
best place to receive girl/relationship advice from roiding faggot manlets.

Read all of reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index before asking your absolutely retarded questions. no exceptions.

If you must ask your absolutely retarded questions, include your age, height, weight, bodyfat percentage, and time spent training as a preface.

No, we cannot tell you how to dose your AI.

Oral only cycles are retarded and you're a retard for considering them.


previously on crusader general:

Other urls found in this thread:




You get one starting body, which one and why.

roiding for this

He's the tallest and has the broadest shoulders.

what do you guys think their cycle is?

Test and some tren/mast maybe with an oral

I didn't roid for that.

I roid for this.

All achievable natty imo. test e 500 for 15 weeks from an ectomorph starting body.

right one, then left one, then middle one.

middle and right one are natty

Actually I go to a college near the guy on the right and the school and rugby team (which he was a part of) was notorious for teenage steroid use, so of all of them I'm most skeptics of him.

Snapped up my arm

What's the best shit for injury recovery, deca?


isnt the right one rob lipsett from UK? Dudes been lifting for a long time and made persistent but slow gains idk i think hes natty.
maybe its someone else.

middle one is definetely natty tho

Had to stop tren early as it was fucking with my head, made me really depressed and suicidal, how to stop this?

mk677 and Ostarine

deca afaik only masks the injury

>i always try and do that

If you are not that socially awkward then whats holding you back?


You're not suicidal you dumb faggot. You're having suicidal fantasies which is completely different.

Robs from Ireland, lives a solid 15 minutes away from me. If you look at the lad on the left(shred bundy) he has a good video of his transformation that proved to me that he's natty.

By not taking meme drugs

Tren is for 0.05% of the population. Fuck that shit. Take test and orals and be happy

ALso guys if you zoom in on the left guys abs you can see what looks like scar tissue ? Or am I seeing things? Possible scar tissue from subQ injections?

Why wouldnt any of those guys be on roids

I just want to share some fucking bomb ass ASMR


Why are you on roids? Why the hell am I on roids?

Yeah youre right lets kill ourselves

Diet cherry coke plus vodka is the poison for tonight. First time drinking since jumping on the gains train. If I'm never back I died.

Cherry coke zero is god tier desu senpai

Nothing really. Not meeting many new people my age, and when I do there's not much genuine connection usually. Sometimes there is.

Isolating myself I guess? I'm so introverted it's hard to draw a line where it crosses into unhealthy behavior so I will ignore the problem (not meeting new people) because it's not affecting my mood day to day. I've recognized though it's to a point now that it can't be ignored without stunting myself so I guess I have to put myself out.

Gonna try and stop talking about this I feel like I've vented enough. Thanks again guys

It's what god actually turned water into.

No one even wants my adrol
Im just going to throw it away

What a waste

Guess ill finish getting sick shreds
Finally go sub160

>ginger coke
Sounds dank. I don't think we have that here in the states.
>implying someone would want your shampoo bottle mystery mix

Not the worst you have that weird spicy one there don't you?
I'll inject anything



im dead serious send me some.

>mk677 and Ostarine

Yeah, just matters on quality supply.
I have both but not experiencing strength gains on osta after 3 weeks and the 677 doesn't make me really hungry or tired either...I suspect it's fake/diluted but I'm new to this shit.

I cleaned out the shampoo bottle in hopes of remixing with gv

So it's literally adrol powder, 100 proof

Injecting alcohol IM would suck I bet

*Nobody I know who Id feel comfortable mailing adrol to wants it

Enjoy your night dyels. I will.

>weird spicy one
I'm not sure what you mean. I don't know of a spicy coke flavor.
>the 677 doesn't make me really hungry or tired
Sounds fake. Memek747 should cause extremely intense hunger. Worse than weed munchies by far.

>Worse than weed munchies by far.

Fuck me sideways, it's that intense?

>Injecting alcohol IM would suck I bet
fairly certain alcohol at high enough concentration destroys tissue to a mild degree. Wouldn't wanna feel it inside my muscles.

*Nobody I know who Id feel comfortable mailing adrol to wants it


nothing wrong to talk about it. To realize there is an issue you have to accept it by talking about it and put it on the able.

