Why does this pic make me rage so much bros?

Why does this pic make me rage so much bros?

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she's pretending she got her body through working out when all she did was get surgery and eat less

also she's wearing a fucking corset at the gym

mind your own business user, if you don't like her just ignore her.

>also she's wearing a fucking corset at the gym

marketers have convinced whores that those waist trainers help you lose weight

It's not really a corset it's one of those waist trainers which literal brainlet women buy cuz they think it'll help them lose belly fat. It also comes packaged with a dunce cap and sticker reading "world biggest sucker"

Because you're a repressed beta-male

>getting called names on Veeky Forums
wow that really hurts my feelings user

Because her whole existence (literally) revolves around getting peaks in the gym. That is all there is to it.

Not sure what's the most offensive thing
>10lb barbell
>Makeup while working out
>unsupportive bra
>waist cincher

Actually, yeah.. this does kinda rustle me. The mammoth gonzo boobs don't even soothe this strangely subtle, but poignant rustling.. fascinating.

a belt for like 45 pounds lol

even kim has better form

that's not a lifting belt
>45 lbs
it's a fixed bar that says 10 lbs right on it

tired of all these fucking brainlets on my board

Because seeing a woman in PEAK physical condition intimidates insecure BOYS like you.

It makes me angry because she's not putting her ratty hair up.

I just noticed those ridiculous nails.
Everything about this now makes me kind of peeved.

This, the hair is the biggest problem. Why the fuck would you put a barbell on that shit? If it was actually heavy at all it would be pulling strands straight out of her scalp.

I've actually fucked up and forgotten to get my hair out the way before unracking a squat (done it on the yoke too). As long as the bar doesn't start shifting it doesn't really pull.

pretty sure corsets do work kind of

mfw dress shoes are functionally similar to oly shoes

semi related due to rage etc.

why does this whore fuck somalis too now?
i thought she only had it for pakis / other sandniggers

why do you care about it user
it's not like she's your property, and that black guy has feelings too.

also fuck that pic reminds me summer is getting close

Who is this slut

same reasons as OP.

>that black guy has feelings too.

you must live a sad life

massive whore living in melbourne


placing so much importance on sex that you become mad and bitter at sexually active people?

get your life back on track before you end up on /r9k/

Durr fo EHIYTEY!!!?????????? fug ting nigga muhfuggin my dix

Those things real?

The best part of that picture is that the guy who took it had an "accident' later.

astaghfirullah, nazar is a sin.

that ALPHA black CHAD in your pic has drone killed more people than you've seen in your life

how can white cucks even compete

>other races race-mixing

you wish, but no
there are pics where you can see the scar of the low-quality boob job

you seem upset, do interracial relationships make you feel inadequate?


they'll create top-tier blasian women

That's the most disgusting face I've seen in a while. And that fucking hear is horrid as well.

Stop posting beastality please. There's special websites for that. This board isn't one of those places.
More like chinkggers, their favourite diet is dog and fried chicken.

>Phone holster
That guy's not black lmao

what is this a racemixing thread?

Her form is retarded. She is not using the bar from some dumb fuckin reason. Her body and face are completely fake.

>he's never race mixed

Never gonna make it

>10 lbs

can we talk about this ship?

I see this pretty much everywhere in LA nowadays. Petite Latina girls, usually Mexican, with Asian guys. To Asian guys out there, hop on this train while it's hot I guess.

All it does is compress the lower rib cage, which fucks around all your internal organs. Shit doesn't last.

>More like chinkggers, their favourite diet is dog and fried chicken

wow that's creative, you must be at least 12 years old

>you must be at least 12 years old
My parents told me not to say my age on the internet.

its the new anti-white front


>wearing a corset while doing a core exercises
This image is so stupid I feel violated

>Those nails
>make up on the gym
>belt for 10 lbs squat
>terrible form, tippy toeing like a fucking nigger
>fake tits, so you know she never put any effort in life

but yeah user, ignore her, whatever.

beta fag detected lol, i bet you whine in manlet threads too LOL


>Why does this pic make me rage so much bros?
because she looks white trash over 9000? also certainly coalburner

why does EVERY thread devolve into race trash now?
what is wrong with this board

because the dam is breaking, jew, and all your lies will soon come to light

azn is the only acceptable mixing
even azns from poor families are commonly smart as fuck unlike nigs

/pol/ took over

Azn girls are also submissive

LOL tiff and case?

Jk News is pretty funny and also jk party. Latina girls will always be top-tier.

nothing wrong with asians and white women desu

Will they have dark blue haired children?


when will /pol/ fuck off back to their containment board?

She's a literal prostitute from wakefield, england.

>favorite diet

Because she can lift more than you?

Just relationships in general.


she looks like those real dolls

That guy is really lucky. Imagin you get to smash such a hot bimbo. Guess you guys just jealous

never you fucking kike

What about this, OP?

Skip to 1:05


Because she squats more than you

What are you raging at, cunt? That pic is great.

God bless marketers for convincing thousands of women to wear what amounts to latex corsets.

why did this make me laugh so hard?
who is this cunt? a fucking eggplant head retard refugee fuck? what value does he have? NOTHING!

did you see how ugly that fucker is? if they breed her kids will be ugly as fuck

Ngl, seems like a pretty chill guy. Kids in the back so he's most likely a loyal father, along with that phone holster kek

Who is this whore? So I can look up more shit and fap


The commentary was far dumber than the shitty lifters tbqh

Because you will never soap up those giant titbombs and go to town on them :(

yeah me too t.boner

More importantly, who is THAT whore?

the idea is that you have something which aids in core activation during exercise ....

They're cute together

cuz ur gay lol

Really? Looks photoshopped, and poorly so.

Because you are still a virgin

thats her brother r-right?

It's the shoes aye

Akin to a dude working out in Vans and long black socks

>chicken legs while squatting
>squatting 10lbs
>fake tits
>fake lips
>full coat of makeup
>bad form
>fucking waist trainer
>on the balls of her feet with half rom
>skin tight clothing
>is ugly but thinks she is hot shit

Don’t forget those repulsive claws.

>it's a fixed bar that says 10 lbs right on it
10 each side, plus 20 for the bar, he wasn't that off

she has nice boobs, but an average face.
i hate niggers in white countries though, they should all be purged

>tired of all these fucking brainlets on my board
>it's a fixed bar that says 10 lbs right on it
It's 40lbs you absolute dyle

he was, and you are
this thing is fixed to have 10 lbs total

no its not