Gym membership ending next month
Want to ask out this one chick, don't want it to be a cringe fest pls help
Gym membership ending next month
Want to ask out this one chick, don't want it to be a cringe fest pls help
>pic not related
Don't do IT you creep
No idea user
I go to some small mom and pop gym and one of the desk girls there eyed the fuck out of me when I was there late at night
You dont unless
1)she is eye-eating you and you make sure you dont have anything absurd about you
2)you are literally greek god tier body wise
If none of these 2 apply, you just dont
Don't listen to those who are saying don't. They are only saying this because they don't have the gonads to do it themselves.
Just say something simple like
>hey, it's my last day at this gym and I was wondering if you fancied getting a coffee afterwards/getting some dinner some time/going for a drink afterwards
Keep it simple. Make sure you have a plan for if she says yes, a destination, a time, a day. Have a back up in case she doesn't like your choice or isn't available that day.
Don't unless the girl is seriosuly and VERY obviously eye fucking you or you're a gigachad
Also, be prepared to be rejected.
>I didn't fancy you anyway you fucking lesbo
Is a personal fave
>>I didn't fancy you anyway you fucking lesbo
>Is a personal fave
lmao, how about a little humility?
The best way to handle a girl rejecting you is to sound like you're actually happy you got rejected maybe even chuckle a little bit when you walk away, it gets them thinking.
Don't do it you retard. Go and meet a girl in a social environment, the gym is full of sweaty blokes wearing headphones.
girls dont feel attractive when they are at the gym, they are sweaty. they dont wanna get picked up there.
dont do it, she will just be annoyed.
You honestly shouldn't bother. If you really want to your best bet is to just go try talking to her and see if she's interesting in going out. Most girls at the gym, no matter what they happen to be wearing, do not want to be hit on. They don't feel pretty being sweaty and out of breath. Sure some will be ok with it either, for the attention or because they actually like a guy, but most girls just want to do whatever they came to do and leave without having anyone approach them.
>sound like you're actually happy you got rejected maybe even chuckle
You obviously didn't want them to say no because you went up and asked in the first place, so this just makes you look like a tool.
>girls don't want to be picked up when they're ugly
Are girls literally autistic
If somebody hits on you when you feel ugly, it's a great confidence boost.
>tfw no friends
>can't meet anyone
>coworkers think im an awkward loser already
what social environments can i go to?
Kek'd and checked
Tinder and Bumble
i don't know man, if that stuff doesnt come naturally chances are that you will screw up sooner or later
but it s ok, you learn by fucking up, it is all about experience
but i'm short, ugly, and have no pictures of me
Cutting to low body fat and grooming improves facial aesthetics, lifting to get swole improves body, height nothing you can do about if you are fully past puberty (but that shouldn't be a reason to not care about the first two).
So you're short, uglt, clearly lacking swlf confidence and socjally awkward.
Maybe work on those things where possible before giving it a crack asking girls out at the gym.
Not being a cunt, just trying to be honest.
Meant for
No worries mate, we obviously meant to tell
the same thing.
You can try but honestly mate. You've probably thought about asking her out for awhile now and have put her on a pedestal. As soon as you do that you lose.
how do i gain confidence and not be socially awkward?
Gym is place for body training; not some dating ground for desperate faggots.
Exception is when two people get familiar with each other through common hobby; so they naturally want to hang out more (i.e. going out for jogging), this is not the case with you two or you wouldn't be in position where you are asking some total stranger out.
Fuck cringe... Bigger problem is how would qt feel when some random nobody came up to her essentially asking for a fuck.
But you don't care how she feels. You just know that you are worth it, you prime gentleman you...
Read about thr subject and go do social things. Force yourself to be social, join sporting clubs or hobbies etc. Sure you may struggle at first, but I guarantee you'll gwt better over time.
learn to accept getting rejected. train like those Muay Thai boxers who keep kicking a tree until their shins heal into some funky thing then they break it again. you gotta do the same thing but for your ego, you'll make it eventually.
Whatever makes you feel good.
As long as gyms stay gyms.
OP should worry less about being rejected and more about others people feelings.
back story
>been going to the same gym for the past 4yrs
>get to know a few other regulars, greet them, small chit chat, but other than that i lift and gtfo because nigga needs to get to work
>few 7/10's, they eye me out a bit, but i ignore them because my tinder game is strong, and i have lifts to do
the relevant part
>match with a girl i recognize from gym
>she starts asking me weird questions
>"do you drive X car? do you have X hair?"
>"OMG! you're THAT guy"
>"you are the hottest guy i've seen in my entire life. you're so reserved"
>"i'm actually quite frustrated with you, i've tried breaking the ice a few times and you just ignored me"
>"i figured you must be gay"
tl;dr - be friendly, "hey hows it going", and keep going about your routine. if they're keen they'll make a point of chatting a bit. otherwise, they might think you're a fag
>Are girls literally autistic
How long did it take you to figure this out?
>others people feelings.
You sound like a creep Op.
Maybe you guys are just too cool for girlfriends ?
Yeah dude
Newsflash user. Women dont want to be approached or hit on at the gym. And us guys dont want you fucking up the vibe. You co-mingle and if you hit it off with a chick you hit it off. The gym isnt a place for your dick. Its for gains faggot
dont shit where you sleep user
>women don't want to be hit on at the gym
Why wear all that makeup and tight clothes then?