Block your path

block your path

this makes me hard but i bet it would smell like black people

*catches STDs*

mfw people don't realise that we separated with nogs, evolutionarily, 40,000 years ago because they did not mix with Neanderthals.

Ayyyy hol' up. So you saying, we wuz kangz n sheit?

Those are actualy good looking girls. Where can someone find those? The only blacks i know are either apes or have an elephant ass or both

This, those are pretty, if not retarded, might even spend time with

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Stacy have you sheboons seen her?

>BLACKS my path

>we seperated with nogs
Neanderthals died out at that time my dude. They only contributed very little to the dna of modern humans. Where do you get this stuff from?

Would Get It:

Would Not Get It:

Shoo Skinny Skelly:

t. virgins

people still think this shit is funny?
ooh i mean praise kek eksde :'DDD

*walks around*



2 and 5


Black girls always look so smug and act like dicks, I want to punch them in the face. The dudes are cool usually, why is this?

> The dudes are cool usually, why is this

lmao. They commit the most crime.

Id smash them all. But the one thing to note is that black women do not smell very pleasant.

They are more violent yes, but the ones I work with are hard working and are nice to talk to. Their wives are complete dicks

You are 100% correct.

I like the one sitting rightmost. I would breed with her.

my cock has no sense of smell