>GOMAD wont fuck you u-
GOMAD wont fuck you u-
Other urls found in this thread:
> what is accutene
Also gross
Daily reminder to wash your face twice a day at the least
Also wash your greasy hands before touching your face
I'd love to take a cheese grater to that face and remove all that gunk in one shot. It'd be so satisfying.
how the fuck is this even fucking possible. Imagine just taking your finger nail and scraping it down his face. FUUCK!
looks like the pizza crust from a chain pizza place. or like the seasoning on a breadstick.
>tfw looking at this picture legitimately makes my stomach drop and gives me goosebumps
What the fuck, OP
Please, im eating over here!
Wash your face some time, buddy.
How much would someone have to pay for you to lick it?
I'd do it for £300
I feel physically unwell looking at that holy shit
Stay away, spawn of Nurgle
Can we sage the shit out of this thread this is not /puke/
clean haircut tho
> he doesn’t lift for slanesh
Fuck off faggots this is actually ruining my life. My face was smooth AF before I started bulking on GOMAD. Now no matter how much cream I put on it, it just gets worse. I've stopped drinking milk for a week and it's not gone down
Im gonna lose my job because I dont want to show up and ive lost my gf
Should I be worried that I want to tear it off and rub my fingers across it?
go to a dermatologist dude this is not normal
Th..th..this is you? This is real?
There is no way this is real
assuming this is real, why don't you try to negate the effects by drinking a lot of acidic foods? maybe that will help senpai
on the 1% this isn't a bait post fishing for (You)s.
>actually drinking one whole gallon of cow piss a day
just stop GOMAD
Timestamp pls
oh and put toothpaste on that shit so it dries up, same poster here
Did you try looking at any other source? SS+GOMAD is known to be a meme for several years now.
You look asian, asians shouldn't drink milk
>blaming chloracne on SS
Nice try Charlie, get back in the trees.
I have been to a doctor (she was a qt too, which rubs salt in), she was visibly disgusted and prescribed some cream after scanning my affected areas. Its shit on my face, neck and my upper back, pic related
NEVER fall for the GOMAD meme
>blaming GOMAD for your shitty genetics
>responding to this gay ass bait
its like im trying to be a faggot
I had to wear a mask in public like im a fucking leper to get groceries. Suffice to say my bulk has been obliterated
timestamp faggot
wash your face before you go to bed.
when I started working out I realized I had to wash my face because of the sweat that ends up accumulating dirt.
wash your bed sheets, get some copper lined pillows.
isn't it time that you mainlanders start going to bed anyway?
burn your face off.
OP isn't white. Only white people can digest lactose in large amounts as adults.
>reverse google image search
>no founds
You fucking idiot.
Did you have acne before you went on GOMAD? Did you realise milk is one of the biggest causes for acne beforehand?
Go get some antibiotics, tetracycline, and overdose on that shit for a week. 2 pills a day, 1 and morning and 1 at night. Then 1 pill a day for 3 weeks. It should be gone by around a month.
I want to pop them all lad
If he does that, it will get worse. Can you imagine.
Only way he can pop it is if he gets a needle, puts it in boiling water to get rid off all bacteria, then pierce it just enough so that the pus can flow out, if he goes too deep and white or red fluid comes out, the spot will get worse for a few days.
GOMAD is an fucking meme you Idiot.
Drinking 1 Gallon of ouss juice everyday is streicht Up retarted
Ain't gonna lie, wear a burqa for a while and say you converted to Islam. This is your only saving grace. I'm dead serious. It's either that, or you stay at home 24/7 for a couple of weeks.
Lord Almighty, how horrifying.
thats why u do ur fking research
What the fuck user
imagine taking a good lick on that
WTF man, Asians aren't meant to drink milk
delete this
not everyone is allergic to milk you absolute fucking reject.
if this is your face, which i doubt it is, you likely would have noticed a build up prior to a complete breakout, which would have given someone with a functioning brain the idea to stop drinking so much milk. but no, you're literally retarded
>fell for the gomad meme
>strength and size going up like crazy
>still have perfect skin
You tried going Phantom of the Opera yet
If I had that shit I would rip my face off with a knife
Well, a reverse image search on Google shows that this picture has been around for at least 1.5 months. You can check "Memes Mexicanos" on Facebook to see it.
