Operation fat gf

Alright Veeky Forumsfags, here's the deal

Been chatting up this qt. She's got all the things I want in a woman. Similar interest, interesting hobbies, intelligent, funny, etc etc.

On her Tinder, she had pictures where she was ridiculously cute. Not cardio bunny fit, but definitely active, and holy shit, she has the most adorable freckled face. She's 5'1", and back then, she weighed maybe 110-120, but she currently weighs somewhere around the 160 mark, which is pretty big for her height. Turns out, she got in a terrible car accident sometime a year or two ago, and was essentially sentient, doing only physical therapy.

Thing is, she has God tier genetics for fat placement.

Her ass has its own fucking zipcode, no joke. She has great tits, squeezable love handles, an hourglass figure, and her stomach fat is the kind that just makes a cute little donut pooch, so she's 100% fuckable, as-is. Even her bob and clean, tight, and symmetrcal. The only real negative thing is that she has a bit of a double chin.

So here's the plan Veeky Forums
I'm going to start fucking/ dating this ham moon, and begin transforming her into a tight, yet thicc, fucking 5-foot-1 Goddess.

Pic was from our video chat last night. I should have gotten a better screencap, but didn't think to, RIP me, and I don't want to post anything I think could be doxxed, like her social media pics.

Aside from a low calorie diet, how do I sculpt the perfect woman from this prime, marbled /fat/?

>Even her bob and clean
Even her bob and vegana are*

>dating someone just so you can change them
That's unhealthy, dude. Not for her, for you. Good luck though.

>dating girl from tinder

This. More trouble than it's worth, and you run the risk of her just upgrading at the first opportunity.

Did you even meet her in person?

Hah, good luck with that.

Just got one myself vary similar but she's 5'6. Will produce superior offspring when we mate. Ordered a concept2 for us to trim up. Bois I'm so excited. Blonde hair and green eyes. Solid core and works at a bank. Sees and improves finances. Both have similar views and want to retire early 30's. We're gunna fucking make it.

>Aside from a low calorie diet, how do I sculpt the perfect woman from this prime, marbled /fat/?
Usually I'd recommend bike rides but she'd probably be very slow and likely owns a shit bike.
If you can convince her to buy a proper bike and actually ride with you then she will retain an excellent shape in her lower body while still cutting fat.

>Was essentially sentient
Just draw your 2d yourself.

>Both have similar views and want to retire early 30's.
Which shithole country are you moving to?
That stuff doesn't fly in the US unless you have massive passive income from real estate.

>lol thanks for the personal training BRB chad wants me to eat his ass

OP you are literally climbing on a train that you know is going to fly off the tracks

hey, fuck, that's a good idea. The wreck fucked her knee, and she has trouble running, with the impact, but cycling is low impact. We have a sort of nature reserve place here that I can get season passes to, and they rent bikes out for the bike trails, there. Literally perfect.

>Blonde hair and green eyes. Solid core and works at a bank

If she leaves, so what?

Better to be dumped by a Goddess, than stay with a hamgod. I'll be making one less fattie on Earth, and teaching her good habits to pass down to her offspring. This is about preserving the human race, and passing her genes down to other generations.

If she leaves, consider it my gift to you, Veeky Forums

>fucking 5-foot-1 Goddess.

She'll never be a goddess at 5'1, but good luck, it might be achievable if the only reason she got fat is because she fucked herself up, and was looking after herself properly before that.

Getting fat girls in to fitness never works, because like a lot of things for women, it's a fashion statement which they will drop as soon as they're bored.

>not liking short girls

Short girls are a dicklet and manlet cope. Amazons are true high-test fucks.

Didn't say I don't like short girls, just she can't be a goddess if she needs help reaching the top shelf.

Maybe she's the goddess of stair and ladders?

I admit, I keked at this.
All hail stepanie, goddess of ladders!

Does she still have that slight double chin while she's constantly craning her neck to look up at you OP?

>implying I don't just like the thought of a petite little thing getting railed by a massive dick
It's like you don't even enjoy loli

kek'd irl

No, it's really only when she looks down at her phone or something.

