Does edging increase test?

Does edging increase test?





Even just looking at porn for a few minutes has increased testosterone temporarily in studies.


I don't know

Can you repeat the question

nothing but angery when I look at this photo

Only if you are willing to go over the edge

That girl looks too young to be having a baby.

Technically yes, but it's not NEARLY enough to make a noticeable change in how much muscle you build.

>That girl looks too young to be having a baby.

Not if she was my girl.

20-25 is the best age range IMO finding an attractive, fun, girl that will actually make you happier in life.

I'm a late 20's fag and I'm speaking from experience.

As they age they start thinking their value is increasing despite a decrease in physical attractiveness. From personal experience, a girls beauty has made me more happy in a relationship than a smart girl desu.

Each their own.


18 is the ideal age to breed

Thanks for your input, Herschel.


Nope, modern people just have children too late

Your're not*


This is why white people will die off. You've let the Jew convince you to "just have fun" until you're fucking 40 and infertile.

As biology intended.

can confirm. looking at a hot chicks ass increases my stamina and strength for a minute

>too young to have a baby

Early twenties is the best time to have babies, user. Women are still young and fertile so they have an easier time carrying the babies and more energy after the baby is born.

I hope by the time Im 25 I have at least one baby with a qt pi

what is edging?

>Men become infertile at 40
Besides If defending the purity of my race means sacrificing my youth then my race can go fuck itsself

Yeah but she looks 14 is what he's saying

Americuck detected.

I went to school with that girl, the baby's dad is black
