The Gigachad

Hmm... He's a big guy...


/tv/ here, who would win?

Fuckin lol

What the fuck is up with this guy

>bizygomatic is 150mm at best
>probably has implants and ran some kind of GH
top kek, narrow-skulled cuck.

No wonder he looks ridiculous and disproportionate.

People will call bullshit on the chart but it does make one good point about the gigachad fucking men. As your confidence rises you become more open minded more and concentrate on attaining pleasure without really caring for how it comes off so long as it's discrete. Thus true chads have a higher likelihood of casual bisexuality

>this much cope
spotted the chadlet. how does it feel to be inferior for once?

He has a chin implant inside his chin implant

Is Gigachad even real?

sorry boyo, you can't push this retarded meme- I have absolutely no emotional reaction to being mogged (since I regularly get mogged by 4/10 desi computer science students anyway). I am fully detached and am just observing. This does not look good, I am sorry.

Completely real. Chadlets fear him.

How do you defeat a gigachad?

>testosterone measured in grams
lol what? you know that nanograms are still grams right?

They look like some bad photoshop.

no you fucking mong a nanogram is a billionth of a gram


>old, wrinkled, chin implants, turk, roiding for appearance
More like fake chad

>chadlet cope
he's 48 you pathetic losers

>billionth of a gram
still part of a gram, its like saying a tiny piece of your skin isn't your skin anymore because it isn't the whole thing

that's retarded and you've clearly never studied anything in the sciences

They look so unnaturally lol

>That pic
How does the genetic normie go into Brad mode? Asking for a friend

Chad animals will hump and sometimes penetrate inferior males to estabilish dominance.
I don't see why it should br any different for humans.

Is this one of the new premium filters on faceapp? Might be worth purchasing.

You should add Tenda in the incel category.

its all surgery and roids though, his actual genetics are shit. not even chad tier desu

I wanted to argue but then I remembered that the meanest snakes I own (blood pyhons) do this exact thing

Time to find a twink to dominate and raise my social status

Imagine a world where humans acted more like animals and just fucked weaker guys out of the blue go show dominance

>Throw feces
>Fucking the weaker males
It exists and it's called JAIL


/r9k/ please go

>Top 5% of males
>6s and 7s out of 10

Which brainlet turbovirgin wrote this

>implying the looks scale is a normal distribution


The faggots who post this meme are usually incel tier. And white too lmao.

lol at the faggot who spent time actually making. i can tell he takes it in the ass because of the painstaking attention to detail
god damn some of you have way too much time

>god damn some of you have way too much time
welcome to Veeky Forums

Be handsome and looks max
Then date a slav artist woman who will turn you into a Photoshop art project where she shows her fantasized version that you cannot possibly be.
That's how he does it.

Lol I was thinking exactly the same. He should have added a text at the bottom "made by an incel."

With a gigachad that has ascended beyond a gigachad

Or heh, mayhaps just call it a gigachad 2

Only with another gigachad, but if 2 of them meet the world implodes.

cope spotted the rustled autist this guy has top tier infraorbitals and bigonial breadth

> if I had a maxilla like him I wouldnt be a virgin
but Id still probably be a mentally ill and socially inept autist with no social life desu