Veeky Forums, when did you realise that the male physique is objectively more aesthetic than the female?

Veeky Forums, when did you realise that the male physique is objectively more aesthetic than the female?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_views_on_women

its okay to be gay OP

Its not
Your average female looks alot better than the average male
males need to work hard to look good
Males need to work hard to get laid
Males need to work hard to achieve stuff

Women have it easy but men can be greater, with alot of effort

jesus christ i hope no one ever gets trapped in a relationship with you wanna elaborate on that there friendo?

Remove the cosmetics, plastic surgeries, instagram filters, myspace angles, perfect lighting and they look like shit.

You're right.
>too fat
Can't get laid
>too skinny
Can't get laid
>too autistic
Can't get laid
But got damn women are good to look at

Dunno where you live buddy but here girls look pretty good even with no make up

And where is that?

I tend to hold to the Aristotelian view that the female body is a deformed reflection of masculine beauty

there's no western country where 90+% of women don't go out the door with a large amount of makeup on their face. Even the women who look like they aren't wearing makeup are, they just look noticeably different because women wear so much regularly.

Sweden my nignogs
And no, they dont go outside with no makeup.
But the average girl looks pretty good here so thats what im basing my judgement on.

Also keep in mind you are deciding between who has the better physique, are you suggesting the average male has a good looking body on average?

Where I'm at in canada there are lots of naturally pretty blondes too (it seems that for the most part, at least to my eye, almost all of the natural beauties are red or blonde haired) but almost all women are wearing loads of makeup and even the ones who don't wear a lot, they pick and choose the ones that most accentuate their natural beauty.

Not to say that I don't find a large chunk of the women that I see attractive, but even womens pants nowadays do their goddamned best to make every ass look well shaped and to squeeze any extra fat into places that it won't show.

Basically, you are seeing the average man not to differently than how he looked when he got out of bed. He may have combed his hair but generally a guy is going to look the same every day whereas women vary daily depending on how much effort they put into hair/makeup/clothes. It's just not a fair comparison.

>. It's just not a fair comparison.
Might be true but i still stand by my statement that your average female looks alot better than your average male
Think of the average dude, he doesnt work out, he isnt tan and he isnt tall (unless you live in the netherlands).

You also need to keep in mind that men work out alot more for their form than women do so while we dont use make up it kind of evens out if you need to spend 4-5 days a week at the gym

>Think of the average dude, he doesnt work out, he isnt tan and he isnt tall (unless you live in the netherlands).

And the average woman doesn't have a big perky ass and big tits and nor is her figure all that feminine.

The average woman deserves an average guy, being muscular and tall (tan lmao) is a bonus, not something that comes standard with your average guy.

Basically all you are saying is that YOU find the average woman "more" attractive than the average man, which doesn't really say anything besides the fact that you aren't a homo.

A lot of women have pretty shitty bodies

>Basically all you are saying is that YOU find the average woman "more" attractive than the average man
Ofc its biased, im guessing yours is too unless you are gay like you said.
I stand by my point that average girls where i live got feminine bodies and decent looking faces. Average men are not fit at all so thats what im basing my vote on.

You do bring something interesting up because ive seen average girls go for above average men and vice versa and im sure this is true in many places so why do women get away with offering less and demanding more?

Ditto could be said for men
I still stand by what i said, on average women win but men are capable of pushing the limits higher than even the top women can reach

living in norway, i can tell you that women look like ass nomather where you are from
overdramatization of female looks is retarded
especially the american falsification of the female with use of retouching , filters, angles lenses and cosmetic daily use
yes the average cowgirl will look good but thats like 1 in 100000 roasties and its only white women that look ok with no makeup on
anytime you degenerates leave your shitty 40% white country, you will understand what we mean.

Did they really belive this Jesus Christ the Greeks were so fucking gay like wtf how did they build a civilization

When I sucked off a friend of mine who was ottermode and I couldn't get my hands off of his abs.

I-I agree, male physique > female physique

>males need to work hard to look good
>Males need to work hard to get laid
>Males need to work hard to achieve stuff
that's truth
dude fuck murican/western society

Aristotle did. He was so sexist it's almost comical.'s_views_on_women

Sounds broadly correct to me

Well it worked. Can't argue with that

He was also a lying plagarizing boy fucking faggot who lead an entire generation of promising men down the path to navel gazing fucktardation and cock thirst.

I think it's kind of like how multiple generations of girls have been ruined by modern philosophy and forced chemical castration...i mean birth control.

I've been to Europe several times and enjoyed it each time, but why are most Europeans aged 14-35 so rude and snide?

Is he cute?

He was cute af

Oh,sorry for your loss

Yeah, but Swedish girls are feminist hyper-liberals. No thanks. Although I would love a nice Swedish-American farm girl from rural Minnesota.


Well we separated because I needed to move for my new job. We still keep contact though but we both though a long distance relationship was a bad idea.


Because their fathers didn't beat them hard enough.
>white knights will refute this

Well I hope you find another cute boy.

Male and female are different bodily categories and each one has its own objective aesthetic properties

I mean what we had wasn't just great sex but also 10 years of friendship. It's unlikely that I'll find anyone like that ever again.

>girl works hard to look good
>lol what a vain slut

>girl doesn't work hard to look good
>ugly bitch, 4/10

>girl succeeds
>fucking sjw go back to the kitchen, you only got there because of feminism

>girl doesn't succeed
>women are useless, they don't need to work hard, just marry a sugar daddy

I'm sad now

Usually I just bury my head in my work and try to forget how much I miss him.
We still snap each other taking shits tho so I guess that hasn't changed.

That's the point though, if you see a truly aesthetic male, you can't help but also see the discipline, effort, and dedication he has put into making something of himself.

You couple that with the reality that the gains we work so hard to achieve don't matter to women, ultimately fade with the simple passage of time, and we perhaps sometimes trade for with our very lives, and then the body of the athletic youth becomes not just attractive, but beautiful in a supremely human and deeply touching sort of way.

A woman's body is sexually attractive, sure, and that's great, women are great, and I'm disparaging them in anyway, but a man's body speaks a heroic journey that moves one to tears with its inspiring beauty and tragedy.

No homo, though