How can i even compete bros...
How can i even compete bros
>Elephant eats only vegan diet
>Has this massive dick
Its official dudes, vegan diets rule
Fucking size queens
Why do women say that dick size don't matter when it obviously does?
But the fact she actually did that...
and took a fucking picture...
Jesus Christ.
Lol, not even as thick as his wrist
I think its because it doesnt matter to them that much until they are broken in. once they start taking 7+ on a semi regular basis from a boyfriend or whatever anything less than that wont be satisfying
It's a fake elephant you fucking idoits
Australia plz, go back to /pol/
>tfw 6x5
>''i-is it in yet''
I legititmally cried a couple but she didn't see because doggy.
She sounds like a big vagina sloot
To make their small-dicked beta bfs feel a little better.
Its to make themselves feel less shallow, women are aesthetically turned on by big dicks
I know, ive seen girls stare at my dick after sex and i only got a 7.5''
how tall are you? i'm 6' 1" but my dick is average
im trying to convince myself that i'm in the better spot here
Stop fucking horsepussy
>5'11" height
>tfw 8x5.2 dick
>tfw have never been able to go balls deep
5'11" 8.25x6.5in masterrace reporting
Im 6'1'' too
to be fair there is no better spot
Ive hit on and dated girls who were legit 5'2'' (my fetisch) and never gotten to fuck them so dick doesnt count for shit
get an azn qt
>same height
>bigger dong than me
She fucking with you, and legitimately trying to hurt you and mess with your head.
If she is not out of your life, drop her immediately.
If she is out of your life, thank whatever gods may be and never look back.
post a picture of a really tight pussy duh
>pls don't post a child's that would be fucked up
Seriously just give up if you don't have 8"+
Did you not hear me? it doesnt fucking matter...
You think girls are gonna trip head over heels to fuck you if you got a big dick? they dont
Unless its 12'' or more girls wont care about it, they prefer bigger but they arent gonna fuck you on dick size alone
Stop being an autist user and improve other qualities, more importantly up your social exposure.
Once it becomes cheaper, safer, and more readily available, I'm going to get penis enlargement surgery. (they insert and attach a silicon ring under your foreskin). I have a decent size seven inches and fairly thick but that's not good enough for the modern female.
>only got a 7.5"
>Is literally 99.9th percentile
Buddy I got news for you, we're big guys.
relax. i have a gf and she loves me.
i've just always wanted a huge donger. im a degenerate and if i had a huge dick i would work in porn. it's just something i've always wanted, but it never grew past average
See whites were projecting their animal fucking all along
If it's any consolation, the majority of men who try for porn have to do gay porn.
Having a monster cock is somewhat overrated, it's mostly dudes that give a shit about it anyways.
I have caught girls checking out my bulge, and one girl did tell me I should be a cock model though.
Oddly enough a mulatto was the tighest for me. Last azn i kept hittin cervix
>we're big guys.
I dont feel like it
I frequently smash into the cervix of this girl im seeing, i can feel my dick coming to a stop but she doesnt seem to care during
She does complain about having PMS like pain the entire day after so...yey?
>if i had a huge dick i would work in porn
You need connections and to be short to work in porn. no joke
They take short guys with big dicks, place em with small girls and voilá massive schlong.
Having a big dick is overrated, ive prolly slept with fewer girls than you have despite having alot of good things going for me...not sure why im like this but i try to change
>20 y-o
>backpacking hippy chick
>posting next to an elephant dick
/trv/ here, that girl has seen a few miles of dicks I can tell you that
>that quote
fuck you man, i dont need these feels on a friday
Doesnt feel like it. When i said it was small she goes its perfect size. Granted she was tight. And had.few air escaping thrusts.
2nd one said i was big....but not the biggest she had. Other 2 i hit the back
Im about a 7 give or take .25 depending how hard.
But could never make em squirt
>a random quote from a picture on Veeky Forums ruins your friday
You need to seriously reevaluate yourself you weak faggot
>has PIV sex
>cries about it
wow you poor thing
>tfw big dick
>tfw too autistic to ever get to use it
sorry you're too much of a brainlet to understand the quote
How are we supposed to be able to function when we can't feel like men?
do you not have the girth to match?
