Why the Blaha hate?

-Preaches progressive overload with compound movements
-“Train to build strength not demonstrate it”
-try to go for the longest range of motion for the best size and strength, while improving you mobility
-high frenquency training
-not promoting any fad diets or supplements, just low intake of sugar and saturated fat
-do a slow cut, with a lot of low intensity cardio, healthy and keeps you fuller
-use isolations for weak points

Who really cares if he lies about being a fake mercenary, in the end the man still gives good advice. And if you were cursed with his awful genetics, you wouldn’t look much better. I bet most of his haters can’t even rep out 500lb on the deadlift

Other urls found in this thread:


>slanders anyone who does anything differently
>slanders anyone who looks better or is stronger than him
>looks like shit despite being on gear
>lies about being disabled
>lies about stats
And I probably am stronger than him at 18 y/o and natty

Jesus every time we have a thread about you, Jason, you bring up the same complaint, people appreciate you for good advice for absolute beginners, and your beginner program is fine, we don't hate you, but we're sure as hell laughing at your ridiculous persona and behaviour

dude has been working out and doing videos forever and still has a dadbod

Because he juices but looks like shit.

he's basically a fraud. look up the blahautism. he also lied about being some kind of CIA agent/special ops soldier.

is that my boy hemingway?

His videos are always informative.

oh shit, that's our boy Hemingway

we hate him as a meme lmao, nobody genuinely wants him dead




I wonder if he still likes that .308

>you regurgitate other information.
Is he hating on him for spreading information that has research behind it
Does he think fitness coaches should be spreading information they just think up

He's autism bro. I don't hate him like that shadow man fag, I just want to enjoy the ments.

that's my boy HEMINGWAY

>Why the Blaha hate?
mostly the way he looks and how he speaks
i never really paid attention to the content of his work

bloho, you're not a coach

>youtube drama
>watching youtube fitness channels at all
yall are bunch of women.

He needs sectioning



[Heavy Breathing]

Lmao jesus


Dude, not for nothing, you should really stop watching his videos. I never even heard of him until this board. I went to his youtube channel and watched some of his videos,about 15 of them.
That dude has all the tell tale signs of a dangerous schizophrenic. The shifty eyes every time he tells one of his past "details", the heavy breathing ,the tall stories he tells without breaking a sweat. Making things up on the fly.
That guy is too far gone to help.
I fell bad for that girl he's dating,but according to other people,she's just as bad as he is.
Hopefully it doesn't end in bloodshed.
My father was a schizophrenic and started listening to Alex Jones and Michael Savage on the internet.
He became convinced my mother was a CIA spy sent to report everything he did,after 45 years of marriage.
He tried to stab her one night when they were sleeping. We had him committed to a mental institution.


