Where do you find the top 1%?

Where do you find people with:
>135+ IQ (1 percentile)
>6'4+ athletic frame (1%)
>at least 7 x 6 inch penis length and girth (1%)
>20/20 eye vision
>perfect blood pressure and health

Even the most alpha kid in my high school didn't fit in this criteria and it was an Upper middle class high school. Sure there were some that were close to this ideal but not quite the complete package.
President Trump doesn't even fit this ideal
but I'm sure he surpasses many in IQ tests

I'm guessing those guys who fit the criteria went to schools where you'll only find the elite, ami right?

I'm pretty beta. I have an average IQ, average height, but my penis is in the .01% of men in penis length (even if i'm a needle dick)

have you met a guy like this? I have not.

On this board apparently

You have summoned me?

I am here to answer your questions.


I probably fail the iq part, dick girth is half an inch from being there, and my eyes are absolute shit. Oh and I'm only 6'2

the nords meet your criteria

Not on this board.

Everyone here is more like the bottom 1%.

>Im smart enough (I think)
>6'2 moderately athletic frame
>8 in wang
>shit vision (contacts tho)
>Great health family history of long life
>Actually a fucking piece of shit who leaves his dorm to lift and go to class

I can make it r-right?

Dolph Lundgren meets that criteria. He’s literally the pinnacle of humanity.

fuck off /r9k/

>8 in wang
link to pic

not tall enough to be alpha. You probably look physically imposing though but it doesn't cover up the fact that if it wasn't for the invention of the eyeglass you'd be a beta.

I'm not even memeing, I'm financially in the 1% thanks to parents, my IQ was tested at 146, I have perfect blood pressure and general health, and I'm very athletic (gym every day lifting or cardio). I'm in 1%!

Lol nah jk, I'm a 5'9 Jew, I ain't goin' nowhere

>130 IQ
>6.5" length, gorilla-tier thickness
>perfect vision
>great health

I'm happy with my stats, I truly feel as though I got a solid roll (also white straight American). I still have my hair at 32. Decent face also. I'm going to make it, you cucks.

I'm below 135 iq
vision shit

otherwise I fit the criteria

try Iceland

>Jew in the 1%

>32 years old with those stats
>still hasn't made it
What's it like knowing you spent over half of the good years loitering around while playing on tutorial difficulty

He really is a god of a man

Dolph 4 president

>prob 120
> 7 x 6 inch give or take .2
>bad eyes
>perfect blood pressure and health
>athletic sorta
>ugly face

>20/20 eye vision
>mfw 20/15 vision
Eyelets when will they learn.

Nice trips

But I think you're misunderstanding those statistics. Most of those traits are not correlated with each other, so based on the criteria you laid out you're probably talking about 0.001% of the male population, if that. In terms of probability, the chances are independent and thus multiplicative. I don't think there's any place in existence with a concentrated proportion of this tiny fraction of people, unless you believe in some conspiracy theories.

Where do you find them? Well 99% of the time you don't find them, obviously. Besides this dumbass criteria is more like 0.1%.


>137 IQ
>7.5x6 penis (dunno what people do with bigger, even this has given some girls problems)
>Personally my vision is often blurred, possibly fatigued, but optician measured it as 6/6 (20/20 equivalent).
>Got that blood pressure and health on check
>210lbs at 6ft with 11%~ bodyfat, still manage to run 2.4km in 11 mins - RAF fitness requirement - so I do alright

link to a pic pls

If Dolph was so alpha, why don't we all look like Dolph?

Checkmate betas

Don't be such a faggot, user

He's Swedish though

So you're actually a 5'10" king manlet, neat

>IQ (~130 according to the online mensa test, does anybody even get legit tests anymore?)
>5'11"(at least I'm king)
>Shoulders are like 22.5" and most of my frame measurements that I've taken are quite a bit above average.
>If we are super precise then 7.3x6.25 dick
>I don't actually know my vision score as the last time I've been to an eye doc was when I was 10 or so, but most people are surprised at my ability to read small font far away
>110/70, 60-70 bpm resting
>Generally pretty athletic, picked up sports with ease and played on teams throught my school years

Still have only had sex once though, must be the face.

It's all lies anyway.

Heard that hes a bit of a dick somewhere

>At least 130IQ
>7 incher
>Good health

But I began my life as a whiny doughy beta and all I had going for me was height. Given my best pally is 6'1" and similar statistics, I'd say the best place is at a martial arts facility with great community and instruction

How do you know the size of his dick?

Being alpha is not dependent on those traits, and having those traits does not automatically make you alpha.

Nor does success rely on those traits, although IQ is very strongly correlated with most definitions of success. I think you're confused OP. Why would you look at alpha people and expect them to have huge cocks and perfect vision? There's no logic to that.

In manga.

He's not lying about a cock that size giving girls problems.

I'm all of these other than height, only 6'0". Sad!

Also what kind of dicklet set the size at 7", it should be 8"x6".