Post your goal physique while others tell you how to accomplish it.
cut to desired BF then lean bulk forever with mini cuts here and there
Is this just calisthenics? Dude looks sleek and lean.
Isley's physique (C9) looks amazing here.
he was called the original T-rex back in the days, I remember reading about barbell training in 2011 as a 17 year old kid and then seeing his physique thinking "damn, he looks strong". a year later I went to my first powerlifting meet. squatted 150kg or 145kg. I was a happy kid. as strange as it may seem I found inspiration in tripfags posting here (Isley, ennui, camb, that guy who killed himself)
shit, I bet Isley is an old man now lol. probably 30. anyone know if he still posts around here?
>start sucking cock
craig is also my goal, it's goat physique.
how the fuck do i get this mode
He’s the only one left, brah
kill self until reborn as an anime character x10
the vast majority of people dont look nearly this good at that bf% and muscle mass, sorry user genetics strikes again
god tier
F8 is the only answer. Anything else and you're a twink faggot
>roiding for this
ive never seen such a faggy normie goal body thread in my life
You'll need some descent genetics, but assuming that, this can be achieved by push-ups, curls, cardio and 7% body fat. That's it - discipline.
unironically something like this
pretty simple
narrow hips long torso and broad shoulders is more than just decent......
Oh, wow, you amaze me with your superior taste in ambition. You are truly reaching for the stars, nobody could say that you are just another cookie in the cutter.
Fucking faggot.
Won't be time for tren for a long time, but I'll get here natty, then I'll surpass it with tren
Also jon is the true successor of Zyzz, anyone who says otherwise just doesn't know better
is endomoph/mesomorph/ectomorph a meme?
I'm retarded...Is this Natty?
lol no
he takes about his roid use
his hair is even worse that zyzz's
Zyzz's successor has to actually post in Veeky Forums. Isley is the only option really
good goal user, hope to be there myself one day.
Last time I posted it someone called me a fag.
>roiding for this
gee i wonder why you faggot
Kek it looks like the guy in the back is feeding the ducks behind his towel
except for all the trips on /fraud/
also isley doesn't have a youtube channel
Supermang , is this you being cheeky?
always been my goal body and always will be. I'm not sure it's even possible natty but I like to believe that it is.
Fucking goal body no homo
>what are lats
he admitted to roiding
hey there buddy, doing a bit of projecting?
He looked fuckin great in this movie. The shitty tats actually sell the character a lot.
Yeah it made me want to bleach my hair again when I first saw it
>mfw gotta feed those ducks
thats very achievable natty
F8, it's the optimal physique for the racewar.
found the fat powerlifters
revaz nadareishvili
100x gravity pushups and situps
No fucking idea how he looks like this at 6'8 but at 6'6 myself this is definitely a goal body.
Good to aspire to someone in my height range
Just one muscle up.
I have been training for several weeks, I pull myself up to my chest, but I still lack the arm strength to pull myself up with both hands.
Really? Can you link anything?
not natty
Goal body 100% same height too
how do I obtain viggo-tier
Barrel mode
just dont do shoulders
>No fucking idea how he looks like this at 6'8
posting on /fit constantly pretending like i know shit
Flex shoulders all the time and youre good
What the fuck i mean traps
how many lbs to go from E5 to A5?
they both look like a cartboard cutout
>work out sometimes
>be old
How long lifting to go from B2 to D6?
how do i achieve gosling's body? i've got a similar frame. i wonder if he deadlifts and squats
my goal physique is to look like an old greek or Roman statue
Why do any of you even have a 'goal physique' in the first place? Don't you understand that everyone is a unique individual? Two people doing the same exact routine and volume of work in the gym are always going to have totally different resultant physiques. Holding yourself to some arbitrary image as a 'standard' that you have to meet is just setting yourself up for disappointment and reinforcement of body dysmorphia, which is already rampant among anyone who trains in the gym for so-called 'aesthetics' in the first place. Why can't you judge yourselves based on your own progress and what YOU think looks good on YOU, rather than comparing yourself to someone else? Don't you realize that by playing that 'comparison' game, you're just setting yourself up to be judged by people who have no place to judge you in the first place? Usually they aren't even anywhere close to the 'standard' they're judging you against, and if they're comparing unfavorably to themselves, even, then they're hopelessly insecure and to be ignored anyway? Do you guys even THINK about what it is you're doing, or are you all just lemmings?
Also my goal, pretty close desu
you just mindfucked my brainpussy. thanks
>I made someone stop and think instead of blindly following something else!
You're welcome. :-)
I don't have a 'goal physique' to speak of, because everything I do is based on ability to perform, not on anything as inconsequential as 'looks'. To be brutally honest about it I don't care what I look like so long as I meet my other goals, and I don't look that great EXCEPT compared to what I used to look like -- and I'm more than OK with that. Honestly I don't understand why anyone would bother with the level of training you do for mere looks anyway, what you can DO is way more important and significant than how you LOOK, no matter what anyone tells you.
How do i obtain this body?
You don't, necessarily. Read this:
Beat up Vietnamese people
What does Veeky Forums reckon Mr. Craig's body fat percentage is in this picture anyway?
I catch the joke, kek!
not being underweight for the first time in my adult life would be a great start already
TFW too much body dysmorphia to even know what I look like