Opinions on nofap?
Opinions on nofap?
intermittent nofap is where it's at
best of both worlds
It actually works, user. Try it out for a month or two
Why tf do you keep asking? Just do it for a month and see for yourself pussy
nofap is really based on what you want from it.
for me fapping everyday was shitty, then people say fap once a week and even that was shitty.
yeah there are small benefits that happen but the point is to go get laid and not masturbate by watching people have sex. hell even just fapping with no porn seems really beta as fuck.
think about the beta monkey that cant get laid or win fights to establish dominance in the group having to watch the alpha monkey get all that pussy.
Good for semen gains. Keep your sack full
It fixed my chin.
this tbqh
Didn't fap until I was 17. Was a well adjusted young man.
After I started fapping (social pressure) I became an autist
retarded, just don't ever watch porn though
I just lost my virginity this week and I couldn't even get all the way hard. I wasn't nervous or anything. I just wasn't that turned on from the gir, and it didn't feel that goodl. I 100% blame fapping multiple times a day since I hit puberty. (23 btw)
It makes me feel like I'm going crazy and I stop having dreams.
I need to do it. I didn't lose my virginity until 25 but until that point, I had been fapping to god tier male models in the porn industry. It ruined my first encounter...even though the guy was attractive.
I was luckily the bottom and able to get away with a softie...lol. I can't imagine being a male and having to actually perform.
So...i'm giving up porn, and possibly fapping, for 6-8 weeks. I'm already horny but i've been reading about a period of flatlining, aka, a period where your libido drops and basicaly does not exist. Once past this stage, you should be able to start fucking.
Apparently cuddling without sex, helps your brain register what sex is realistically...god speed yall.
Agreed with this.
I do no porn, so far I'm just short of a month in and fuck it's made a difference.
I combined it with no fap for a while and found it just made me flat, but now I'll fap daily for a few days then take a few days off and repeat.
Noporn and intermittent fapping has left me an animal and all I wanna do is shag.
Body feels good too. Wake up pretty clear headed etc. Social Gains are good.
The reality is this board puts
Too much emphasis on it but fuck it if you want opinions that's mine
Do it. However replace porn with women. If you can't get women, start talking to as many as possible and see which one wants to fug. Throw away all shame and ego and just do it, it's something you get better at by doing repeatedly like working out and it's much easier.
I think your test levels from nofap peak at 7-14 days.
Its good to fix not being able to cum with sex because you've jerked off too much
Might as well since most of you won't get a chance to have someone empty it for you.
>don’t fap for 16 hours
>do all your fapping in a 6 hour window
Me as well
porno is the devil's iconography.
the pursuit of blind pleasure will destroy your soul and dopamine receptors.
fapping, like promiscuity is for faggots and betas.
Conserve your reproductive energy until you find the right woman.
Discipline yourself and beat your body into submission.
The test "spike" that people constantly meme about isn't that high and it is completely negligible.
NoFap is a just a bad meme. You could funnel all of that mental willpower and energy into something more fruitful than abstaining from masturbation. If you have a serious problem with porn and it truly rules your life, then yeah you should definitely hop on the NoFap train. But most likely if you're into this fad you're just a 20 y.o., "socially awkward" guy that lacks confidence so you think "AHA! PORN IS THE PROBLEM!".
I definitely think this is the best way. I think it's best to go 1 or 2 weeks without fapping at a time and then reset.
Also, NoPorn > NoFap. Fapping is natural, porn isn't.
I did no fap for a month and figured out it was just a meme creates by desperate men for other desperate men. If you really have issues with porn then quit but if you watch it once a day before bed I don’t see anything wrong with that.
>it's natural to abuse your body and mind with lustful fantasies about women you don't have
No. It's pathetic
>but if you watch it once a day before bed I don’t see anything wrong with that.
you don't see what's wrong with it because the wicked poison has damaged your mind