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I can live an extra 5 years as an 80 year old man if I never eat meat my entire life?
Where do I sign up?
I stopped eating meat 5 months ago and it was the best decision I've ever made. Cutting is a joke and I've just gotten much healthier in general.
You can live to 90-100 without chronic disease. Every meatcuck nowadays has some chronic disease by the time they're 60.
>Stop eating meat.
not everyone is born gay ok?
Every? How scientific of you
Why do you give a shit what people put into their bodies? it's really not your concern. And yes i do eat meat,as much as i want.
>not everyone is born gay ok?
You were though,weren't ya? ;)
because is polluting the earth, wasting valuable water and is deforesting my country.
so yeah, fucktard.
Enjoy your decreased IQ and vitamin B12 deficiency.
It's not "your" country asshat. If you don't like what it's doing to "your" country,move.
There's really nothing you can do about it so if it bothers you that much,you might as well eat a loaded gun.
You want some cheese with all that wine?
>american life expectancy
>if you dont like how we are destroying this planet move to another one
how may I do this?
yeah nigger, is not like destroying the enviroment because of meatcucks is a good idea, fucktard.
>how may I do this?
I don't fucking know,what am i,your guidance councilor? Geez,fucking shove your sorry ass in a box and overnight yourself to Canada or somewhere. Do it quietly though so we don't have to listen to your complaining and whining.
actually i moved to canada just last month hahaha
>that image
>yeah nigger, is not like destroying the enviroment because of meatcucks is a good idea, fucktard.
Too fucking bad you jerk. No one cares what happens in the future,i'll be long dead by then and you can clean up the mess you twat. Have fun with that,nigger
>actually i moved to canada just last month hahaha
Good for you,it changes nothing.
Keep your nose out of other peoples private business you stupid knuck
the planet isnt a private buisness its a commons
You're an idiot
I'll be dead by meat cancer *
le nihilist fedora man.
>the planet isn't a private business its a commons
It's there for my usage and if you don't like that,too fucking bad.
There is absolutely NOTHING you are able to do about it you little shit stain.
i will continue to eat meat and pollute this planet until the day i die. It's really not your concern and i don't give a shit what happens to you or anyone else in the future. Shove it up your gay ass you sick degenerate faggot
No,i'm a realist. I also don't give a shit and that makes me alot smarter that you.I can see the truth so why try to change it? i can't an neither can you. Faggot
its there for everyones usage yes, thats why its a commons
theres actually plenty I can do about it and it is my concern that you are helping extinguish our race
Actually i won't be dead from cancer.
The rectum cancer you and your boyfriend give each other from the butt poundings is all on you.
>le nihilist fedora man.
I don't wear hats you jackass,i'm not 5 years old
you just know your not gonna have kids because youre a failure and know your genes wont be past on to create future failures
>behaving like a teenager
>on a 18+ site
and yes faggot, we can push the goverment to make meat illegal.
>theres actually plenty I can do about it and it is my concern that you are helping extinguish our race
No,there really isn't besides committing a crime
You just think it's your concern becasue you want to be an edgy,cool,vegan.
You know what, that will change when you stop being unemployed and have no fucing time on your hands. You'll learn to mind your own business because sticking your nose where it doesn't belong really isn't worth it in the long run.
so why are you sticking your nose in my buisness then?
I should look forward to being a wagecuck with no life? lovely life you must have
Yes, goyim. Do not eat the thing that you evolved for millions of years to eat and function best on, and what gave you your big brains, it's poison! Eat instead the pesticide laden grains veggies and seed oils that literally did not exist for your entire evolution.
>lets stay naked in our caves
You can still enjoy delicious meals like pizza when you're vegan :)
less than 2% of chimps food is meat, mostly insects.
chimps didn't evolved eating cows and other animals.
Got news for ya kid, i don't like children.I never wanted them you edgy little pile of puke. Children are a burden on resources,just ask your parents.
>and yes faggot, we can push the government to make meat illegal.
That won't ever happen you stupid little shitface.
>so why are you sticking your nose in my business then?
Because you started it you vegan pussy.
Fyi jackass, i am the one who owns the wage business fucker. I own the business and i dictate the wages for my employees,within state and federal rules.
global warming agreements can tax meat so it becomes more expensive.
Nice self-portrait faggot
This thread is proof you NEED meat because if you don`t eat meat you don`t get the necessary meat protein and vitamines to have a normal functioning brain. Look at how stupid comments stupid idiot vegans make and see the proof for your self. They have an abnormal brain because they don`t eat meat.
no, but i wish i was.
