Veeky Forums bros can someone explain this to me?

Veeky Forums bros can someone explain this to me?
I was doing calves in a inclined leg press and everytime i finished my sets i felt like going to the bathroom. what to do?

Onesies or twosies?

what? i haven't lurked in a while

Peepee or poopoo


are you flexing or straining your abs when you do them? like leaning back and trying to stay balanced

Flexing, also help myself a bit with hams and glutes, like a plyometric exercise

I don't know about calves in this case, hopefully a more knowledgeable person can jump in, but I do know it's not uncommon for some exercises (like squats) when you really squeezing, to get that feeling.
I mean, even for some other things I could see, maybe you were holding your breath and bearing down, but I'd be surprised if that were the case for calves.

Well you obviously didn't forget how to roll quads


You can reverse either of those pictures and figure out who she is instantly


BPH or prostate cancer. Good luck.

You should be wearing a squat plug on pretty much any leg exercise, they are not just for squats.

same thing happening to me

use the bathroom

Wow that women looks amazing. What race is she?


My nibba


that nose desu
hair grows, stupid nigger

pls tell me she has a dick