My weight loss

How am I going Veeky Forums? 2015 (age 16) - 2017 (age 18). I feel great and look even better.

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By the way, my kik is holdmyfries if anyone has any tips they would like to tell me in person

Was it a boy or girl?

i like ur hair i wish that 90s medium part would come back

I'm male lol

THANK YOU I like the 90s look too

congratulations you're almost not disgusting

How did people treat you in highschool?


went from fat with gut to skinnyfat with gut, congrats

I encourage you to go a whole foods based vegan diet. It will help with your bloated as fuck stomach.

I get that i still have a gut, but it is an improvement right?

Lets just say its hard to be accepted when the school suggests you need a special chair.

I don't think I have the dedicatiom to go vegan lol, fuck that

most of the people u replied to have likely not made much gains and just come to Veeky Forums to shit post, ur doing fine, keep it up

how did you do it

you look like the guy that sings breakfast at tiffanys

good progress keep it up i guess

A shit ton of determination, I'll tell you that. Originally I would try to motivate myself to just leave the house and walk around the block, or even just do basic shit like run on the spot or do jumping jacks. I also basically stopped eating almost and starved myself. I know it sounds unhealthy but hey, it works lol. I increased the intensity of my exercising as I got fitter. The pic on the right is me now, I've put a little bit of weight back on but at least I just look overweight and not morbidly obese

based WFPB bro

This diet is the bomb. I regret not switching sooner.

You store fat literally in the worst way you possibly could.
Make sure you do a fuckload of bench and pullups as soon as you can.

And what way is that?

All of it formed together to make a supergut

All in your gut.

for reference

nice job though keep it up

Kinda hard to tell since you took them from two completely different angles

How exactly did you got that extreme belly in the first place? Kudos for your progress!

This. Anymore photos of that gut? I wanna see it head on and in profile.

You need to work on your core aka your abs. Look up ab exercises and how to properly do them. It will help to get rid of your bloated belly.

Having a better core helps out in other aspects of your life too. You'll find that you have more strength than you normally would and your balance is significantly better

And do cardio. Burns fat the fastest. Good luck OP

3d photos of gut

Also, you need to start doing compounds Gutanon. You'd look a lot better even getting to Bobandy level. Keep cutting, but do every compound in the book

he meant the baby

Good job, stay on that cut lol
Reminder that if you're new to training you can build muscle while on a calorie deficit so make sure you get enough protein

Lmao who are you/what's your name? This is the third or fourth post you done with pics of yourself that i've seen. My favorite was the cringe dab one

Two years and fuck all progress. Fantastic job you lazy cunt

Here you go, more photos from when I was fat

Does Veeky Forums not have a regular thread for this?

Try Ketosis, it's not a meme.

Congrats, you changed the camera angle.

arent you vegan stains from youtube


Great work OP. Keep it up.

How far do you want to go? Are you looking to just get slim, or you looking to build muscle? Because you're almost at the point some decent lifts would really sort you out.

How's the skin and hair received? Not trying to be insulting, but we both know pale gingers have it hard. Nothing some dye and a tan can't sort out though.

I'm actually a little jealous of pale gingers at times, because I know a few who've got a tan and dyed their hair, and it's like a totally different person. Amazing how much change you can make for like $50 and a few weeks.

Your 18 and still have time to get your test up so go the gym and lift heavy untill like 22 just to make sure you dont have pink oestrogen nipples when your older