>not meeting people my age
Im suffering from the same lol. I would get black out drunk and party hard but i just dont have enough friends to do that. Solid 80% of my friends are now "muhh adult" "muhh career".
You prolly just have to force social interactions. Like trying to meetup with every tinder chick, go to bars and just chat up people even tho you dont care about them.

>sub 160
man thats way too small.

Thinking of Cinnamon Pepsi my bad

hey faggots so I started tren enanthate last monday but I also have about 2mLs left of acetate that I want to kill off. what would be the best way to incorporate this? i fucking hate injecting this shit because of how irritating it is to my skin around it. feels like a gunshot wound for a few days afterwards

ive been trying to ask you a question for 3 weeks now, and everyone i posted it you would vanish for days.

Im going for spring break next year and i will be black out drunk every single night for 2 weeks straight. Im not used to this and i want to use mk677 before bed to recover.

I obviously want to look best when im there, and i know mk677 causes bloat.
My question is, does the bloat set in immediately or will i stay dry for 2 weeks.
Also how heavy is the bloat?

i would pin the enanthate like usually, but add in some ace to the same syringe everytime to speed things up.

Im already small
Might as well have feathered quads

I think we're in different countries anyways

so what? they dont check personal packages.

Why do you need him to answer that? The bloat starts the same day you take it and will last another day at least after you stopped taking it due to the long half life of mk.

I don't know how you react but personally I look like shit on mk677 because a lot of the bloat gathers under my niples somehow and it just looks like I got mild gyno while on it even.though normally I don't have gyno at all.

If you wanna drink every day for 2 weeks just do it and don't worry. You won't lose all your gains especially while you're on gear. You could even do it natty and not end up looking all that much different.

I don't know how you react but personally I look like shit on mk677 because a lot of the bloat gathers under my niples somehow and it just looks like I got mild gyno while on it even.though normally I don't have gyno at all.

Not him but I was the guy in the last thread pissing and whining about minor gyno, I'm also on Mk677 myself......but my right tit is ever so slightly sensitive, I can still wear shirts and stuff so it's not tingly.
Could I just be mistaking bloat from MK?

>Fuck me sideways, it's that intense?
It works by mimicking ghrelin which is what makes us feel hungry. Ghrelin causes your body to produce GH.
>Cinnamon Pepsi
That sounds awful lol
I don't experience bloat really. Maybe a little if you eat and then take it?
Best to take it on an empty stomach right before bed. As long as you don't get blackout drunk it should pretty much eliminate hang overs.
Are you eating with the mk or taking it on an empty stomach before bed?

I take it before bed, though tasting shitty I've never noticed any effect within the hour after taking it....guess that confirms it's bullshit.

My source was Receptorchem here in the UK.
I'll try somebody else.

Im not shippin drugs internationally

Bought one of these little foam cut-out pelican cases to store my vitamin b12. I really like it. would recommend

most people dont know shit about mk, thats why.

You said the bloat made you look shit. How much mk677 did you take?
Im not worried about gains. 2 weeks of drinking and not-lifting doesnt do anything to my muscles. Whenever i drink too much im hella exhausted the next day, so it will be hard for me to survive 2 weeks of pure drinking, and i wanted to use mk677 for recovery because ive heard from various people it really works well for that purpose.

Oh and i will be natty at that point. Im actually natty right now.

Joey D mateeeee

well duuh depends if you are taking anything else besides mk677.
If you take it alone then yes its just bloat.

How to get out that last lil bit of muh sweet elixir?

I am really not buying this bloat stuff. I don't experience it at all and I really think it's a salt imbalance. It is a well known fact that most people don't get enough potassium and therefore retain water. Also people don't know how to eat correctly in general. Personally learning the food side of bodybuilding has taken me way way longer than the drugs.
On a strict meat and veggies diet (keto) seasoned with no salt which is a potassium salt you will see daily changes in the morning.
Long story short, just take the memek. If you magically turn into a fat bloated mess (which won't happen) then just stop taking it. It only has a 24hr half life.

I couldn't sleep well on it so I took it on empty stomach in the mornings

I was on 10mg a day I believe

Does it make it more gay to fuck a trap that's older? Shes tiny milf with big fake tits status.
Some reason I'm thinking it seems gayer than my go to flat chest 18-20 yr. old traps


It's related because it's hormone induced homosexuality.

Any of you degenerates ever try GW501516?

