Does ADHD actually exist?

Does ADHD actually exist?

Do any Veeky Forumsizens here have it? Seems like bullchit to me but I have problems concentrating and focusing so it seems like a maybe event

I have a really hard time reading more than 1 page of anything without becoming distracted and doing something else. There weird thing is, a lot of times I become distracted by my anxiety. Like if I have 50 pages of reading to do and I know I might have to discuss the reading the next day, I'll read a page and become so anxious that I'll stop reading in order to do something that makes me feel a little more relaxed, then I'll try to go back to reading. It's seriously detrimental to my life because I'm in Grad School where I need to read hundreds of pages a week.

I went to an ADHD therapist once and all he did was try to discuss my childhood. It was infuriating. It was like psychology 101 bullshit. Needless to say I didn't get prescribed any medication.

I've gotten different forms of ADHD meds from friends and recently I took some for about a week. It improved my quality of life 10x and made my anxiety not as much of an issue.

TLDR; I think it exists and I think I have it, but so does everybody else probably.

ADHD does exist. However it's so overdiagnosed that if you've been diagnosed for it as a kid you're more likely to not have it anyway

Doesn't exist. It's a function of fitting a square peg in a round hole. Like trying to force straight people to be gay.

I think so
I take adderall every day. I also have chronic fatigue so it’s the only thing that keeps me awake long enough to get anything done
However I’m crashing right now, and when that happens I can’t feel like I can control what I focus on for the last couple of hours. Like right now I needed to start homework two hours ago
Great for losing weight too tho

this sounds like my reality too. Is this normal?

>Does ADHD exist
If you ask this on fit non ironically you first of all too dumb to even understand the problem we are having in understanding psychiatric knowledge in general. Go to a website called wikipedia and start reading the article ADHD


What sucks is that this medication helps me with fatigue and general depression yet not many dr are willing to prescribe it even though it helps me

I was so nervous about talking to my doctor about trying it
I’m going to be honest with you though, you don’t have to make life a big struggle.
If your doctor won’t prescribe it to you, find a different one
I walked out with an adderall prescription the same day I went to my current doctor for the first time

I used to think that I had ADHD... I was tiered all the time and not able to focus on anything - at all.

A it turns out, I was just not genuinely interested in what I was doing at the time.

Now I have my dream job and I my concentration and energy is trough the roof.

Would not recommend any medication. I think ADHD is more about psychology than psychiatry.

i have some hardcore adhd. I cant even thing with people taking around me or noises distracting me. All i can concentrate on is everything i shouldnt concentrate on. so its real

Diagnosed adult ADHD, reporting

Its hard as fuck to explain. Like when you're really interested in a thing, you can make yourself focus, at the expense of being unable to take in anything else. Like if my wife says something while I'm doing something else, I might not even realize she said something to me. You tend to have a shit ton of hobbies that you get just good enough to be better than average at, but put it down before you progress as well as you potentially could.

You tend to know a little of everything, but it's extremely hard for you to learn alot about one thing. Just a mixed fucking bag of a shit ton of interests, but none of them can hold your interest indefinitely, so specializing is extremely difficult, making you intelligent but useless irl.

And medication makes you feel like shit. You're uninteresting, boring, and have like a constant feeling of "futility", but when you're on it, you are so fucking productive, it's ridiculous. It feels like the worst crutch possible. You can't even use it to have fun like normal people can.

I stopped taking my medication, and I'm 99% sure my ADHD is what ruined my marriage, even though I tried my ass off to do everything right, without crutch. Make no mistake, ADHD sucks, uniquely.

Medications, btw, were Ritalin, as a kid, and Adderall, as an adult.

Took Ritalin from a young age, through 7th grade. Was a straight A student, until I stopped taking it. Failed 9th grade, and barely scraped by high school, even though I scored in the top 1% SAT scores at my school.

how do i go to a doctor and explain i have adhd
for me reading books is fucking imposibl after reading 1 page i get distracted easily

I feel like you're describing me when you're talking about how it feels to have ADHD,i'm not diagnosed and have never thought about suffering from it but now it feels like puzzle pieces coming together.

I often pick up a new hobby and become very interested in it for let's say a week or two and then lose all interest.It happened with numerous sports,piano,poker,programming,lockpicking and that's just in the past months.
I also have a ton of books just laying on my shelves from which i've read ten pages each because my attention span and interest is so short and volatile.Studying has always been difficult as well but i'm doing alright for myself since i've always had some fluency in academical subjects

Do you think that i should see a GP/psychiatrist about it ? Who should i seek advice from ?