Ive got the same circumference as the part of a barbell that you put the weights on (I also thought mine was small and was looking for a visual reference) so a bit over 6 inch girth. I have trouble fitting it in with most and unless the girl was a large jaw then oral is pretty much out of the question.
>calls me a brainlet
>actually believes his life is worthless
>actually believes his life is worthless
except i said nothing that should've given you that idea. now you're just projecting, my dude. get help
>mfw I've recently tried to get into traveling more
I guess my subconscious acknowledged it before I did
That quote is true though.
The best way to change your life is to change your mind. If you can't change your mind, change the things that are around you. And if nothing changes, go travel.
The other option is to seek help from God
>do you not have the girth to match?
I got the girth as well, never measured but i am about as thick as my wrist
First time i showed my dick to a girl she dropped her jaw and got scared, highlight of my life.
Another time i was with a girl and i didnt even feel it inside her, she was incredibly wet so i guess it factored in but still hurt my feelings
Current girl of a kind really in that she doesnt seem to care about pain during sex at all and has a delayed reaction to it
She isnt really 100% my type so im having trouble keeping it 100% hard with her, could be that too though...
>Ive got the same circumference as the part of a barbell
Thats pretty big, dunno if you got the same as the ones im thinking of but if you do then grats
>Ive hit on and dated girls who were legit 5'2''
Please, PLEASE do not have a child with one.
>t. someone who's dad is 6'5" and mom is 5'5" and stopped growing at 5'8"
By not being an elephant
>Please, PLEASE do not have a child with one.
Bro, cute girls my ideals height (5'1-5'3'') are incredibly rare and im not planning on kids but if it happens it happens
Standard oly barbell plate circumference
Yeah, well I don't get to use it much, and beyond the first few reactions I don't really derive much pleasure from it either. Maybe women really do have a big enough dating pool to have had bigger, statistically possible (if you are willing to think about how big a woman's sex partner list must really be).
I also think that most women are very reluctant to tell you that it's big, I've had a few girls who addmitted that. There are a lot of bitches who will try to make you feel bad about shit just for the fact that you are impressive in that way, usually not about dick size but im sure it also applies. I guess its an ego cope or something, they always wanna be better than you desu.
The poet Juvenal has two sayings that I think y'all should know
A healthy mind in a healthy body.
When you're out of luck, it doesn't matter how big your penis is.
Wise words
Wise words indeed.
>mfw these people that have a penis that's larger than mine have been brainwashed by porn to think that if you don't have a 10+ inch dick you're small
I don't think you guys fucking realize how fucking lucky you are to have a 7-7.5" dick. Take out a fucking ruler and just look at it. That's almost the entire width of an ANSI A letter paper. Fuck y'all.
>t. barely 6" on a good day
because you beta cucks think not having a humongous dick is a deal breaker
do you like girls with big tits?
>internal organ moves 5 inches upward in the body by being aroused
that's bullshit, but I don't know enough about women reproductive organs to dispute it
>(if you are willing to think about how big a woman's sex partner list must really be).
Dont even fucking go there bro
We are in a similar position and i can tell you that i think most girls have had atleast one guy who is equal to or bigger than us simply by numbers alone
>I also think that most women are very reluctant to tell you that it's big
Yeah ive had this too, some girl started saying "you have a normal dick, its fine" and last times we fucked she was in awe and said "wow, its gotten bigger" with a smile on her face
Girls seem unable to give compliments...dunno why
>Fuck y'all.
Hey fuck you too buddy, in case you havent been paying attention we dont think we are small but nobody is suggesting women are gonna fall over themselves to fuck you if you got a 7''+ dick
Your dick is the last thing a girl is gonna see if you are approaching her like a normal person, why do you think it matters?
>5.5 length
>4.5 girth
Could be worse I guess. I just wish I had coke can dick
>why do you think it matters
Because I'm gay.
