>''you won't eat the pizza because you have to count calories?!''
''you won't eat the pizza because you have to count calories?!''
"Because I have self respect. I put in time and effort into my health and fitness. You valueless whores would never understand what it takes to have dedication to anything."
LMAO like Chad would ever say this. He would eat the pizza while banging all of them
Why would I fucking care about some pathetic narcissist like that?
If you spend time with shit-tier humans, you can certainly enjoy the slop they consume.
>eat the pizza while banging all of them
That's fucking vile. Imagine all the grease.
Jesus Christ you need to wake the fuck up and get your ass in gear. Real men don't talk like that, you're just disappointing your ancestors. Think about what your mom or dad would think if they heard you say that shit. Get a grip man.
When /mlp/ visits Veeky Forums?
Jokes on them. I don't give a fuck about calories. I just jizzed in the dipping sauces.
Chad is a magical creature to whom the rules do not apply
He doesnt need to train, he puts on muscle anyway
He can eat what he wants, he doesnt get fat
He doesnt need to approach girls, and they dont need to approach him. They just simply exist in his presence
>they just simply exist in his presence
No, I won't eat that pizza because a nigger touched it.
This probably isn't a popular opinion, but the only pizza I like is artichoke, ham, pineapple pizza
What the fuck is artichoke?
>implying I don't autistically count calories the rest of the time specifically so I can eat whatever in a social situation
You're making physical gains, but when will you learn how to make social gains?
The GOAT pizza topping
It's when I strangle fuck your mom in a museum
like an autistic, half bred cousing of an Olive
Wtf kind of artichokes are you eating?
yes, i too find it sad when my veggies dont make eye contact with me
>>eat the pizza while banging all of them
>That's fucking vile. Imagine all the grease.
I'd lick it off their tits
hehe i'l do anything for pussy!
pathetic nigger.
If this was a scenario in real life these cunts would be so vapid, I would just say passive aggressive shit like "oh man you should start counting the way you guys eat. "
UNder rated
I treat myself to a papajohns pizza once a month
Two slices per meal though and not gobbled up in one sitting
A true red pilled man right here
I do the same since I cut to 15%, unfortunately I don't think I'll do it again as i realised it always seriously fucks with my digestion for like a week after
When I got it more often I didnt know it was to blame, I'll probably get one a few times a year though because it's so good
We have a win on the artichoke, so difficult to find decent places which do it in the UK
Tbqh I poop out small chunks and pellets whenever I eat the pizza.
His ancestors are dead. Nothing left to be disappointed.
>''fucking moron, user''
Men don't diet. Why would you count calories as a man? Are you gay or something? If you're getting fat, exercise more.
>roleplaying as an anime villain
alright chief
ou hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza
Girls look at your gymcel body and think "ewww what a try hard" while they look at the chad and think "i love him, he just does what he wants, not even concerned about the whole bodybuilding thing".
Chad STILL looks INFINITELY better than you because of his GENETICALLY DETERMINED HEIGHT, FRAME and FACE.
Women are getting more and more choice and validation and its either CHAD or NOTHING
Why haven't you gymcels learnt yet?
>semi-muscular 40 year old jewish looking dude in jorts
pick less than two
Who can't fit pizza into their calories for a day? Is everyone here manlets? Even if I'm cutting I still gotta get 3000 in somehow
I can't distinguish satire from real posts anymore
They'll all be fat in 6 years desu senpai.
no they are Brandy Melville models, they will stay skinny and then marry some rich chad
that's fuckin hot senpai
>his macros don't have room for pizza
Diet-autists are fucking laughable.
>110g of fat in one slice
I do endurance sports so when I see a pizza I don't see calories I see fuel.
What's autistic about this? If he calmly and confidently says this after they start laughing and making fun of him, and then leaves, I don't see how that is socially awkward. You brainlets would probably crumble from the pressure and be like "H-haha...I-I was j-just kidding...! I eat p-pizza all the time!"
>Eating meat
I eat pizza almost every week and I'm lean as fuck. You fuckers are either fat slobs who can't control themselves and eat a few slices of pizza, or just autistic counting macros.
"I won't eat the pizza because I don't want to look like you."
I've witnessed pictures like this being taken, and it's just downright bizarre. Everyone grabs a bit of food, puts on and holds a fake laughing face for about 10 seconds while a homosexual friend snaps maybe a dozen pictures, then they put the food back and sift through them. We have to fix modern women.
>toothpick legs
>dyel forearms
welcome to the internet
pic related same women 10 years later (2 dead of beetus and heartattacks)
whats up with those stick forearms
the stick legs are standard, but how can you even underdevelop your lower arms that hard while building ok-ish delts and biceps? (tri 404 lol)
whatever fucking los3r. yaaaas queen slay brap hehheehe
>touching her hair with greasy pizza fingers
why are stacies so groce?
No, but I don't like to have any food, while sitting on a sidewalk drenched in homeless piss and hepatitis b
you mean welcome to Veeky Forums. there are world class shitposters on this website
> *teleports behind them*
> *unsheats fedora*
do you live in Chernobyl? What kind of artichoke have you been eating
fuck you guys I have big arms and my forearms wont grow, I assume its genetic