Gf for 2 years dumps me

>gf for 2 years dumps me
>gives bullshit excuse...
>oneitis her for next 3 years
>blocked, ignored
>feel old
>decide to learn how snapchat works (literally to steal features for possible app i will make)
>"would you like to add Krissy? here's her username"
>google username..
>leads to blog written in her style
>mfw she was fantasizing about a gym-bro a week before she broke up with me
i'm done with women and their infinite vileness
i've felt so little for so long, i'm literally just a machine now.
how can i turn into a gym stud and completely RUIN these whores?
what HELLISH ROUTINE would Veeky Forums advise? I'll do it and start my own blog for you

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At least she didnt cheat on you


If you're lifting to spite a bitch you'll never make it.

True progress comes from within

I feel like half the people here started lifting from heartbreak

that's why you need to always be the one who cares less in a relationship

she monkey branched instead

I wish I could leave your sad cunt. 3 years and you're just now thinking about hitting the gym?


I'm not lifting to spite her.
After years of being depressed, I finally actually went non-highschooly numb to a lot of shit.

I'm lifting from a utilitarian place of "hypergamying monkey branching whores should 1) free their men of their slutdom 2) experience a hard heartbreak slap to the face"

and i want to do this just by flirting a bit at the gym, finding out if they have boyfriend, then when they reveal "i broke up with my bf because i think you're hawt and we flirt"
i want to go "oh, i was just talking to you because i felt bad for you. lol, i'd never date you. best of luck tho"

cuz ur a shit human, op. get some hobbies besides lifting. something other than blogposting.

you made your ex gf your oneitis?

I don't get it.

This is more true than many would think

true for me too

You're not entitled to women, stop acting so bitter that you weren't good enough and improve yourself. If your girl is not happy then why should she stay with you?

>literally to steal features for a possible app I will make

If you don't know the fucking features of major players like Snapchat and IG, what the fuck do you think your app is going to bring to the table that's new?

>blaming OP for his gf being a whore
Wew lad

>he's never been in love with someone

three years is a bit much tho


everyone starts because of wommins
those who keep going do it for themselves or to intimidate dudes

Are you a skelly or a fatbro?

If fat then I reccomend HIIT workouts

skelly I can't help you with that, no experience.

Being numb is always highschool girl tier user, it is a bitter pill but not being strong enough to deal with your emotions is weakness.

or eventually to attract dudes

intimidate dudes into fucking them

Scandinavian detected

That's a pretty lost cause because these type of chicks always have their ducks in a row before breaking up. You'd just be one of many ducks and feed her ego every time you give her attention.

>Gf for 3 or 4 years dumps me
>Try to forget about her for a few years
>Get curious, go searching online to see how she's been
>Dropped out of college, has multiple camwhore accounts, got fatter

find you 12RM, then do 10x10 deadlifts with that weight
then squat and press a little, doesn't really matter

Holy shit real advice. If OP and any other young male would realize this, then I believe there would be less of these stupid, pity party threads. This is why emotion and empathy can be cancer if you have nothing else going on in your life. Move on OP you faggot. It's not easy but for gods sake you don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you. Life will be fine just stop this sob story and strive to be better.

>10x10 deadlifts
This is sure to guarantee him a one way ticket to snapcity

>high school gf breaks up with me after 2ish weeks but I'm a nerd so absolutely heart broken
>she offered me a handy behind a church but I pussed out because I was circumsized and wasn't sure how big I was
>forget about her for almost 10 years
>she's going out with a pasty manlet ginger
>I get the last laugh

They all do that tho

I agree that OP should get better at dealing with his emotions, and that 3 years is waaaay longer than you need to get over a breakup, but to just blame the guy for "not being good enough" as if women are goddesses walking among us; that's just something that I can't get behind.

Perhaps women were always like this, but at least nowadays there are no real social consequences for monkey branching and fucking around, so it becomes very clear that for most women, the definition of love and relationships is vague or completely undeclared. For them love seems to be more about " who makes me feel special and tingly down there at this very moment" rather than an actual bond with a reciprocal desire for growth and happiness.

