In 2016 approximately 40% of american adults are obese!

in 2016 approximately 40% of american adults are obese!

40% HOLY SHIT!!!

gluttonous consumerist culture... reap what you sow bitches

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> The overall prevalence of obesity was higher among non-Hispanic black and Hispanic adults than among non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic Asian adults. The same pattern was seen among youth.

what does this mean? beaners and niggers are more obese than crackers and chinks?


Health is not determined by weight, that is a social construct. Check your privilege.


kek, they both look terrible

health is multi-factorial. weight is one factor. a fucking important one.

troll harder ;)

Your made up bullshit university and studies funded by the social oppression are not valid arguments. You cannot deny the truth.

>2 17-year-old citations, 1 sentence each, 1 of which has supporting evidence


>12 studies over a 70-year time period, all showing conclusive analyses and supported by evidence as far back as 1938

Yeah, ok fatty.

Being fat is not an insult and your discriminatory pseudoscience is still wrong no matter how old and ubiquitous it is. Stop this injustice and inequality right now.

o wow, ya think?

> Your made up bullshit university

yep, made up in 1636 :)

>part of that 40%

At least I'm leaving it soon, 280 to 218. 170 will be mine by next year.

impressive! keep going.

how tall are you and how many calories per day do you eat?



I do intermittent fasting. One meal a day of 1000-2000 calories a day depending on what I feel like. No soda, no snacks.

No cardio, but I will start this week since one of my morning classes finished and I have the morning time to do whatever I want.

I think a lot of America's issues come from the fact that people think we'll never have hard times again, like everything is taken care of for the rest of forever other than maybe climate change in 500 yrs
When in reality there could be food scarcity relatively easily, there could be a larger economic crash than we've ever seen, there could be violent conflicts. While the odds of each of these individually are small, it's highly probable that one of them will happen in the next twenty years. People are going to need to be able to move around physically and insulin might not be the easiest thing to get your meaty hands on. Not to mention that these people probably don't know how to cook, let alone cook something good with healthy or limited ingredients, or grow their own food or even have a relationship with neighbors and try to build a community. The complacency seeps into every facet of their lives, they become completely self indulgent and weak in every way and the fatness is just a physical manifestation of that indulgence.
Truly depressing.

Yes but don't be a retard who thinks this explains away the statistics. There are more obese white Americans than there are black people period

>NEJM reports data linking fat with death are limited (as of 2000?)
Can't find this paper even if I search the quote exactly
>Chronic dieting causes weight gain
No citation, doesn't even make sense, but if it were observed, it's more likely that people CHRONICALLY dieting are people who regularly start and then stop dieting, and over time get fatter because they keep reverting to their eat-anything diet. At some point you could say that exercise might be physically impossible but not weight loss.
>Studies found association between weight loss/fluctuations and increased death
No citation, but if it were observed, that may have to do with the fact that people who have weight to lose in the first place are fat, the effects of which take a toll on the body over decades and likely wouldn't be comparible to people who were lean for most of their lives.
>Significant health problems sometimes result from weight loss surgeries
As with all surgeries, which aren't necessary anyway in this case. Irrelevant.
>many obesity "cures" are harmful
Irrelevant to whether or not obesity is also harmful.
>Studies have found heavy fit people have similar death rates to lean fit people
Why'd the wording change from obese to "heavy" here? Why are none of these claimed studies cited? What does fit mean here exactly?
>Risks of diabetes and heart disease were reduced for "heavy" people who exercise and eat vegetables
Says nothing about the rates of diabetes and heart disease for those heavy people compared to lean people, only to fatties with worse eating/lifestyle behavior.
>Studies have identified over 100 genes that contribute to obesity
None of which cause it or prevent it from being cured.

I don't know how this got on a university website. It's just lazy rhetoric.

I hate being a pedantic fuck, but all of these would be Morbidly obese, not just obese.

but were they coerced into this lifestyle? probably. the country is ruled by $$$, and molding everyone into an obedient consumer is good for business. i don't want to disregard the role of personal responsibility and lack of self-discipline, but you have to admit that there are external forces pushing people into a certain way of life (and not just in america).


