I feel fatter even though I'm losing weight -

Does anyone else know this feel?

Look in the mirror and flex for 15 minutes. You''ll feel better guaranteed.

Lack of self-confidence

I... might literally do this

Well no kidding, I'm fat and need to lose weight

I do it all the time. Become a bit of a narcissist even.

can be a double edged sword, sometimes i feel like a greek god, then i step closer and contemplate if i am actually as big as i think or is my head too far up my own ass

>tfw 6'1 ~155lbs and still have a gut

wat. How is that possible. Is the rest of your body literally just skin and bones?

I mean flexing after I lift is practically part of my routine at this point, whats the point if you don't amiright?

I'm down from around ~280 over a couple of years and I hovered at 210-220 for about 2 years. I was at 210 when I started cutting and its been about 2 weeks. I know its going to come off but right now it feels/looks like my midsection is squishier if that makes sense. Its only making me more committed but I want it to shoo shoo

OP again

I went down to 186 without lifting and looked worse than 220 with lifting

Start working out now before you give up and bounce back

the body dysmorphia is kicking in
>tfw i feel short at 6'1

last pic is from last month, sitting at the aforementioned approximate 155lbs now

planning on cutting to infinity until i cease being fat, also before anyone says "LIFT", I am lifting.

Its the wide hips my dude, I have them as well. Work your lats and us a thumbless grip

Other than being 2 inches shorter and 10lbs heavier than you, we're in the same fucking boat. Shoulda lifted during the big cut but oh well.

I wouldnt wish skinnyfat mode on my worst enemy desu Id rather just be fat again.

>TFW I'm 5'11 at 235lbs and I look better than you.

Dude, you have the worst body ever. Maybe try to lift at maintenance? Don't cut, it's not working anymore. Pack some muscle because you look like saggy ballsacks

You can make it

Planning eating maintenance or a little more at 140lbs, hoping the gut will be gone by then.

Keep cutting, you'll still have wide hips but it'll look cute, and then you can pack on muscle. You're doing great, keep at it.

>ex obese but still doughy (5'11 165lbs)
>didnt lift during cut because baby back bitch
>lifting and continuing to cut but progress is S L O W
>pathetic physique
>pathetic lifts
>legitimately considering blowing my fucking brains out because I have never not looked like either a prepubescent boy or a sea mammal

Hell is having to stare in the eye the man who wasted the best years of your life with his god awful decisions every fucking morning when you see him in the mirror.

honestly i look half decent with a shirt on i swear

Hey man advice aside good for you for losing all that weight. Certainly don't be discouraged by what people say. You look better than before, keep at it

Your gut is there to stay, it's like expecting a shirt two sizes smaller not to stretch after wearing it.

You gotta eat and lift or it won't ever go, I promise you no amount of cutting is gonna fix it, bulk will.

You can start now or be retarded forever, up to you

I mean so far it's gotten smaller every month...

You at 220 looks like what i used to at 6'3 305 lol what the hell is going on here.

you're probably glycogen depleted and retaining more water, you'll look better eventually

there's an inflection point on a cut where you stop looking like deflated dogshit and start looking really good, you'll get there

keep cutting, no point in trying to recomp or something when you're that fat still

Serious question have you ever got your hormones checked? Also, how many cals are you eating? Somehow you are losing muscle and keeping fat

he's not losing muscle at all, he had none to start with and has none now

he was just incredibly fucking fat, he just needs to keep cutting until he's 10-12%

You're more self aware.

holy shit you look better as a lardass