>tfw cute boy
How do I become a slayer chad? Girls just seem to want to hug and kiss me because I'm adorable. How do I get sexy time?
>tfw cute boy
How do I become a slayer chad? Girls just seem to want to hug and kiss me because I'm adorable. How do I get sexy time?
When will they learn
I'm not a manlet btw
if you need to post this question on a filipino organ harvesting message board you'll never chad
Chads are born bro, you just don't become chad like you're an evolving pokemon.
unlock biceps and abs
Take your dick out and put it in their face
Get on roids like the Chad in the pic. The reason why you look like a "cute boy" is because you lack testosterone.
eat healthy to increase your testo
cut all high carb high fat food
only drink water so you look less puffy
no salt
go boxing or play american football(what tough men do)
lift heavy weights 3-4 times a week
eat a shit load of protein
what's wrong with food that is rich in healthy fats?
Just be confident
Not memeing if you act extroverted youll have easier chances of getting pusspuss
1. Be a star athlete in high school and college. Dream of playing in the NFL
2. Get injured.
3. Turn that same obsessive drive and focus into creating your own business.
4. Sell business for millions to Bolt Media. Become rich in your mid 20s.
5. Create new software company worth tens of millions.
6. Become an angel investor in other businesses.
7. Be awarded CEO of the Year 2014.
8. Be handsome with blue eyes.
9. ????
10. Profit!
It worked for the guy in your pic. It can work for you.
Of course, if you were born ugly, stupid or disabled in any way, you're basically fucked. Face it, some guys just win at life from the day they're born. We call those guys Chad.
I did that faggot
>tfw didn't become chad till senior in hs because skelly due to cross country and soccer plus really late bloomer
>senior year pops around i shoot up from manlet 5'9 to manlet king 5'11
>start to put on actual weight after XC ended
> still hit the gym during xc though so had noticable noob muscle plus shredded af
> even got a pic with two random girls at a cross country meet lmaoo (they came up to me and legit just wanted a pic)
> slayed one thot towards end of senior year, then over summer one dime from my graduating class dm'd my friend for my snap and then hooked up with her
> fast forward two years later to now in uni
> went from 148 runner skelly to jacked 185-190lb alpha
> any party I go to I don't even have to try to get pussy, they always come to me
> lay pipe or get head in my car or random bedrooms during parties ( frat parties though so sluts are dime a dozen)
> currently fucking a girl rn though who has mulitple betas hitting up her line and she chills hard with some dood in one of her classes because he does all of her hw and let's her cheat off of his tests
> this guy is taking it way too seriously and thinks she's actually interested in him
> just getting used for school like the beta he is
> fucked her twice last night while she ignores his texts
> he has no fucking clue that this is going on
i have another hilarious chad story if anyone wants to hear
go on.. i like these chad stories, should be a thread
>chills hard with some dood in one of her classes because he does all of her hw and let's her cheat off of his tests
>just getting used for school like the beta he is
damn must be nice to be a female
Find a Chad to hang out with and become his Chadawan. Pay attention to what your shredi bros do and pick up some of their mannerisms. Pretty soon you'll be a master with your saber and not a masturbator.
>Get big
>Find a qt3.14 bi girl that will love even your feminine aspects
Physically I'm fairly masculine, gained 40lbs since I started lifting, but I'm kind of a fag in other aspects. She likes that stuff too.
If you have to ask, you'll never be Chad.
Lift, eat, sleep and meditate. Be yourself, be good to the people around you and watch life unfold.
Chad is nothing more than the guy that fucked the pretty Stacey in high school. Stacey is now a single mom and Chas works at McDonalds. Meanwhile, user is growing more and more into the man he's supposed to be every day. If only he cared less about what other people think about him.
Can you be a Chad if you're not white?
No but you can be a Brad
here's an example of an asian chad.