>why should I care
I am not saying that you, or the averabe meat eater, is obese, by using this image. I am pointing out how DISGUSTING your selfish "logic" is.
>doesnt list a single peer-reviewed scientific journal
>lists fucking blogs as if they're evidence for anything
typical fucking brain damaged person who thinks meat is bad
see this is exactly why you're in the position you're in now OP, you're too stupid to consume scientific material and instead rely on blogs written at an elementary level and for clickbait titles.
Even if I eat a mostly junkfood vegan diet?
Obv not
The health benefits are a result of a whole foods plant based diet. If you eat fried falafel with french fries and oreos everyday of course it's not healthy
>>doesnt list a single peer-reviewed scientific journal
this is a meme by people who don't know how academia works
in general primary sources like peer reviewed studies are not the best sources unless you're already an expert in the field and know all the context with how that study fits in with current understanding of the field, and how it might change it
this is why secondary sources written by experts that draw conclusions from many primary sources are the recommended source material on wikipedia for instance while primary sources like studies are frowned upon if not outright disallowed
Vegan starter kit - veganuary.com
Vegan youtubers - activistjourneys.wordpress.com
- Vegan diet healthy for all stages of life
- Vegan B12 in traditional fermented foods & seaweed e.g. tempeh, kimchi etc.
- Loads vegan products fortified with B12 (produced without the use of animals)
- USDA 40% of US population flirting with B12 deficiency due to modern farming
- Processed meattrash lowers sperm count
- Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man
- Casomorphine in milk is addictive
- Milk gives you prostate cancer
- Milk gives you acne
- Heme iron in red meat gives you esophageal and stomach cancer
- Meat gives you colorectal cancer
- Eggs increase cancer risk even when adjusted for intakes of macronutrients or for other food groups
>posting a study where the claim is proven or disproven is worse than someone who looks st the study to analyze it
You can have journal meta-analyses you know, right?
If someone refuses to link a study to a claim, disregard them.
>That pic
You just don't get it, humans didn't evolve to eat fruits, we evolved to eat cooked meat. That's why our heads are so large in proportion to our mouths compared to other primates. Your image is irrelevant since we evolved in conjunction with cooking and hunting technologies.
>implying anyone will read this
My wife's grandfather lived by himself to be 98, helping his kids and grandkids with chores, working out every morning etc.
When those 5 years are your last years on earth and can mean the difference between talking to your great grandkids and never getting to meet them, you'll care.
Now excuse me I'll go read the studies amd decide if their valid, I've been supplementing l carnitine and this is concerning.
Oh so I should stop eating meat because of overpopulation caused problems?
>not cause
Kill yourself for basing anything but future research direction on an observational study.
Help reduce overpopulation. Kill yourself.
Taste isn't the issue. Bleeding from my asshole is.
>high fiber
>no animal fats
>"bleeding from my ass"
Unironically go see a doctor
Oh please you wanker, it's not your concern what people eat. Stop.being so butthurt about something you can't and will never change. Poor baby
All you can do is come on a Turkish basket weaving board and cry about it because you probably already got punched in the mouth for spreading your garbage. All you have left is this board you fucking wimp.
But they won't. Stay mad faggot.
Not the user, but being this confident that they won't is just foolish. Give it 5-10 more years and you'll see how likely it actually is.
fucking kill yourself
Nigga I don't wanna live forever
Milk and meat allday everyday stay Smol vegancucks
Who is paying all these vegan shill to post? There has been a huge influx to Veeky Forums
This, fucking normies are still don't understand this basic ass concept because people don't care for the future, but it will be those that come after us who will pay the price
>why should I stop doing [thing]? It's only damaging because everyone else is doing it, so it's not my fault!
This is bait but people that think like this are the cancer and scum of society, their hypocrisy is disgusting
I always hear normies say this
Guess what, when you feel the grim reaper come for you for any reason that isn't death of old age, you will cry and shit your pants because you don't want to die. You can fool yourself all you want
nice blog
>wanting to live extra long eating boring beans and vegetables
its almost like a balanced diet is the important part not vegan meme shit ey?
>this pic every time
>humans are frugivore
>humans can and always have been eating meat
>humans are literally fucked and would die without artificially cultured vegetables a.k.a. when not eating meat in natural circumstance
oy vey
Yes goyim, stop eating test boosting foods
How are these for meat replacements? I'd like to have most of my diet to be based around stuff like this, veggies etc. but also eat proper pizza and burgers once in a blue moon.
