multi vit instead

After 30 years of following "every" scientific study, many times thinking I finally found the truth...
There is no truth.

It's all individual, and some variation in diets can be good for you to exercise your metabolism.
So eat and be happy. A hundred years from now, you will be dead and nobody will care what you ate.

Chicken and turkey, occassional steaks or sausages are fine
Nuts, peanuts, cashews, walnuts, almonds
Fruits and vegetables
Dairy in the form of cheese (butter should be smart balance made with EVOO; as for milk that shit is loaded with estrogen, just stick to almond milk)
Whole grains
A snack, everyone has a favorite snack, chips, pretzels, gold fish, chocolate, whatever the fuck but you wont be happy if you live your whole life on severe restrictions every day

Is that it seriously that hard to do this and not eat in abundance?

best snack in the world

I love haagen dazz ice cream to and ice cream in general. Sometimes my gf brings home a neopolitan breyers ice cream with hershey syrup and we just eat that shit up while watching a movie and then i use some of the leftover syrup to pour on her erotic zones to lick up for foreplay.

I cant believe i forgot things like pasta, beans, and potatos. All of that stuff is great too. No one likes an overly autistic retard who puts food above everyone and everything else. Eat wholesomely, watch the calories depending on your energy levels, and avoid obvious pitfalls like excess sugar/fat/salt as well as trans fat. Seriously some of you guys take this shit way to far

whatever man
just don't eat bread

It's so fucking dumb. All about money, I do believe personally even though I am a regular meat eater, vegans are probably right. Saturated fats and cholesterol are shit for the human body in high amounts. People should be eating way more fruits, veggies, and whole grain. If only vegans weren't such cry babies pushing there agenda in the name of "animal feelings".

The fucking sticky.

>lactose fucks with me super hard
Lemme guess, black?

Just eat healthy
Keto, vegan, paleo, it doesn’t matter. All of them are just over complicating things

If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight.

Literally EVERYTHING else you may hear about diet is just a means to that end.

Just eat whatever the fuck you want within reason. Avoid processed foods though. I used to stick to a strict diet, but then I quit it and just eat whatever I want as long as it's not processed. But if I'm with friends, I don't care if it's processed. I've been much happier since then instead of driving myself insane.

>Saturated fats

Keep hormones in check and ensure proper blood thickness for better flow.


Essential electrolyte for keeping water balanced. Minimum is 1500 up to 2500. The more you sweat, the more salt leaves your body, therefore the more salt you need. People that sweat a lot actually need much more than 2500 to keep normal sodium levels, though there aren't any direct number recommendations for athletes/sweaty people.


They restore glycogen, the primary source of energy creation within the body. They are stored in your muscles and in doing so make you look more muscular AND increase the amount of energy your body can access during high intensity exercise thus increasing peak output. Keto will eventually replace this in the absence of carbs, but it doesn't have the visual look of carbs and glycogen, and Keto without supplementation will result in malnourishment.



0.64 - 0.82. Former if you get all complete proteins, latter if you intake incomplete proteins. Any over that does nothing, and the more muscle you have, the less you need as muscle growth decreases over time.


Go to nutritiondata.self.com and look up any fruit. The micros and macros suck by comparison to most grains and meat. For the average person that eats shit, they're great. Otherwise, they're better than junk food, but effectively just nature's candy.


Most people are some level of Lactose intolerant, some very (stomach distress), others little (acne). Those that aren't directly benefit from the macros/micros. Other than that:


>Calcium from milk DOES help

Seems extremely legit.

>>Calcium from milk DOES help
There was a two generation(excuse me if I'm off it's been a while)study done by harvard nurses that states the opposite.
Excessive calcium from milk actually causes osteoperosis

Doctors don't know shit about nutrition, half of them are fat and almost all are sedentary
High salt can fuck with your blood pressure if you're old or have some pre-existing kidney problems but otherwise doesn't matter
Carb intake is irrelevant to health but important for endurance. On a carb free diet, your resting glycogen is greatly decreased
>but research on longevity and cell regeneration clearly shows that low protein diets slow down ageing and improve health
Fruit has essential vitamins but are not the only source of them
>Dairy, good for bones?

Nutritional molecular biologists p hack all their shitty data, don't even fucking bother with those papers

>Dairy in the form of cheese (butter should be smart balance made with EVOO; as for milk that shit is loaded with estrogen, just stick to almond milk)
You're a fucking retard. Estrogen is fat soluble. So while there is a physiologically irelevant amount of estrogen in milk, there is a much larger (but still irelevant) concentration in cheese

Because diet is a personalized thing and trying to turn it into a fucking ideology will only fuck up peoples health.

Our food these days is so shit you can literally kill yourself by eating it and living a semi-sedentary lifestyle. Really let that sink in for a minute.