>IFellForBait.jpeg :/
>tfw on lunch and this is the first shit i see
Guess I'm not eating today
Try exfoliating, lemon juice, then hydrogen peroxide. After rinsing, apply cucumber mash/paste. It stings alittle and may dry out your skin out but has helped many people (including myself) with acne.
Adding cucumber and ginger in general to your diet should help too. those macros and micros are good for the skin and health.
I would sooner run my face in a cheese grater than live with that shit on it
I want to scrape it off with my fingers
I want to lick it
I want to feel it
I want to rub my dick against it
GOMAD did this to me (that or test from lifting) but only showering once a day (rather than twice) helped
Holy shit, your face looks like the underside of a fucking ship.
>plagued with acne for the last year
>start taking vitamin d for breakfast like 4 days ago
>acne rapidly clearing up and skin is less greasy and pallid
wew lad i guess i should start fucking going outside
You guys don't remember the other thread with this OP image? OP is just farming (you)'s
looks like my face after I shaved against the grain
RIP in peace
eat carrots
one carrot a day.
Doing GOMAD right now
Skin hasn't gotten any worse yet
its been proven that diet and genetics determine acne severity. face washing and how much you touch your face don't have an impact.
don't say that or it might happen to u
There is no away you get to that point before you see a dermatologist
The d in GOMAD doesn't stand for dioxin why do you have chloracne
all these newfaggots falling for this old ass pic.
I'm not even an oldfag, but I think Veeky Forums has passed me by
Wasn't specifically talking about acne.
Normal zits look bad too.
>just wash your face bro!
>just put on a clean shirt every day bro!
>just clean your pillow case bro!
yeah nah get on isotretinoin. People without these issues will give you garbage advice that worked for them because they don't have proper hygiene.
Imagine being so attention starved you larp about having mutated radioactive acne on Veeky Forums.
I don't ever intend to do GOMAD, so I doubt it.
You can buy Accutane on the steroid subs on reddit. Get some from there
image putting your mouth on that and biting down feeling the puss and and ooze burst into your mouth
GOMAD is for people who can tolerate lactose. AKA white people.
Post a video squishing them user pls
At least he has an excuse to use this mask everywhere
See a doctor jesus christ
just fucking lol if you do GOMAD with regular super market whole milk.. its gonna fuck you up
GOMAD should only be done with organic milk from grass fed grass finished, hormone and antibiotic free cows
stop living in the past retard. that myth has been debunked years ago.
Mfw he blames GOMAD for his shit pizza face. wat.
can someone tell me how to filter trip faggots? especially the tryhard ones like this one?
>cleaning your face from dirt prevents pores from clogging up with said dirt
How do you debunk logic?
I wanna run a knife edge across his cheek
This, never wash your face, touch it after handling animals and oil
Anyone dumb enough to actually think it was a good idea to drink a gallon of milk everyday doesn't deserve this, but it's it was still pretty dumb. I suggest drastically changing your diet( No sugar in any form, no dairy, no gluten, no processed food, no junk food). Eat anti-inflammatory foods. Only eat free range grass fed meat
Try to be outside as much as possible. Fresh air will decrease inflammation. Staying inside all say will make it worse. Exercise, get good sleep. Cream or medicine doctors give you probably won't do shit. Hopefully it will go away in a few months. There's no easy way out so suffer through it.
God I would
Fucking love to just scratch that shit off. I wouldn’t even wear a glove or anything. Ughhhh
>unironically doing GOMAD
you a retard?
Go water fasting, it should clear you up a bit.
yeah only idiots would do it, right?
before spewing your ignorant unwanted crap on the interwebs, maybe try to inform your pea brain before
see i bet you dont even know what A1 and A2 milk is or what grass-finished is
jesus I have seen meth heads that have a better looking face
Your face looks like a Chernobyl.
All these people falling for bait bait... Lurk more and use google image search, you fackin idiots.
Alright, I fell for a bait, call the mods.