Nah man, have you ever tried OMHAFEIEIO? Good shit.

sarms are shit you shill, enough

I assume you are trying to make a joke?
GW also known as Endurobol is an incredibly poweful drug for fat loss, lipid profile correction and endurance. It has been WADA banned since the 90s. It's kinda like cardio in a pill.
The controversy revolves around potential cancer issues.
I don't even publicly sell anymore you tard. Stfu

>trying to make a joke
And failed, apparently. Sarm names always just sound so long and complicated, as opposed to test or tren or whatever.

>doing light flatt bb bench press for the first time in a while
>grunt a bit
>suddenly guy comes up out of nowhere trying to spot me

I guess appreciate the concern but I had it dude...

are those almonds she has in her hands?

Any of you used primobolan depot or any form of primobolan? I want to try it for pre contest shred. Going for dat dere frank zane look

Remind me why Trestolone(MENT) is a thing again? Guy in my gym is running 400mg TrestE and honestly, he would be better off with test cycle only.

inb4 you take your estrogen to the moon, get bloated and watery, and then claim "omg best mass gainer ever wtf wow"

Pure shit that lawyer guy who cant get white girls to fuck him is a dickhead for promoting it

Either a slin pin or put some test in there from the other vial

don't try to summon that attention-whoring cunt, wish he'd just fuck off

Meme magic

>mfw I did flat bb bench for the first time in three months with no rear shoulder pain

Things are looking up boys. How are all of you doing today?

>are those almonds she has in her hands?
I don't think I ever really looked at the bags before.


Why even bother with BB anything, honestly

You should get a slingshot.

I miss MasT

*posts a duckface pic of average baltic face*
*post a pic looking worse off than before gear*
Tries to dominate fraud and claim the throne
*bignig slides in and destroys him in front of everyone*


i saw that bignig dude post a thread on /soc/ talking like an average normie.

Being 6ft2 is the new manlet status

>have to listen to my female acquitances about how they get wet when the guy is much taller then them
>start to get self conscious when they say 6ft4 minimum
>while doing groceries i meet 6ft1 grill with 6ft8 boyfriend
>I start to understand what they talk about

I was literally always told how tall I am by my parents and everyone in school... and now I feel how manlets feel.




narrow hips too. hnng

get over yourself, saw some chart that the average male height for people born in 1996 and the tallest country was barely 6'0

I'm 5'9 and my height has literally never crossed my mind in real life once. I live in a first world country too

>local gyms pull you in for drug testing if they suspect you roiding
>have been profiled as a roider several times without ever touching gear
>will probably get ratted on and sent to jail if i actually go on
why the fuck wont these faggots just let me roid in peace

What hellhole drug tests people in gyms

Move to the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Where to buy online UK?

Kek I'm 5'7 and have learned to simply embrace it. Made sure to get secure with it before starting my first cycle. Now I'm mainly concerned with no being a fatass and trying to get that fucking bicep vein to pop. Gf is 5'5 so hopefully I'll pass on my grandpa's 6'2 genes

What is it about "no source talk" and "do research" that you lack an understanding of? I'm sorry about your reading comprehension problem user, but you can always get a family member to help you learn

My height nor penis size never crossed my mind until I started frequenting Veeky Forums back when I was 22 or so. I’m 5’9” with a 5.5 inch cock or so and made every girl cum buckets and I never thought of myself as anything other than the absolute shit. Then I came to Veeky Forums


I’m doing a 2.5cc shot tomorrow morning and I’m kinda nervous. It’s the biggest I’ve ever done I think

>ml tren enth
>ml test enth
>half ml of tren ace

>mfw reddit r/steroids insulin experience thread

If you're super nervous, you could always distribute it into multiple sites.

I simply don't believe you. I can't believe there exists a place like this in the world. People would lose their shit if a gym pulled that faggot shit here

>paying an establishment that invades your privacy.
You may as well just invest in a home gym setup

what the fuk are you nervous about

Get legit hgh
Went on 3 week bender. 2iu of pharma hgh a day. No gym. Eating minimal. Mi imal bloat. Retained most muscle mass. No hangover. Pin when i woke at 2pm.
Only problem was had to store it in communal hostel fridge. Told people it was insulin. Lul

how do yall rate T3? Gimme the lowdown

sorry i dont shit gold

What if I'm scared of needles? Always had a phobia since I've been a kid