Why do women bother getting Veeky Forums? Women are supposed to be soft...

Why do women bother getting Veeky Forums? Women are supposed to be soft. No heterosexual man between the ages of 13 and 76 would pick the right one over the left one. Not one.

what a waste of trips

Women are not supposed to be "soft" that's only what the modern era has brainwashed into your mind. You should be physically fit like the spartans

golden trip of lies

why do you care what people like

So you think that the skelly on the right is more attractive than the body on the right? It's the same girl in both pictures AFAIK

Because just like men, they want to be proud of their bodies? That's why I lift. Shit's fun. The girls are just icing on the cake.

>But even to the women Lycurgus paid all possible attention. He made the maidens exercise their bodies in running, wrestling, casting the discus, and hurling the javelin, in order that the fruit of their wombs might have vigorous root in vigorous bodies and come to better maturity, and that they themselves might come with vigor to the fullness of their times, and struggle successfully and easily with the pangs of child-birth.

yep. trad guys today are way too obsessed with the Audrey Hepburn dainty 50s housewife type not realizing that historically women have worked out on the farm with the men. the third reich's ideal woman wasn't dainty. she was feminine, yet strong. line taken directly from Die Frau im Dritten Reich
>they are hardened by sport, muscular and weather hard, and are able to bear the pain of motherhood heroically

the problem is she went for the skelly bikini "fitness" body, not that she got fit.

ideally the hottest one would be somewhere in between

Fuck off with this. She's not Veeky Forums she's just skinny as fuck and looked up how to do posing on the internet and now thinks she can be a bikini competitor. I'm sure she's getting shit on in comps.

Girl on the right is fine as fuck, girl on the left looks like she runs the cupcake shop.

kill OP

It's a different time dude Sparta died a long time ago

it's the same person. she posted progress pics earlier this year. fuck i've been browsing the 'ch0n far too much lately

You've already made your decision, fuck lazy fatties if you want, nobody's stopping you. I, for one love girls who put a ton of effort into sculpting the perfect body.

Women are supposed to be soft so they can bare children. Most fit women are likely infertile.

That's a myth, plenty of juiced out bodybuilders have kids.

Women of character. Women objectively need challenge in their life b/c they generally don't have any. Veeky Forums grills are better grills because of challenge.

I can smell the rancid pussy of the left one through my screen. no way I would put my dick anywhere near that fat fuck.

That's a fact bro.
Many bodybuilders are shooting blanks. Piana was fucking sterile.
Even Yates was having trouble with concieving his children and DLB is completely unable to bear children.

Litterally the only people disagreeing with this fact of reality are people who are neck deep in it and are too fucking stupid to fully comprehend what they're doing to themselves or steroid shills .

No, I'm talking about FEMALE bodybuilders, they can have kids. Lorna Bingham had 4 kids. But hey, you don't like reality, lies are more convenient to your world view.

user, gear and cutting makes bitches sterile. Her being on minor amounts and being on her game when it comes to her fertility and cycles says more about where her head was at.
Not many people are as lucky and on the ball as her.

But sure, that woman in particular was able to have children so that means the dangers inherent to the bodybuilding lifestyle and heavy steroid abuse doesn't exist.
You'll be able to talk utterly fucking retarded cunts who want to lose 4 pounds and get a six pack like those geared up dykes(that guys are totally hot for trust them) in the magazines that are shilled to them by fitness and feminist circles into buying your gear!

>Muh Spartans


>wanting to be like the Spartans
>women have to be strong to keep their slaves in line while men are gone
>that's the only reason they were fit
>it was a necessity for their weirdo society
Sparta is weird, man. They're the only Greek polis that had so many slaves that it was actually a burden on their society. They literally planned their whole society around maintaining control over a huge number of slaves (more than they even had use for). Every other city state looked at them like they were crazy because their society was just wildly inefficient. Every city state had slaves, but not so many it burdened them. Athens is the true ideal unless you're a brainlet. Guess what kind of women they preferred?

>Guess what kind of women they preferred?
they preferred boys user

pic related had a kid while looking like pic related

No she didn't. She had a kid then roided hard after

Pic on left chubby and not so good, with age more fat and disgusting.

I don't really mind a super fit chick as long as she has hips. Nothing more unattractive than a woman whose hips are worse than some of you hourglass fuck boys.

Yeah... I doubt I can ever lose my softness without roiding user. I can't reach a low enough body fat percentage naturally like that. Though it depends on your definition of ''soft''. If you think women are supposed to be chubby and overweight, yeah you're a bit delusional then. I'm like a taller and bit more muscular Alexa Bliss, I think there are enough people who'd think I'm more attractive than a woman who lives off of twinkies.

To answer your question though:
>same reason you do.
No really, self-improvement, that ego boost when you beat a pr, looking better, hormone boost, for fun, to escape existential dread etc.

This is Veeky Forums, not muh safe space general.

okay I'm looking too far into this. her son was born at the end of january 2011. the earliest picture of her I can find is this one from december 2011. she competed in figure once before getting pregnant but she said that she was already too muscular then and didn't do well. can't find any pictures from then. looks like she hopped on roids after having her kid.

Correct. They preferred milky mommas for breeding, but they considered love between a mentor and his boy to be true love, which is objectively correct.

So my ass doesn't look like this. Cellulite fucking sucks. Tights and ass looking like cottage cheese.

Yeah but a natural woman who is "hardened" by sport is never ever gonna look like these roided up musclegirls, or as lean as these anorexic women.

Women who stay natural (even manly ass women like in pic related) are never ever going to not be soft, even if they practice sports their entire lives. They are still feminine and they are still weak and soft compared to men.

You guys are actual delusional faggots if you think your musclegirl fetish has any connection to healthy offspring or heterosexuality for that matter.

look at the chik on the right. disgusting manly v-shape with wide shoulders. why do they do this? no guy likes this.

>a man is attracted to a woman
>huurrrr durrr he is homoessexual

nice logic there m9

>do i fit in yet xD???


Shuddup and post hot fit babes

What kind of delusional feministic ugly-enabling shit is this. Im triggered

The girl on the left is actually a perfect example of pretty much every feminine trait packaged into one, right down to neotony with the big eyes and big head. Seriously good genetic material desu.

>"Shuddup and post hot fit babes"
>posts trash

>navel piercings
I pick neither


remeber the only guys who says "women are supposed to be soft" has no muscles themself

whos the beauty on the left