Rough break up now i'm dead set determined to be a sick kunt. been thinking about roiding nonstop

rough break up now i'm dead set determined to be a sick kunt. been thinking about roiding nonstop.

pic related is our starting platform
asking all the insertion and genetic experts to let me know if there's an aesthetic future waiting for me if i do everything by the textbook

been lurking admittedly since i was probably 17 in high school but never really trained what so ever, im 21 now and suddenly really care about being a sickkunt.

don't start roiding right off the bat cuntass

Sl5*5 and gomad for 6 months.

Then ppl and roid

>those hips
lmao dont roid you'll look like complete shit just kys

im 6'3'' i dont have to kill myself yet

Post ur ex

what if i dont

You're confirmed to be a faggot

you look like shit


kill yourself you have gauges

>asking all the insertion and genetic experts to let me know if there's an aesthetic future waiting for me if i do everything by the textbook

Yes if you want to become a trap

Take those earrings out man they look so bad

Should have stayed with her desu

Get a haircut. I hope you don't posture yourself like that regularly. You probably look like some kind of shadow minion walking around.

Jesus. Don't start riding right away. Go on a cut, read the sticky, circle back in six months.

>Lurk for years
>Learn nothing at all
Is it the fault of the board, or the user?

You were built to give birth desu. You are probably in the 90th percentile for hip/waist among women, which just speaks to how fucked we are as a species.

To achieve any sort of male aesthetic is going to be a complete uphill battle for you man. You might want to go to a doc for test because you honestly might have klinefelter's.

if it makes you feel betters my ideal gf has your body but without the body hair!

Been lifting for one month. Do I have potential?

you are the very definition of skinnyfat

Eat protein-rich diet, 300-500 over maintenance, do strength training.

Also don't be a stupid fuck and roid right off the bat.

Nigga just fucking lift holy shit, don't roid until you are able to do everything right for a few years. Zyzz died for a reason.

holy shit i look like shit but i'm glad not as shit as you.

Not OP, but look similar to him. So should I be cutting or bulking?!

how did you get a girlfriend? how does someone with your body actually have the confidence to keep a girl? I am actually shocked. mate, I'm not trying to offend, but how did you manage to get a fucking girlfriend in that state?

>been lurking since he was 17
>is 21 now
>never trained

he's definitely a faggot

honestly have pretty much had the same body since beginning of high school, which is also when my pussy getting career began. ive dated steady 7-9's (arguably), also have had my fair share of uglies too but thats beside the point.

the real fact of the matter is im very well hung.. ive never been with a girl that wasnt super impressed by my dick. and most of my gf's i assume were with me particularly for my dick.


RIP in pece