>6 more pounds to go before I'm no longer "obese" and I'm officially "overweight"
>25 pounds after that before I hit my first weight goal
>15 more pounds after that before I'm no longer considered "overweight" and I'm officially "normal"
I know BMI is a meme but feels good to be closer to my goal

>I don't know how this got on a university website.
Something, Something, Cultural Marxism, /pol/ was right again, etc

Sure, and the way it tracks with lower class people is definitely significant.
And yet the fattest people vote for politicians who fail to advocate for them, and instead will likely have the downstream effect of making the obesity epidemic much worse.

the word "obese" can refer to a BMI range, or can just be a synonym for extremely fat. i'm sure op's linked study uses the former.

education is one factor. but another is the availability of calorie rich crap, that's engineered to chemically stimulate the reward regions of the brain. i also heard that it's more expensive to eat healthy unprocessed food than to fill up on garbage (don't know if this is true).

This. Anybody who mentions the obesity epidemic on /pol/ gets immediately met by a bunch of stormcucks who say "lol niggerz and spics have higher percentages" when you're overwhelmingly more likely to see a fat white in America.

> The prevalence of obesity was lower among non-Hispanic Asian adults (12.7%) compared with all other race and Hispanic-origin groups. Hispanic (47.0%) and non-Hispanic black (46.8%) adults had a higher prevalence of obesity than non-Hispanic white adults (37.9%). The pattern among women was similar to the pattern in the overall adult population. The prevalence of obesity was 38.0% in non-Hispanic white, 54.8% in non-Hispanic black, 14.8% in non-Hispanic Asian, and 50.6% in Hispanic women. Among men, the prevalence of obesity was lower in non-Hispanic Asian adults (10.1%) compared with non-Hispanic white (37.9%), non-Hispanic black (36.9%), and Hispanic (43.1%) men

wow, asian americans are waaaay lower than the other ethnic groups. what's the reason?

The government can force you to buy insurance, but they won't do anything to keep people from having to use that insurance. There are people who would defend that as well.

why do i get the urge to listen to AC/DC's "highway to hell" when looking at this chart :)

Rice. Chinese have 127 words for rice, but not one for diet.

Give it a while and they'll be just as fat.

>Climate change in 500 years
Lmao nigga wtf
Our kids are gonna be fucked cus of climate change

it was prophesied!

>implying humanity will ever get to space


fuck all you Veeky Forums homos, fat is beautiful.

eating feels good

Better pay for my healthcare you fatphobic rasis white males

holy shit how many calories would that abomination be consuming

>An adult gorilla may consume more than 18 kg (40 lb) of vegetation per day.

>also heard that it's more expensive to eat healthy unprocessed food than to fill up on garbage (don't know if this is true

no way. (warning: anecdote) I moved countries a few years ago and was pretty poor. definitely couldn't afford eating out or buying junk. probably the first time i started really eating healthy. I was buying whole foods and cooking for myself.

people are just lazy and don't want prepare meals for themselves

Asians have no problem with fat shaming, and fat shaming is mean but effective

over half of them are blacks and hispaniards

I don't get it. Fat shaming is common in Mexico, you'll have random people just straight up call you fat or fatty. You'll be known as gordo or gordito to people on the street.

Yet they still get really fat.

Wow. Make up totally works, it turned that smoking hot chick into a landwhale

Because shaming doesn't really work once your already hooked. Its like drugs, you never take them because of the shame but once your in the addiction cycle you don't give a shit that people are shaming you.

Cause those are more pet names than actual insults. People call their babies and partners Gordo/gorda/Gordito too.
Asians actually mean it when they say you need to lose weight.

morbidly obese counts as obese.


bottom one is like 6k cal a day.

>amerifats are fat
In other news: Indians still shit on the streets and Muslims stone their wymen.

t. fat ass amerilard

This. Obese just means BMI>30

Does anybody know how much calories 2 scoops of whey protein are with 500 ml of water? I don't have the label anymore.

Yeah but that in no way means what you think it means.

Yes you don't have to be supermodel thin or Chad ripped to neccerily be healthy, but being a 300 plus pound landwhale IS fucking unhealthy.

All morbidly obese means is that they have comorbitities associated with their obesity. Someone who is morbidly obese has diabetes related to their obesity, hypertension related to their obesity, or any other illness that is specifically caused by their excess weight.

>reap what you sow bitches
>literally soy and corn

Feels bad.

learn to google

>Health is not determined by weight, that is a social construct. Check your privilege.