See a psychiatrist. You're probably like me, where you never really "needed" to study in school most of the time, but when you do, it's damn near impossible, especially if it feels like useless filler shit.

Was diagnosed as a kid and took Vyvanse and Aderall for a very long time, it helped but it also made me a drug addict.

I don't have the money for a doc, how do I get adderall on the streets bros? can I buy it online? will the weed dudes generally have some? how much is it usually street price?

I didn't think I had ADHD until a buddy gave me an adderall a few years ago, I thought i was just a generally dumb, unproductive happy-go-lucky kid, but holy fuck taking that pill was like the shit in limitless, I could focus on whatever I wanted, I was quick-witted as fuck, I was super motivated, super driven, I was crazy good at conversation (I could almost predict what the other person was going to say) etc. It literally changed my life.

How do I get more? Pls help anons

dude no. you don't want to take this shit long-term; it's a deal with the devil , trust me.

Adderall is fucking terrible dude. Don't do it

Fuck,that's me a hundred percent.

I just realize it now because i just entered third level education in my country,something called Higher Preparatory Classes which requires me to work like never before and thus ending my 19 years streak of cruising through education without doing pretty much anything and still being top of the class.

But now that i've actually got a lot of shit to learn,memorize and analyse i realize there's something really wrong with my focus.
I noticed phenibut + coffee combo helps a little bit but it's really got a short-lived effect.

I'm looking for some as well but it's like 20-30$ a pill of 30mg on the DW and IRL you gotta hang around a college and be lucky to find someone,or just ask around,or so i've heard.You don't know the shit you're getting however

As a kid, you would always see on my school report card teachers complaining about my ermm.... energetic nature. And every year, 100 %, you would see at least one comment about my concentration span, so much so, even one of my teacher recommended to get me checked out my doctors.

Now? I believe I've grown out of it. Yea sure, I still have some concentration problem, but I believe it is the same for all people. I found that healthy eating and constant cardio helps alot with concentration. Had ADD pills before and I found it is totally not worth it - it makes you feel really shit during crash.

just smoke meth, same effect but way cheaper

this shit does not exist.

it's way too over diagnosed oto.

yes, but twenty years ago it was overcome by building willpower. Now it is suppressed by numbing drugs turning people into pill-popping drones with no sense of self-worth

I buy it from a friend, 30mg for $5 a pill. Is that good?

I think most ADHD diagnoses are bullshit. I have never been diagnosed but have used adderall before and it helps immensely with studying and writing papers. I have a friend who was diagnosed but honestly he's just a lazy fuck. He has adderall but when he uses it he's too lazy to actually start doing schoolwork and just ends up engrossed in a video game or something equally stupid. It's honestly bullshit that this stuff can't be bought legally, helps a lot with school.

alot of you fucks sound like you have no fucking clue what you're talking about and just talkin out your ass

ive never seen someone with adhd in my life before, ive seen people that look like they could potentially have aspergers/autism
i dont think procrastinating is the determining factor to see if someone has add btw

That’s most, if not all of posts on 4chin

i think its a bs medical disorder just to be able to put a tax on adderall

There's some pretty concrete evidence that makes the case, such as pic related. Just Google it

Stimulants will ruin your life. Period. All of the tweakers will have rationalizations about how in control they are of their consumption. It's not true.They're delusional.

If you're not eating clean, sleeping 8 hours a night, and doing cardio you're doing it wrong.

From there you can add some beneficial supplements that most are deficient in.
Buy a 32 oz naglene bottle and brew green tea in it. Drink 32 oz a day of green tea.
I promise you'll feel much better baebi and you won't be a stim cuck reliant on (((pharma)))

With all the mental problems on Veeky Forums, if ADHD does exist someone here has it. No idea personally, but if anyone knows how to deal with anger problems, anxiety attacks and depression let me know cause i'm on the fucking edge.

Had it really bad when I was younger, kicked it's ass without the use of meds.


The average meat eating human gets more than enough zinc, fuck you. You have no idea what you're talking about.

checking those digits tho

adhd doesn't exist lmao.

>you won't be a stim cuck reliant on (((pharma)))

I don't understand why it's so terrible to rely on a drug if it increases your quality of life in a way that is literally not possible unless you're on the drug.

