Black toe nail keeping me from lifting

I recently dropped a 2 liter bottle on my toe when a grocery bag ripped. I can't wear shoes right now and can barely walk unless i try not to put pressure on it.
I really want to continue training legs for rugby season next year. How long will it take to heal ans how long can't i gym legs/jog? Apparently nail will fall off.
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A two liter bottle done that to you? How?

I've dropped a bowling ball made of neutronium on my foot and barely done a thing.

>Wearing open toe'd footwear, ever

You can train as soon as your pussy ass can take the pain.

Your toe should be fully healed in a few weeks.

Just do it. Unless your foot is broken or something there's no reason put it off.

Wait a couple weeks, i dropped a 5kg weight dumbbell on my toe, it went away after a couple weeks

I did deadlifts with a broken foot the month after I broke it. Didn't dare do squats until it was fully healed though.

Harden up, it's just a bruise.

>it went away after a couple weeks
The toe?


The dumbbell.

Look at the bright side, he doesn't have to worry about his toe gains being uneven and looking like a fool in sandals.

weird little fact is that most people have broken a bone in their foot/feet at some point in their life and many of them didnt even realize it... desu there really isnt much to do for a broken toe. Most commonly are stubbing the pinky toe and something ends up breaking in there.

If you want real foot pain try having gout... I had a really bad case of it for awhile and my toe would hurt for about 6 weeks at a time... then I fixed my diet and decided to get fit.


Are you sure you play rugby? I've seen ppl continue playing with a cracked ribs. Maybe you should try cricket instead mate

Just wrap it up and lift barefoot if shoes hurt too much. The toe's not broken right?

last time I hit my toe like that
it took about a week for the pain to be tolerable enough for me to workout on it

try riding a bike for cardio
train your abs, hips and hamstring( they transition well into explosiveness)

not OP

my coaches don't let people play if they get injured that bad
its only unless we really want it but even then
going hard on a broken body hurts you in the long run
its like piking a scab

I worked a job that required steel toed boots. I had come to work in boots that werent steel toed and I guess they just assumed they were because nobody informed me. I ended up black-nailing both big toes and most of the others by the end of the week. They stop hurting after the first few days if you dont directly put pressure on them, and the nail will probably fall off in a week or two. You can definitely lift though, stop being a gigantic fucking pussy.


>mirin hairless 12 year old foot

fell off

pls tell me it grew back

not op btw

yeah they grow back i've done it a few times

You've damaged the nailbed, expect the nail to fall off within 2-3 weeks. before that it's gonna hurt like wank. Just take some Paracetamols and crack on lad

You could ask for a nail removal by a doctor. I was thinking of doing it because I thought I had an in-grown nail that fucked with my rock climbing.

take a paperclip and stick it on a heat source until it's red hot, shove it into the nail until blood comes out to relieve pressure.

if it doesn't then the blood has dried and you're best off just ripping it off. TRUST me.

Is your entire body made of vagina, how could a two liter bottle fuck up your toe that much.

>tfw i had an ingrown toenail on my left big toe that had to get removed/fell off a total of FIVE TIMES