Trying to get revenge is a childish way to deal with it, but I wouldn't say its unjust. In general if women were treated as an average looking man gets treated in her day to day, she would go absolutely insane due to isolation and rejection and probably be depressed because people wouldn't treat her special because of the gash between her legs.

I started lifting/running because I sit in a chair for 12+ hours a day and didn't want to die of DVP at the age of 30. It got out of hand and now I have a 3x BW DL.

don't lift out of spite

don't become a misogynist (unnecessarily)

realize that the woman you were with just treated you badly, and that not all women are like that. in addition, reflect on how you treated her (as you probably did things to her and/or didn't give her what she needed, like i.e. maybe you were a fatass and she was hotter than you).

in any case, lift out of sadness (or more technically, saudade ---->, rather than spite. let that sadness transform into aggression while you lift, and ultimately darkness in the form of your physical body as muscle mass.

idk but that shit worked hella for me

You clearly have trouble reading. OP does not lift. His girlfriend left him for a guy that lifts. After finding that out he came here for advice and to start lifting.

That picture is incredibly stupid

what's wrong with it?

also don't take the archon/aeon shit seriously

think about those terms as metaphors for either yourself/God/the Individual (as the aeon), and the materialistic system (as the aeon)

Dude, it's been 3 years and you never improved at all in this time? She had the right idea leaving you.

both corporatocracy and communism should be closer to the "illuminism" desu.

My bad, I meant be better for himself not necessarily for women. Be proud of who you are (because it doesn't sound like OP is truly happy with who he is) and that will help with whatever mental demons he's fighting. It's fine if you're not, and you won't always be--but you gotta be able to pick yourself up when you fall down.

I think honestly you have to accept how society and women are today. I wouldn't get hung up over it or pretend their goddesses for sure. Just put yourself out there in whatever way you like and if someone respects you for who you are then great. If not, then don't expect anyone to coddle you. There are still good women out there, but you won't find them sulking around.

I'll say that I'm blessed in that I'm married to someone who likes me for how terrible I am, so I'm probably more biased in this. But I recognize that if we ever decide we're no longer good for each other then we owe it to ourselves to not prolong it. That's not an easy idea to deal with but I'd rather be with someone who loves and appreciates me than someone fake (but who I really like). Hopefully that's a little more coherent.

Basically don't beat yourself up OP

learn how to move on and stop your stalking faggot. That isnt an attractive trait. I don't believe your little bullshit story about accidentally finding her on snapchat. You probably stalked her and you need to get help soon. Stalking some chick for 3 years isnt healthy for you.

>im numb
>i want this marginal sense of satisfaction from an elaborate plan that won't work
>i promise im over her

Sure user, sure.

This tbqh OP.

lol ugly loser

>white knighting a whore you don't even know

go back to /r/incel faggot

Pasty dyel gets cucked by guy who lifts

Sorry OP chicks aren’t into genetic trash who can’t protect them. She’s probably getting impregnated by Chad as we speak. Keep ripping that fedora though

Right? Especially after two years of relationship. OP means to tell us that she never displayed any sign of dissatisfaction, and this was entirely out of left field? How blissfully unaware of your significant other do you have to be to genuinely believe this?


I mean, that's just normal. Most men use the gym as a coping mechanism after they get dumped. The great thing is, you'll notice that living fit and healthy makes you happier, and you find more in working out than just aesthetics. The gym is our sanctuary, our temple. Where you go when you have nowhere else to go. When something shitty happens in your life, you can always lash out that fury on the deadlift, or sprint in a mindless trance on the treadmill, forgetting everything shitty that happened to you that day. Fuck I love the gym.

I think it says alot that a lot of men feel the need to "improve" after a breakup, they are left insecure, hurt and paranoid.
Now how many women do that? Instead they share some inspirational quotes about being too good for this world. They are muthrfuckin princesses and the worlds gonna know! When I grew up I genuinely believed men had an advantage in love and sex because we are constantly told it by the media, parents, our own self hate. It's mad how blind I was.