Not a pedo, so no sir, I don't in-fact "like loli"

>and was essentially sentient
I don't believe this, sentient women don't exist.

Thanks cuck.

My friends sister used to be skinny as fuck. Like fashion model skinny. About 3 years after we graduated high school she put on a ton of weight. Thing is that she’s still cute. May make it my project to get with her and make her Veeky Forums.

Find out why she porked up first, that will tell you if you are going to be wasting your time or not.

My friend said she was depressed and had low self-esteem or something and just let herself go.

It's literally in the op?

Sedentary, fuck

Exercise could break the depression, and get her to turn shit around, but if her esteem is messed up, big risk that when she gets it back, she'll ditch for an upgrade.

Reading comprehension is not your forte is it?

>retire early 30's
>making it

enjoy early death

>tfw I used to date basically the exact same grill
like you just described her down to a T

I know that's not her but damn son

>find out why she porked up
>she got in a terrible accident... Was essentially sedentary, doing only physical therapy

Pretty much sums it up

that sounds like a nice date
basically cardio and keeping her away from carbs and sugar will help her slim down

you should invite her to the gym sometime but make sure to keep it fun

Gonna try to get her into my gym, but she goes to planet fatness atm, because price. Maybe I can convince her to spend the extra, with our sauna and tanning beds kek.

>Tfw I like fair skinned girls tho

Read again, Einstein, I was asking that other guy why his friend got fat after high school.

Won't work. She has allowed herself to be fat. Anyone who is happy to do that will never reverse it.

Your 5'1" GF weighs 5 more pounds than I do at 5'10" Ottermode.

For as much as those cost, I'm sure the sexbot factory will honor your return for the correct size.

Height matters


So she's basically pic related?

>Tfw my dick can only become so erect

You want to start off with really short distances.
Whenever I go riding on bike trails and see couples, the girl is usually going at a lazy pace.
If she has a heart rate monitor, go at a pace that keeps her below the anaerobic threshold so she doesn't run out of energy too quickly and "hit the wall".
It sucks when your blood sugar is all the way down because you didn't eat well and exerted yourself too much.

Yea lots of passive income. Been working on it for 10 years cunt. Just because you poorfags wasted your nut up years on porn and cheap booze doesn't mean everyone else has. Selling three homes starting February with plains to pick up larger incomes. Stay salty subspecies.


>Aside from a low calorie diet...
If she has the great genetics she can do cardio and that's all. Unless you want her to be thicc in that case get her lifting.

>want to retire early 30's

Shit I was about to ask this.....I've been working my ass off since I was 19 and there's no chance I can get to that in the next 10 years.

>t. 39yo here

>I'm going to start fucking/ dating this ham moon, and begin transforming her into a tight, yet thicc, fucking 5-foot-1 Goddess.
Doesn't work idiot. Then she'll be out of your league and looking to fuck Chad.

>Aside from a low calorie diet, how do I sculpt the perfect woman from this prime, marbled /fat/?
Make her eat well and lift and do cardio. How is this even a question?

Opposite happened to me. I met a chubby girl in high school and we became best friends just because our similar interests. I was fit and attractive and she was just the chubby shy girl with a cute face that didn't really talk to anyone that often and just read a lot. I liked her personality so much I ended up with her.

She got fit with me and told me since I was the only guy to even really acknowledge her in high school that she changed for me because she wanted to be the best version of herself for me and I'm 30 years old and we are still together.

your gf weighs 5lbs less than me @ 5'9 skinnyfat-exodus

>not fat
>double chin

>i want to change her

When they will learn. Have fun arguing with her her 24/7 and she either will leave you after changes or will never change.

strong cuck mindset, we need more guys like this

>he actually gets attached to women
I've got news for you, user...

the cuck is strong with this one

Yeah but you didn't go into it thinking "i'm gonna turn this fatty into a thiccy"

You actually liked her. Big difference.

Calling her your gf in both thread title and image title.

Jfc what a loser.

Yeah you're right. Guess that would make a difference.