Working out before breakfast (when fasting)

Working out before breakfast (when fasting)



yes w/ bcaa

No, dumbass. BCAAs are useless without food.

Not only no, but fuck no.


I hit the gym at 6:30am errday. Gains errwhere.

this. only time i can go, i have breakfast when i get back. been wondering if i should start having a whey shake with milk beforehand though to at least have something in my stomach

What you are talking about is not the same as these /fasting/fags. You are good to go bro.

Serious question here,
Ive got a pretty wimp stomach and always prefer to work out fasted in the morning. Does this really have any sort of negative effect on potential gainz? I chow down right after i work out with relatively good food

No good to go bro

You're probably better off with nothing in your stomach but water brah

thanks brehs

the fuck is that filename lmao

No, they're not. You have no idea what you're talking about. The whole point of BCAAs is that they can spare muscle while exercising in a fasted state. That's why even hardcases like Martin Berkhan who hate the fitness industry and all its bullshit supplements use them.

why not? I read that working out on overnight fast forces your body to burn calories

yes, your free HGH will be highest and will get sucked up right into the muscles, breaking it immediately with protein promotes muscle repair

Please explain what your precious bcaas are going to do friendo, you are still missing a lot of muscle sparing amino acids, better be careful don’t want to go catabolic before your brotein shake

Keep telling yourself that bro science and throwing your money away then. I don't care.

would really like an answer to this

Man do whatever fits into your routine and agrees with your body

I would stress our over shit like this. But could never fit enough workouts in the evening

Better to do poor workouts regularly than to perfect workouts occasionally

>your body is going to burn muscle before it decides to burn fat


Personal preference.
Some people say it works wonders, and they feel fine. I like it, I feel I burn a lot pf fat and the research says it is good.

Some people hate it, and just can't hack doing it on the regular. Also fine.

The big thing with fitness is routine, trying to push to hard on something you genuinely dislike will only end in failure.

What the fuck does your comment have to do with BCAAs being useless without food?
Fasting, any fasting, is stupid, so I'm not even going there.