Fitness cringe thread




> all those dudes in that pic could kick OP's ass
> all those dudes in pic easily outlift OP

and this is why i sit down 1 second after every dl set

What made him do the wop? Was it lack of oxygen?

I don’t get it.

Not breathing properly during his reps probably. He probably held his breath during the lift

It's the shock of such a heavy lift to the body that for a moment the arteries have constricted and bloodflow is limited to the brain, leaving him lightheaded. If you lift heavy enough, you get it every time. A milder version, of course.

your spirit leaves your body during dl sets
you're SUPPOSED to hold your breath
what he didn't do was the jet pilot maneuver where they flex their abdomen to increase blood pressure in the brain. it's about blood, not air. o2 levels don't even go down that much after holding your breath for 3 minutes there are OTHER factors at play.
i've always wondered why it doesn't happen on squats though. my guess is that you don't go up as fast in a squat.

I have a 500 lbs reverse grip bench press, kid.

try a 500lb reverse grip with suicide grip

Can you hear the violins playing your song?



Well, it’s called the Dead Lift for a reason.

should have named it fitness jealousy thread

>for a moment the arteries have constricted and bloodflow is limited to the brain
evidence for this claim?

I am illiterate in this subject but my guess would be improper breathing and the muscles taking all the oxygen thus a lack of oxygen for the brain. heavy deads take a shitton of oxygen because your entire body is under heavy load. thats why I hyperventilate before heavy lifts, it seriously helps

All things considered he landed pretty well, luck he didn't smash his head on something

If you think this is cool you should go flex a cep in front of your mom

Green don't look good on you son

always remember to get a lot of oxygen into your body before you brace for a lift kids!

order 66 this meth cartel


Why do guys drink so much before doing this when they know they're going to puke? Is the puking a status thing?

>Name my band

The Meatshits

what the fuck man

delte ths

lol the only one who had a chance at being handsome tattooed his face.
or rather got his face tattooed, maybe it wasn't his choice

That guy is my hero!

Vagus nerve stimulation.

>All that sugar
>Any happiness at all

someone post the webcm where the weight hoarder on the bench press gets his legs snapped in half


plz no

vomiting through his nose must have been painful as fuck... I bet all the adrenaline from that helped him

lmao wtf there is no actual food in there

i see some chocolate milk brah

>this is fine.gif


those same friends tell me your every word


What's the point of that thing under him? Does the extra height help or makes it better?

I often get light headed for my first DL sets/warmup is it normal? It lasts a second and when I start breathing normally it goes away


Is that my boy, Hemingway?

is there no standard anymore?