How achievable is building to 200lbs and cutting to 8% naturally?
> What is the estimated time it may take for this for a complete beginner?
I am 6'1"
> pic not related to build
Around 2-5 years maybe, depending on numerous factors
8% natty?
That's very very difficult, unless you have god-tier genes. So probably never.
Such as?
I'll give you as much information as you necessary.
I'm very good at commiting to things that I enjoy so if it is at all possible naturally. Time would be the only factor.
Man... thought this board may have been more helpful
You will never be 200lbs 8% bf natty sorry
Such as:
>your current body and genetics
>quality of diet
>routine and overall attendance/intensity at the gym
>amount of cardio
>quality of sleep
Over a decade if you do everything right. That's probably your natty limit. You will need to train properly, eat properly, sleep properly, and be stress-free, among other things. It's almost impossible.
lol welcome to Veeky Forums fgt
Do not go below 10% naturally, you're going to lose all your strength and muscle. You'll look emaciated and like a fucking idiot.
You were given the correct answer: never.
>the decade meme
As a lean natural, you make most of your gains in the first two to three years, and nothing that's noticeable to others after that. If you want 10 solid years of gains, you have to become a fatass.
My current body having never lifted or trained is around 16% body fat at 180lbs. In terms of genetics I've got a few sure fire ones such as straight clavicles and broad shoulders.
I'm guessing the reason you're so angry is because you're either dyel or a powerlifter.
Post pic
>being a natty cuck
what if I told you that you can do it literally in 3-4 steroid cycles starting from scratch
Nope, just more experienced than you, trust me.
I'd say that's cool for anyone interested but for me personally I want to go the natural route
Not in my current state. I'm on the subway hah.
> trust me
> no proof
This. If you want to have a full, muscular physique at 8% bf, then do what people who have full, muscular physiques at 8% do: AAS.
There is no natural route. you're going to look like shit at 8%. It's literally healthier if you at least supplement with test. If you don't want to do it, then don't go that low.
You’d be in the gym now if you were serious about this
>it’s actually healthier if you supplement with test
You /fraud/brahs are so fucking delusional
>Trust me
>posted from my mobility scooter
No one can prove this to you unless you experience this hardship for yourself, this is the unfortunate reality. Once you've lost all of your gains trying to naturally reach 8% will you understand.
I meant for going that low in bodyfat. I would never suggest general test supplementation for anything other than that.
Preparations need to be made first
What if the cut was ultra slow? I've seen some guys at my local gym do something similar.
You cannot base off of what others are doing because you don't know if they're on gear (even if you say "but I know!", you don't). If you think you can reach 8% and maintain your size and strength by using a special technique (like slow cutting) then go for it, but if your strength and appearance crashes before you reach the goal, I would strongly suggest immediately stopping the cut and at least maintain at point you've reached. 10-12% is already incredibly lean for non-bodybuilders and I'm sure you'd be very pleased at that state.
8% bf at 200 lbs 6'1, is almost possible but just out of natty reach with great genes. I think the lowest bf you could be at that weight naturally is like 10-12
I would settle for 10 - 12% bro. All I need is the confirmation that it is possible. Have any idea as to how long this would take to complete?
I almost agree with this. I'd say 10-12%, 6'1", 195 lbs as top goal. 3 years of intense and correct training and dieting and you can get there.
3 years minimum.
Also, forgot to mention, natty from scratch this could take 2-5 years. 2 if you build muscle easily. Some guys are slow at it
Absolutely possible at 10%-12% however it would be your natural limit. Are you just starting to lift btw?
Then I guess I should be finished by 22 years old.
>How achievable is building to 200lbs and cutting to 8% naturally?
highly unlikely as it's been posted already
but those are just numbers, the difference a frame makes will greatly impact these from being possible to impossible, things like broad shoulders or a barrel chest will add more weight
Maybe with below to average genetics & 1 year of lifting experience you're gonna look like shit at below 8% bf. Don't project your limitations onto others.
Remember that Dom hovers around 175-180 at 5'11
Lotus bulked to 195 at a higher bodyfat at 5'11 and he was fucking massive and has been working out a decade or so
>pic related
Pietro Boselli, 6'1" @ I don't know how many lbs but that cunt is definitely natty. Make sure to hit your abs on a separate day to achieve a complete physique like this and don't listen to these permabulk manlet faggots.
>definitely natty
0/10 shit bait
He looks pretty natty. Just nice insertions
t. beta genetics
I never said it wasn’t possible natty, but to come in and claim 100% natty is delusional, head on over to /fraud/ and see some dyel physiques geared the fuck up you faggots
I'm assuming you've attained this magical goal yourself, right? Right. I'm trying to give serious advice here so he doesn't fuck himself up for no reason. 10-12% is already shredded as far as non-bodybuilders go.
>definitely natty
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