Can I eat this as pre-workout before a workout? I'm piss poor
Can I eat this as pre-workout before a workout? I'm piss poor
Yeah with 10g whey or sth like that
It would be better to get these carbs liquid though, so you'd be better off if you'd drop the snickers and put 20g sugar in your drink
Or just eat a fucking apple.
Just eat some fruit + caffeine tabs / a strong coffee.
>If you are that poor, eat it with a little bit of cheap whey like said. The difference between high quality super healthy food will not even be noticable. That is something that will only benefit you in the long term.
what the fuck does that pic mean?
fuck, didn't mean to >
Superior one coming through. Not sure if it's selled in US.
Nah I think it's better to eat sucrose than an apple to get the carbs you want pre and post workout. Obv it's still ok to eat an apple. But eventually he would still lack protein if he only eats an apple
Just get some warm milk, some whey, some sugar and your optimal pre workout will taste like your middle school mornings
What the government doesn't want you to know
better off with a banana. but that's fine too if you prefer. just make sure you get your proteins from somewhere else then.
>before a workout
Whoa really?
If I eat my apples sliced it loses half its sugar value? The fuck kind of meme magic you been injecting lad
fucking brainlet
>i'm piss poor
aren't these like $1 a pop?
pretty fucking expensive for a pre if you ask me. For 5 days of training you could probably get a nice tub of coffee which would last you 2 months.
Buy greek yogurt instead. It's like 75 cents each, as opposed to whatever the cost of a candy bar is now, and it's got like 12-15g of protein. Mix whey in there if you want more protein.
More protein isn't really necessary, problem is that you don't get your macros when you want them. Ideally, you get half of your pre workout 15 min before your workout, and the other half during the workout.
If he eats greek yogurt :
1) proteins won't assimilate quickly so he'll get bad timing
2) he won't be able to eat half of it during the workout
3) it's solid while it's still better to drink your pre workout
It's obviously saying the apple core contains most of the sugar, brainlets
where I live snickers costs exactly as much as the cheapest protein bar available (50% prots)
I have 129 iq (real test) and I didn't understand
Oats 100 grams 1.5 - 2 hours before workout. Caffeine pills are ditrt cheap too
bruh it takes hours to digest.
if you take a pre workout sup you should take it no later than 1,5 hours before your workout
That's why you drink whey protein + water (maybe milk) + dextrose/maltodextrin/sucrose
And you don't eat something hard to digest instead
Who the fuck consumes an apple core. Fuck off
that millionaire op can afford original snickers.
>I'm poor
No, you're just retarded. Most poor people really aren't that poor in America. The poverty line for the world is around 15$ a month rn.
Just go a week without buying one of your tism bars, and use that money to buy some lentils, then eat a cup of then with two tbsp of olive oil half an hour before exercising.
I really CANNOT fuck with "Poor"(TM) people. Real poor people are the shit though m8
You can do whatever you want
But fruit is better
I'm south american lmao
>I'm piss poor
Then buy some oats.
eat a taco then
usually i just drink a big cup of coffee (from a bodum) and some nuts and biscuits
costs literally pennies
would only eat this as pre-workout for a post-workout or vice versa
otherwise it can fk with ur gains
If you eat the glass as well, it kills some of the sugar