I checked my privilege. It turns out I am fucking awesome. You jelly? Femlet.

asians don't tolerate fatties

hispaniards will joke about it but don't actually care

Fat shaming only works if the person being shamed knows what to do in order to have a healthy diet, by which I do not mean eating less but eating better, which will invariably result in eating less anyway. (Nutrient dense food with good fats, good protein and good carbs = nourishing, filling food that let your body correctly regulate its appetite.)

not even close

>What are proportion of obesity relative to population size

Blacks have a high # of obesity for their population.

It's like 5/8 blacks are obese versus 6/12 whites are obese.

So. To explain it even further. While you may have a high number of whites obese, for their relative proportion into population it is still not as scary as to compared the number of african americans who are obese compared to their population.

This goes for spics as well. Idiots.

Hispanics have a culture where the fatter you are as a baby, the more of an angel you look so it doesn't bother them as much plus like other anons have pointed out it's a term of endearment or just harmless joking.

Wouldn't get to close to it, stranded whales tend to explode cuz of the gasses trapped inside.

>there are external forces pushing people into a certain way of life

external doughnuts, legions of them, pushing their way past a fat cunt's clamped down lips?

East Asians, in general, aren't fucking retarded. SE Asians and those arab sandcucks are blowing up like there is no tomorrow.

Mexicans have the same weakness as native americans and pacific islanders: they can't resist fried carbs and all die around forty. Trump likes this a lot.

>That filename

Reminder that the 40% doesn't include people who are simply overweight and not yet "obese". True fatty number is 70%

By BMI alone the overweight number is already over 76%, which means that if we're going to go by bodyfat percentage instead of BMI, over 80% of Hamerica is a fat fuck. They can't die fast enough.

How do they even let it get this big?

What about the people who lift? They will be considered overweight by their bmi

we're a minority among a minority, mate. in numbers, there's only as many of us as there are trannies.

People who lift are statistically irrelevant it's like trying to argue for vegan athletes it's too small to affect the outcomes.

Reminder that BMI is only an estimate of bodyfat and that while it overestimates the amount of fat on 3% of the male population, it underestimates the fat of about 30% of the population. So it's probably more like 90% of people that are too fucking fat.

It's an estimate of body fat. It's an overestimate for about 3% of men. That's about it.

might as well nuke the whole fucking thing. what a disgrace.


This - if you know how to cook and aren’t a retard about buying shit, healthy eating is far cheaper than fast food three times per day.

Makes me sad seeing a life willingly thrown away. Especially knowing that they will one day realize what they have done, whether it be from a doctor telling them they can't keep the leg or them clutching their chest from a heart attack at 40. They don't die in blissful ignorance , they always realize in the end that they threw it all away, only after its too late

>if you are 6'5" you literally cant be morbidly obese according to this chart

manlets BTFO once again

And less than 285 pounds.

And it's "can't have a morbidly obese BMI."

>If you're 6'5 you can't build decent muscle unless you roid

>calls others idiots

>per capita doesn't matter
Jesus fucking christ


Sorry, let me make it simple for you.

50% of a white population is obese versus 63% of the African American population is obese. Now, proportionally, which population has a higher obesity rate?

Less than 1% of the population does real lifting

yeah per capita matters because we all know Grenada is the best nation to ever attend the Olympics.

You're comparing populations with over 100 times difference in population size. I'm comparing populations which are less than ten times different in size. You're also comparing a sporting event with a set number of winners in which each country enters the same number of athletes to a physiological condition which each person either does or doesn't have, independently of eachother. My comparison is statistically valid, yours is not.

>My comparison is statistically valid, yours is not.

the site I linked you has over 38k likes, how is that not a statistically valid source ?

Are you lifting?

at 6' you should probably start going by measured bf% rather than weight once you hit ~200lbs.

nayrt but I can't tell if you're being ironic or not. Likes don't mean shit when the average person has no understanding of statistics or comparable proportions. Which you evidently cannot

Interesting fact: although many Asian populations have lower BMI, they also see negative effects at lower BMI. For example, an Asian at 25 BMI would have increased risk of diabetes, CVD, HTN and mortality than an African American at 25 BMI

Probably for the same reason the same trend is true for old people, on average they have less lean mass, so even at a decent BMI, their BF% is still high

This isn't a bad thing. People who are Veeky Forums will stick out.