Fierce 5 Routine

Pic is me. I am 5'11 and around 185Ibs, with loose skin. I've been told I should probably start lifting and eating at maintenance so I guess that's what I'm going to do unless someone has better advice. I'm new and ovethink it a lot so I don't feel too confident in whatever I'm doing. I just started the Fierce 5 routine today. It's a 3 day workout but I made some adjustments. I merely added sets + reps but I'm not entirely sure if this is a good thing to do.

Workout A:
Squats 40Ibs 5x8 (instead of 3x5)
Bench Press 20Ibs 5x8 (instead of 3x5)
Pendlay Rows 15Ibs 5x8 (instead of 3x8)
Face Pulls 4x15 10Ibs (instead of 3x10)
Tricep Pressdowns 4x15 10Ibs (instead of 2x10)/Calf Raises No weights 2x15 (didn't change) Superset
I also added a random ab workout (crunch machine) at the end.

Workout B looks like this:
Front Squat 3x5
Overhead Press 3x5
Romanian Deadlift 3x8
Lat Pulldowns 3x8 (any grip)
Ab work 2x15/Curls 2x10 Superset

I haven't done Workout B yet obviously, but if Workout A looks good I'll rearrange the sets/reps the same way. I'm leaning more towards aesthetics rather than strength. The program states to up the weight every week (5Ibs to upper and 10Ibs to lower). How does this look in terms of where I want to go? The main problem with me is that I just feel like I don't do a great workout, like pushing myself. For example, I started SS for a couple days, but it just felt like I did nothing by the end of the day. Am I doing something wrong?


You count the bar you stupid newfag also just do a strength program or ask gym staff for some stupid 5 day split to get your body used to working out,and you n e v e r modify programs as a noob because you are clueless and it wont do you any good.


Listen here new boythere are two (2) kinds of hypertrophy,myofibrilar and sarcoplasmic,sarcoplasmic(classical high reps,medium intensity,slow reps) is F A K E it only increases useless shit in your muscles and makes it look bigger but bloated,myofibrilar(wich you achieve by strength training,wich is high intensity (weight[heavy],relative to your strength)low volume(low reps),fast reps keeping good form) in the other hand increases white fibers and recruits all available white fibers wich makes you strong and gives you a dense look but it takes much more time.

Mind that these overlap and you cant get exclusively one without the another.

AND NOW TO THE INTERESTING PART:not only myofibrilar hypertrophy increases potential sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (muh aescetics) but it will also make you stronger.

In no fucking scenario should a noob train for hypertrophy in my fucking shit opinion but hey do whatever the fuck you want.Hypertrophy training will get you stronger till you milk them noob noobish noob gains then enjoy looking average as fuck and being not so strong.

Also your shit sarcoplasmic hypertrophy goes to shit once you stop hitting the gym,myofibrilar lasts longer and is much more easier to recover once you stop liftinf,but it will carry over for your entirw life if you train for strength long enough.

Strength=long lasting,easy to recover,more aesthetics later when steonger
Hypertrophy="big" useless muscles,not so much strength,goes to waste more easily

You decide faggot.

does the bar tell you how much it weighs? what is it like 45Ibs? i want to go the strength way first. so all i gotta do is follow the program and add weight every week. and eventually ill hit a weight that i cant go above?

Lmao strength programs my man they are made to get you strong have you read anything of what I wrote.

You cant progress as fast as good on a shit split routine,starting strength,greyskull,stronglifts,there are a lot of strength programs yours aint one but its not too bad I guess.

If it's an olympic barbell it weighs 45lbs yes,if not it depends,but oly barbells are the best for Deadlifts,Squats and everything,try to find a gym with oly barbells and a rack.

You can try to progress doing your peogram and you will most likely make some advances thanks to them noob gains but you wont go far.

Also gotta eat at a surplus to make the best of your training/progress,500kcal surplus at max remember dont go overboard.

Again if you wanna focus on strength first follow ine of the routines I mentioned or search for another,but these are peoven to work when done properly.

Also stretch,trust me its most likely you are not flexible enough and that will hinder your progress a fucking lot because form wont be good enough.

Apply some logic and you will make it gl friend

thanks ive been doing a lot of reading. i think i'm getting there. i think ill combine how stronglifts works with my program, and then every day ill do some walking in the morning and some intense conditioning every other day

I love seeing monday warriors :) I bet you can't stick to it for 2 weeks straight

Keep on reading,you will realize what is bullshit and what is not given you have enough interest.

Again dont fucking mix programs nor do your own stick to a program made for noobs and do it as it's writen,adding shit only if the program allows it and only exercises it allows,you wont do yourself any good making peograms because you are new you have 0 experience and dont have any idea of what makes a good program/routine good.

Gl and dont listen to faggots like this one

how heavy were u mate?

why do people keep asking this like it matters anymore. at most i was 250Ibs. now im around 185Ibs. i lost the weight fast in a short amount of time in short bursts, not gradually over a long period of time like i should have probably

Bc this board is full of fatties terrified of loose skin.
Also, what other dude said, don't add things or do your own shit. Follow a proven program.
Good luck man

>5'11 - 185lbs
>that body
Something isn't correct here.

I was just going to follow Fierce 5, and replace for example squats with 5x5 instead of 3x5. I mean that's the same shit as SL right? it doesn't seem like its that big of a deal to me you know. and in Fierce 5 you up the weight EVERY WEEK. In SL you do it everyday yet I was still going to follow how Fierce 5 does it

What are you talking about? What's wrong here?

not op but you go straight to the point and give lots of good points and seem knowledgeable. Im doing GSLP in pic releated and my goal is aesthetics (obv strength base needed for aesthetics) but what accesories should I add if aesthetics is the goal

is that for beginners? seems like a lot for a beginner to take in

ya but im not really beginer spent 2 years of my life dicking around in gym started with SS but half assed it

>was 6' 300 lbs
>water fasted down to 175
>no loose skin

idk if it's genetics or the fasting but whew sucks 2 b u

ya sure you did

Your pic is phraks variation wich doesnt need any addition in terms of exercises(because it already is a variation) to make you look good,it basically hits everything and will get you stronger

Cant remember original base gslp template but there was a base and a section in the programs book with recommended exercises to add and a guide to where to put them in the base routine,so if you really wanna tailor your own gslp to hit specific muscles more then download or buy the book and look into it because I cant remember how it went,I did read it but a long time ago.

But again phraks variation is perfectly fine for your goals.Just remember to stick to it and be careful with AMRAPs

no curls for the girls? hehe also would putting in more delt work help?

post pic fgt

For arms chinups are enough and for delts pressing every day is enough again if you want to hit these more read the book and make your own gslp template but phraks variation is solid and he has much more experience than you probably no need to complicate yourself more when you can just do this one