I also am never going to lose my virginity, so it'd be nice to enjoy having a large dick by myself at least.
I'm also not your buddy, guy.
You sound like a huge pussy, even on the internet. Rebuild your life, tumour.
Its all about girth. Anything else are just memes.
for guys with long dicks
is it true that fornix feels like a second hole?
I can almost reach it and when I do it feels amazing
calm down kid, you're the one who got worked up from the image in the first place. I hope your friday feels get better, lol
>tfw 6.5
>all the cuckold adds want 8" bull
no all it does is make women jump off you in pain when you reach it
>Its all about girth
isn't that true after a certain length?
and how much girth is enough?
>tfw 4.5" pencil dick
>~7.5 x 6"
>never had a satisfying blowjob
>couldn't bottom out in my ex without hitting her IUD and causing vaginal bleeding
>can't bottom out in other girls without hitting their cervix and hurting my dick (this kills the boner)
>own foreskin and frenulum are too almost tight to retract, so if I go too hard before everything's lubed up shit can tear
still, every time a girl gets my pants down and I hear "oh shit" or "wow I didn't see that for you" it makes it worth it
welp sometimes I hurt my gf but it depends on the angle. sometimes she asks to go deep though. fml.
What did she mean by this
Do you have the /trv/ screencap of the guy who went backpacking in South America and his gf was getting fucked by the tour guide and he’s in serious denial over it?
>"wow I didn't see that for you"
that seems like a massive insult rather than a compliment
Horse girls are crazy. This is known.
it's because i'm dyel skinny white guy. i don't blame them, and they still go stupid once it's in
Dated a horse girl, tightest pussy in the world, I’m talking needed to loosen her up before sex by working my way up from my pinky kinda tight, but she was an absolutely insane cunt.
horse girl here. we are no more crazy than your typical farm girls. we're all "crazy" because farms are fucking boring.
>Your dick is the last thing a girl is gonna see if you are approaching her like a normal person
Found the serial killer.
>half of the girls I fuck complain about me smashing their cervix
My buddy's gf was telling me that "size doesn't matter" is a meme for guys with small penii and girls that don't want them to feel bad.
gays typically don't like big dicks, at least the sane ones. something about not wanting to be shitting 24/7 and fissures
4.5" with fat (maybe 5.5" if I could finally get rid of the pubic fat), and 6.5" circumference. Also have PPP and a slightly tight ferenulum. I should probably just go ahead and prepare my exit bag.
Size matters to all girls, good thing for you small penor men is some girls are tight as fuck. Bad news is some girls are loose as fuck. Girls with loose vagena need bigger dick but 5 inches should be enough to satisfy most girls. I’m only 6x5 myself and I’ve had girls tell me I’m the “biggest” they’ve ever been with.
Agree that size matters. I’m 7x6+ in and have had girls that are seemingly prude comments about the girth. A few have struggled initially but have I been able to go balls deep in every girl I’ve fucked. IMO all girls could take a thick 8 with very little work. Not saying you have to be big to satisfy a girl but sluts like big dicks and all girls have an inner slut.
Lady here. I'm shy so I've only had one partner ever, he was my first everything and has been the only experiences I've had. I think he was about or slightly above average. I loved his penis very much. It seemed big to me. But he gave me a big huge dildo as a gift and I can deep throat the whole thing but it's too scary to put inside me. He wanted to but we broke up and now it's just sitting there. I don't think size matters as much as the person it belongs to, but maybe I was just lucky enough to love someone who's penis was very lovely.
I dunno I just wanted to say that that's not what matters to me, at least. I've talked to other girls or heard their talk and it seems like size is a bonus and sometimes a bit of an issue.
Someone will love you And your penis. You're all going to make it.
My gf is a horse g-g-girl
blue board, man.
If that's you you're not 7" lol. Try not measuring from your asshole
>Tfw me and my gf are the last one.
Yeah dawg either she's a massive slut that takes fists on the reg, or is legitimately trying to fuck with you. Either way bail
>5.5x4.5 reporting in