Anyone else here done an extended fast? That is, no eating (only water) for more than 3 days?

Anyone else here done an extended fast? That is, no eating (only water) for more than 3 days?

From what I've read, if you fast for more than 3 days you go into ketosis and start burning fat as a primary source of energy while retaining muscle entirely.

5 - 7 days is optimal for cell regeneration and longevity (if you do these fasts regularly).

If anyone's interested, there's an intro video here

Also a study

And a famous experiment

Enjoy looking skinnyfat, why not just IF you retard?

This meme isnt dead yet?

What are you talking about you mong? Fasting is pure fat burn. Enjoy dying early and dumb you absolute mongoloid.

>i don't understand science so i'll call it a meme
Why are 99% of people on fitness boards total mongoloids?

Calorie restriction diets are the real meme

There's been extensive studies on their long-term effectiveness for weight loss which is approximately zero.

If you are OP, why are you even asking? Clearly you're of the opinion that this is 100% accurate and you can live to 1,000,000 as a ripped god while the mongoloids die out. So just do it and fuck off.

How do I lose weight then as a fatty?

Then how come I lose fat, when I eat less then TDEE??

Eat healthier and lift weights
Or eat less and do cardio
Or do all 4 of those for super fast weight loss

Yes I used it to drop 20kg. It works a treat. On the days between waterfasts just do IF and eat in the span of a couple of hours before going into another waterfast, or do IF for a couple of days before going back into the water fast.

Its really easy and you enjoy your food a lot more on the days you do eat. I also don't have any loose skin, apparently this is because your body cannibalizes your extra skin for dem proteins. Stay really hydrated and moisturize your skin as well.

One thing I would advise is to eat relatively healthily on the days you do eat - get your healthy fats and green fiber first, and THEN tuck into the shittier foods you have been looking forward to on your water fast.

How do you keep working out or doing sports when you're fasting for several days?

Some people say they don't notice a significant drop in energy when their body moves to using bodyfat for energy, so for them its fine.

I noticed that I struggled with exercises that I would normally be okay doing, not in endurance just in strength. I'd recommend just doing IF leangains style and waterfasting when you can take a break from sports/lifting.

I still waterfast fairly regularly now and I'm ~8 months into lifting. I'd say the most eye opening thing is that even fasting for a week, I don't lose muscle, I just lose strength for that time but as soon as I'm eating again my lifts are back where they were. Its a pretty potent cutting tool man.

Calorie restricted diets only work in the short run. In the long run you will gain that weight back unless you change the composition of the food you eat or the way you eat it.

If you fast for more than 3 days your body will start burning anything it can to keep you alive.

Luckily people who are going to fast in the first place have mounds of fat for that purpose

>hurr durr I eat carrots instead of beef, I will surely lose fat
You need to reprogram your fat cells, you retard.

Fat cells don't get reprogrammed, they expand or contract in relation to how much leptin and insulin you have and how sensitive you are to those hormones.

>unless you change the composition of the food you eat or the way you eat it.
So basically you gotta eat more nutritious food, not processed shit?

Yes, limit yourself to the perimeter of the grocery store (perishable food) with a few exceptions (whole wheat pasta, brown rice, bran cereal, oils, nuts, spices, coffee)

I did a 7 day fast once, had to end it because I got nauseous and threw up

Gotta take in salt my dude