>decided about 2 months ago I wanted to be able to run 3 miles in 24 minutes or less >start running every morning >finally made it this morning
I know its not fast, but it still feels good setting a goal and achieving it. Although the problem is I dont exactly know what to do from here.
Brody Jenkins
3 miles in 20 mins
Ayden Watson
good job, now aim for 22 minutes
Zachary Williams
Front squatted ur mum
Jack Lewis
Congrats user.
Finally hit 1/1/1/1 this morning (no bully, only been at it for three weeks). We're all going to make it.
Evan Bell
That actually seems pretty fast.
Henry Collins
Are you trying to say that your OHP, bench, squat and deadlift are all 135 lbs?
Xavier Ross
How the living fuck can you ohp 1pl8 but also only dl 1pl8?
Jaxon Gutierrez
Take your game to the road now son, you've graduated from the tred
Daniel Ross
Maybe for a fatass.
Hudson Taylor
Just started, and doing ICF. I go up in weight 5-10 pounds per lift each session. Deadlift is actually at 205 because I started at 135 with that one. But yeah. 1/1/1/1 for now, until I go for a 2pl8 DL later this week.
Ian Morris
Hey, at least it's the Army minimum pace for 18-25 year old men, but for an extra mile.
Aiden Brooks
Could only do max 5x5 BW chins, the other day went 8x6x5x5x3. Feels good at 225 bulking
John James
>implying the murrican army is anything to want to emulate.
Zachary Nelson
>Hey, at least it's the Army minimum oh wow
Wyatt Walker
Not suggesting you should target the minimum. Ranger pace is 2 miles in 11 minutes or so. I can also promise you that tub of shit on the right is not within the regulations, and is probably on all sorts of flags barring him from awards, promotions, and benefits.
Parker Wilson
Or he's just a fat dude with an army shirt?
Blake Barnes
Actually looks like a DFAC in the Middle East. Pretty sure this guy is some non-combat MOS shitbag who didn't get kicked out because his unit was deploying. We had to work with many of them, from truck drivers to mechanics to quartermasters when we were inexplicably attached to a transportation brigade for convoy security. Would love to see what's on his plate, since pigs like this are usually on a formal NCO-enforced diet and exercise plan. Guys like this are a fucking disgrace to the uniform.
Jordan Scott
Ranger 2 minute mile is just sub 13 minutes. Thats not that insane. OP could probably do that.
William Adams
Treadmills don't count
Grayson Bennett
Why wouldent they? Its a more precise metric IMO.
Bentley Thomas
tru dat
Asher Turner
because treadmills are different than running outside. Running on a school track is the gold standard for timing yourself.