Would you be Veeky Forums enough to survive a sexual encounter with Julia Vins?

Would you be Veeky Forums enough to survive a sexual encounter with Julia Vins?

Sure, she's not even that big.


Also, why does her face look like a doll? Shits weird, man.

Are you russian? If not, than you are in for a fight for survival.

She is pure as a doll.

You really want to risk snapping your dick in half?
She could easily bend over to some retarded position and send you to permanent dick-snap city.
Or like in that one dick-snap .gif I saw, ride you like a retard on top and miss the hole and sit on your dick.

no u

She would snap more than your dick.

Is she fit enough to survive one from me?

She's got some saiyan tier thighs

I wasn't born to be afraid

It would be extremely painful.
For you.

too much of a good thing desu

>hammer and sickle
that man needs a bullet through his thick dome.

I can't even have sex with my girlfriend because I can't get hard beyond about 65% erection, but I can still lose my virginity to her and cum inside her within seconds while half soft like a fucking idiot

Please anons, stop masturbating daily and watching porn. This is the saddest virginity loss story I've heard in my life and it's MINE.

would deep massage this for hours then let her lock me into chastity desu

>getting offended by symbols
is just a gaem why u have mad

It's not as if she'll be conscious after all that rohypnol.

The better question is whether or not that matters

so long as my seed gets planted deep into that fertile soil i will live on through the herculean child she will give birth to

She would prob bear hug you into a permanent chastity.

>Implying you can make her body submit to anything

Her offspring would be the stuff of gods, but are your seed Veeky Forums enough to impregnate her?

They are russian though.


death by snu snu

No thanks jeff

Her clit is probably bigger than my dick, but yes.

the bigger question is if she will not vomit from all the disgusting shit I am going to make her do

not a super huge fan of the muscle chicks but holy fuck shes hot

gib pls

Probably not but that wouldn't stop me from trying.