>Meat is causing global warming
>Meat will be banned in 10 years
This is legit delusions.
answer me then veganfags
>Contrary to popular belief, consuming a higher amount of fat (about 35 per cent of energy) is associated with a lower risk of death compared to lower intakes. However, a diet high in carbohydrates (of more than 60 per cent of energy) is related to higher mortality, although not with the risk of cardiovascular disease.
>The research on dietary fats found that they are not associated with major cardiovascular disease, but higher fat consumption was associated with lower mortality; this was seen for all major types of fats (saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and mono unsaturated fats), with saturated fats being associated with lower stroke risk. The researchers point out that, while this may appear surprising to some, these new results are consistent with several observational studies and randomized controlled trials conducted in Western countries during the last two decades.
>The large new study, when viewed in the context of most previous studies, questions the conventional beliefs about dietary fats and clinical outcomes, says Mahshid Dehghan, the lead author for the study and an investigator at PHRI.
>People who read books know a fact that vegetarians do not- that at one point in history, the Earth's total population of humans dropped to between 5,000 and 10,000 individuals, due to the eruption of Mt. Toba in Sumatra, which killed off most of the available plant and animal life on Earth in 71,000 BC. During this period of time, humans were confined to an
>extraordinarily small area of Africa that escaped glaciation, where they subsisted on a diet that was "approximately 50-70% meat and 50-30% plants, respectively." This diet was necessitated by the die-off of plants and animals, and the lack of a varied diet that could have been otherwise obtained though plant gathering. It was at this time that the Neanderthal diet came to consist of naught but meat, due to the complete lack of availability of edible vegetation, which likely lasted for at least 1000 years.(Plants/climate)
>I'll be dead by meat cancer *
>Vegan starter kit
>Vegan youtubers
>Vegan diet healthy for all stages of life
>Vegan B12 in traditional fermented foods & seaweed e.g. tempeh, kimchi etc.
>Loads vegan products fortified with B12 (produced without the use of animals)
>USDA 40% of US population flirting with B12 deficiency due to modern farming
>Animals store vitamin B12 in liver and muscle and some pass the vitamin into their eggs and milk; meat, liver, eggs and milk are therefore sources of the vitamin for other animals, including people.[5][7][25] For humans, the bioavailability from eggs is less than 9%, compared to 40% to 60% from fish, fowl and meat.[26] Insects are a source of B12 for animals (including other insects and humans).[25][27]
>Animal sources with a significant content of vitamin B12 (range among top 20 sources of 50 to 99 µg per 100 grams)[28] include clams, organ meats (especially liver) from lamb, veal, beef, and turkey, fish eggs, mackerel, and crab meat.[4][5]
>Processed meattrash lowers sperm count
>Crucially, however, none of these variations in diet affected the chance of the couples becoming pregnant after treatment, or having a baby. This means the study cannot prove that processed meat causes lower male fertility
>Importantly, the effect of overall meat intake was not related to fertility success, which is the chance of becoming pregnant after the treatment cycles, or having a live birth.
>Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man
>Casomorphine in milk is addictive
>Milk gives you prostate cancer
>Milk gives you acne
Also doubt the"milk=prostate cancer" entirely especially when in the article it says:
>Estrone and prostate cancer risk in men: As far as the estrone levels Maruyama et al. measured in their 2010 study are concerned it is very difficult to tell, whether or not the 26% increase in E2 levels is or isn't a problem.
>The estrone values in the Maruyama study are unrealistic. With a normal range of difficult to tell
>What remains to be seen, though, is whether future epidemiological evidence will support or refute the currently heralded hypothesis that dairy consumption increases prostate cancer risk and whether we will be able to identify more feasible explanations for this relations than those that are implicated by the results Maruyama et al. present in their 2010 study.
>Heme iron in red meat gives you esophageal and stomach cancer
>Meat gives you colorectal cancer
>Processed meattrash lowers sperm count
>Eggs increase cancer risk even when adjusted for intakes of macronutrients or for other food groups
answer me you twats
Over 7.1 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent is released into the earth's atmosphere annually due to factory farming alone.
This is 15% of all human caused emissions, and it's only been increasing. This doesn't include the massive emissions caused by deforestation which take place to make room for the factory farms .
>Denying facts
>Calling others delusional
Please have a look at the advice I offered you in my previous post
Also I never said meat will be banned in 10 years, you dyslexic fuck
mock meats are good, unlike carcinogenic meattrash