How to prevent aging

What is the best diet, eating pattern and workout to prevent aging Veeky Forums ?
I don't care about gainz, just want to stay young.

I got some bad news for you man...

antioxidants are key

Start fasting
Increase consumption of :
Omega 3

Moisturize your skin to look younger.

sleep eight hrs a day. never miss any and keep it tied to the sunrise/set.. and drink ample non fluoridated H2O on top o that cold water immersion as often as possible.

Fellas he needs real answers.

Op to stay young you have to steal youth from others.

There are a few ways to do that. Some woman like to rub placenta and forskin on their faces. Some like to drink childrens blood.

Exercise ages you btw.

60%veg, 30% meat, 10% fruits nuts and berries.
No excess sugar or alcohol
Keep hydrated
Daily activity, high intensity exercise and athletics creates accumlated injuries that shortens your life and ages you prematurely
Learn how to deal with physical and emotional stress
Pick up a hobby that keeps you mentally engaged
Exercise as a way to take stock of your body, weaknesses, injuries, small pains, keep your basic strength, endurance, and flexibility up, and self repair and self healing.
Not being a low level athlete so that you can get the side effect of weight loss and muscle mass and strength gain.

absorb the life force of a young child

vegs are a meme
raw meat & eggs

* CRON - Caloric Restriction, Optimal Nutrition (google it).
* Maintain a low body weight
* Avoid stress
* Do light exercise, nothing strenuous
* Avoid the sun, alcohol, smoking, and drugs
* Keep polyunsaturated acids to a minimum, and when eating PUFA make sure it's with adequate vitamin E.
* Eat betacarotene rich foods, but avoid betacarotene in supplement form
* Eat vitamin C rich foods, but avoid vitamin C in supplement form
* Drink water

Just stay out of the sun...UV rays is the number one cause of looking like shit.

>* Eat vitamin C rich foods, but avoid vitamin C in supplement form

>Sunscreen everyday
>Water only washing for your hair
>Try to stay as stress-free as possible

There's been some compellibg research regarding protein-rich plasma and foetal stem cell infusions

Vegan's look like shit and don't live longer then people who have a healthy omnivorous diet.

It's always best to consume vitamins/minerals from food sources rather than isolated.

If you're eating a CRON diet or eating for longevity, you shouldn't need to supplement anything. Some vitamin/minerals are toxic in excess.

Vitamin C is water soluble, but it could make you ill if you're taking it in pill form, it's practically impossible to megadose on food alone, so you'd just pee it out. The pill however may induce vomiting/diarrhea. If longevity is your goal you want to minimize all stress to the body, and vomiting/diarrhea is stressful. It's also why strenuous exercise isn't recommended, it's stressful to the body.

>He doesn't know about hormesis

Kill yourself and you'll never get any older.

objectively false, do basic research ffs

Lift regularly
Fast periodically
Severely restrict refined carbs and PUFAs

>prevent aging

Edit your genes to induce negligible senescence. Other than that, you can't do shit. You'll die at like 80 - 90 like the rest of old fucks but at least your last 10 years won't be miserable existence if you do shit mentioned itt.

In my life, I've met 2 70 year olds. 1 guy looked like he was in his 40s and the other looked like he was in his 50s.

Both these guys excersized everyday for years.

That's raw vegans who only eat fruit. Normal vegans look fine.

How do you fit years worth of exercise into a single day every single day?

Eat plenty of water.

Water is the key. Human beans are about 60% water. It helps your skin stay elastic and taut rather than getting wrinkly.

Also do yoga to maximise your mobility is later years. Start doing it for 20min a day now. You'll thank me when you're 90 and still banging college chicks.

lmaoing @ u

8 hour arm workout

infant blood transfusions x F

keep your immune system in tiptop shape to kill cancer cells before they grow while somehow secreting telomerase. Bam. You won't age due to cell division telomere cutting. You may possibly age through mitochondria unmigrated genetic information degradation by adenosine-3-phospate generation but meh, that'd take a lot of time. If your immune system won't hold you'll bulk up with cancer tumors though.

Well if you are white OP I would avoid lifting if longevity is your goal. If black you can tho

but those 2 extra hours of sleep are lost everyday so in the end you dont live longer, but live later

Yikes anecdotes

>Be 31
>Starting to get some small wrinkles

You can only really see them if I look in a powerful mirror. I think I'm doing ok though, when I look around at my friends, peers and other people my age most of them are starting to look like complete shit

>Eat plenty of water.

>Human beans are about 60% water.
You sound like you are just trying to pretend to be a human at this point.

>skin stay elastic and taut
Okay this is getting very suspicious here. Mark Is that you?

Unironically eat more fish (but not the kind thats been known to carry lots of mercury) and avoid sunlight.

omega-3s are pufas

I've heard that blood transfusions with children and living in colder climate areas will make you young and stuff.


The blood of the youth.

It is fact you little slag

genetics, also dont drink or go outside

Yeah I meant omega-6s; the other guy probably did too.