There is a Pool Party coming up in 7 days. What can I do to achieve best possible mirin results in that timeframe...

There is a Pool Party coming up in 7 days. What can I do to achieve best possible mirin results in that timeframe? Btw I'm sorta skinnyfat

no food and water fast


>7 days

in one week you will neither lose fat or gain weight...forget tying to lose weight or gain size.

the only option you have left is to cut water weight. Drink water like a retard 2 days prior to get your kidneys into overdrive, then stop drinking one day out and do lots of cardio to sweat the water out.

You'll look a lot more shredded and your abs will pop out. Start drinking again when you're at the party. it takes about 48 hours for you to put the water weight back on.

Alright, maybe at least some tips to make me appear swoler than I really am? My crush will be there

Hey, thanks

SS+GOMAD twice a day

and also, quit any kind of sodium now until the party

1. read the sticky
2. fuck off normie
3. you will only hurt yourself doing whatever your little autistic mind is thinking of now
4.lifting is not a one week thing
5. that show was ok

True, in hindsight I should've prepared one year in advance for this hypothetical day. But as with everything in my life, I drag things out and then pray for a quick fix.

So water and sodium diet it is. Thanks Veeky Forums

>pool party
>almost November


have fun retaining all that water

oh man I remember watching that show, what was it called again?

I'm also eating a shit ton of almonds atm, does that help?

Read the damn sticky before you accidentally kill yourself

Spaghetti Loretti.

>pool party
>in fucking October
Where do you live, Australia?

The sticky only says that almonds help me with the recommended calcium intake, but I need strong proteins

Estonia, actually. It's gonna be inside and feature saunas.

y u lyin fo?

This. Where are you from OP?

Op, you won't be the biggest or lost shredded guy at the party. So stop worrying about that and instead focuse on feeling damn good about yourself that day. The more in your head you are, the more you will act like a beta bitch. And if you try to be something you clearly are not (buff, shredded) you will come across as creepy no matter what.
So, here is my plan for you:
>no porn till the party
>no fap 3 days prior
>get some nice pool wear, even if you got to buy new stuff
>get a haircut on the day of the party
>sleep well the night before
>treat yourself well the day of the party
>if you have it, take 500mg phenibut 4 hours prior to the party (do NOT drink alcohol if you do!)
>if no phenibut, drink a bit but don't get drunk. Just lighty buzzed
>focus on having fun, enjoy yourself and smile

Thede are all short term solutions but thats what you get for trying to fix a trainwreck days before..
Goodspeed user

I guess try intermittent fasting, and do whatever exercise you fucking can then. A week isn't going to change anything though.

>Nofap 3 days prior
It's like you want the kid to spend the entire party hiding a boner.

Anna Lasagna?

absolutely nothing

delete this thread

thank you.

Perhaps remember this party, and use it as fuel to motivate yourself to lift from now on. All you can really do is learn from it.

What does he even do?

no, but i feel like you're getting closer!

Basically same thing as alcohol without the alcohol. Makes me feel super at ease around people and very confident. Just like having a light buzz.


Just googled it. Very interesting. Very.

Maybe then he'll learn to stop trying to fix things when its basically too late and starts improving himself daily from now on

I'll look into it. Very interesting.

what is placebo

Train 5 times per day 7 days straight. Do SS + GOMAD for the first 3 days, then switch to PPL 6 times per day for the last 4 days. Consume 1kg of protein / kg bodyweight and you'll be an absolute monster.

Angela Tagliatelle??

This is no joke, you might scare people

Hnng no, take it daily and then stop after a month and tell me the withdrawel symptoms are placebo.
Phenibut was the very first supp i used where I noticed the effects immediately once it started working. As someone with social anxiety, the difference was night and day.

True. Maybe it'll finally be his wake-up call.

not quite, but I feel like Angela was in the name!

Or he just becomes a phenibut addict

No it is..

Social anxiety thread?

First, OP, I want you to rate yourself according to pic related.

>inb4 a hundred replies claiming to be Gamma positive

No, it's Angela Anaconda!

>mfw can just google image search from the start

Still nice and warm here in Florida bud

Wear a really nice shirt.

200 push ups a day

stuff a speedo with something to give yourself a big bulge

Gamma+ is the dream, Beta+ is the reality.

Well done.

I love you user.

Good for you, fag.

Beta minus, desu

whats SS and PPL im new to Veeky Forums