Doing all those things you listed will improve your quality of life, sure, but not in the same way nor to the same extent that ADHD meds would.

All of your success in life will be based on you being on amphetamines. Take adderall for a year. Stop taking it. Report back.

try asking an actual medical professional instead of a bunch of fucking autists on the internet who pick things up and put them down

seriously, you wouldn't be wishy washy about this and let people talk you out of treatment by shaming you if it was diabetes or cancer, if you are legit impaired then treat it as such

unless you are the kind of dipshit who would try to cure your pancreatic cancer with kale colonics

Adult diagnosed ADD reporting in
I'm really fatigued on the daily and no motivation to do shit unless I for some reason start to do some shit, incredibly unmotivated to take a hold of my life and shit, only done shit that was fast reward and little effort, same in school and hobbies
Did some kind of concentration test and compared to the average normal person I had 3 times worse concentration/focus

Now on delayed Ritalin 60mgs a day and I dont kind of notice it if I just chill out and dont do anything but when I need to focus I can
Appetite is the same except I can go longer without food without crashing
Taking 40mg in the morning and 20mg in the evening

Also did some IQ test where they measured it more in a usable manner than a logical one

scored shit in language/communication and short term memory and good in logical thinking

not really, its pretty rare. But the medication for it is pretty good if you use it only when needed.
Most people that "have adhd" just lack self control, discipline or have depression.

I have add and I hate ritalin and adderall
I take:

modafinil, bacopa, caffiene + ltheanine, lsd microdose, nopept

just make sure to cycle and you're good

Why would you force straight people to be gay?

Are u me?

I'm 19 and trying to make an appointment with a psychiatrist or APRN to get diagnosed and medicated. I never even thought about the possibility until my new shrink brought it up several weeks ago. I was always pretty "bright" as a child and didn't cause trouble so no one thought there was a problem.
Starting in middle school, procrastination became a huge problem, and it only got worse from there. Difficulty in school led to anxiety and depression, which led in turn to drug abuse, which led to living as a leech on my parents after dropping out of college. I did well on tests (got 1990 on SAT) but I could never keep up with normal assignments. Reading more than ten pages is nearly impossible, and I used to love reading.

>deficient in ashwagandha

Be careful with the psychiatrist- they are more often going to put you on an antidepressant before the adhd meds, you probably have better luck with the practitioner RN

I've played the antidepressant game for a few years. I guess they help a little bit, but they didn't make me able to function in school/work, and they fuck with reproductive functioning. If I can't get on a stimulant I'll look into ketamine infusion or LSD microdosing. Might do that anyway.

Seriously considering going on antidepressants, anxiety is way out of control. Anybody have any personal experience with antidepressants and how much you change when you go on them?

Fucking no m8- don't even think bout it

Why tho. Currently in between a rock and a hard place

Try ephedrine in the asthmatic meds? (otc stuff you can sign for at the store pharmacy , not a biggie to get but can jump start you)

It such a long story-8 years on and off antidepressant, mood stabilizers but the one time I actually felt "on" was when I was given a stimulant. The antidepressants are much like a tailored suit that the psychiatrist thinks that's a fit but won't know until 3months out . Side effects are anything from feeling even more depressed to weight gain. mood stabilizers are kinda similar but will work to make you feel like you're not drowning underwater but not floating on top of it either. If I need to tl:dr this post: seek a legit ph.d psychologist and talk

Extreme ADHD exists and it turns people into social fucking superhumans, like what the dick

ADHD is the mental equivalent to fat people saying muh genetics

You sound exactly like my BF. He blabs on and on about this and that, but the moment I try to chime in about something he changes the subject or goes back to what he was doing. When he's drunk we'll talk about things like lockpicking and why he prefers diesel. He wasn't diagnosed as a kid (his parents didn't want to believe anything was wrong with him) so he went to a psychiatrist as an adult to get some help. He was seeing a psychiatrist on a monthly basis and was taking 5mg of Adderall maybe every other day. I noticed a great improvement in his functionality but can't recall any mood changes. We moved to a different city a year ago and he finally has an appointment to at least see a psychiatrist this month. It doesn't seem like he wants to get back on Adderall but a low strength seems to be fine for an as needed basis.

>I'm 99% sure my ADHD is what ruined my marriage
It's definitely a source of bickering for us but I know it's not entirely his fault.

It doesnt, focusing, concentrating on things is not an easy task nor it should be, its a task that requires you to put effort into it.