Skincare and facegains thread

1. Lose fat and acquire those face gains (without this you will look like trash)

2. Take care of your skin:
a) cleanse
b) exfoliate with Tretinoin
c) moisturize
d) sunscreen (because of b) )

3. Use proper body gel after gym that moisturizes

4. Shaving:
a) wash your face with warm water
b) put shaving cream or butter on your face and try to smudge it form different sides
c) google for facial growth patterns (neck is usually tricky) and move/align razor accordingly. THIS IS IMPORTANT! And don't press hard with the razor, if it's pinching change it.
d) wash your face with cold water
e) don't use alcohol based aftershave, it's a old time meme. Use some faggot cream/balm.

5. If those wrinkles are deeper consider Laser Skin Refracturing or similar non invasive (no cuts) treatments. Or even actual plastic surgery.

6. Botox, lips enlargement are for females and fags. Don't be an idiot.

Other urls found in this thread:

How do I get rid of the black bags under my eyes?
Don't give me any "sleep more" bullshit.

Shit I have exactly the problem in the left of the picture and I'm 25. How do you fix that, is there more to do than what you already said?

How do I get rid of the two lines above the mouth and below the nose?

Any recommended brands that work, I've seen a lot of shit that doesn't work.

Typically I use sunscreen since uva causes most oxidative damage/aging in face, alongside a vitamin c/e under-eye serum.

Fuck all this noise.

I want to look wrinkled. The only chicks that dig a faggot soft face are children

Exactly what I wanted to ask.

Also, OP, you say "cleanse" and "moisturize" and whatever. How about some actual product recommendations?

Nice skin does not equate to a baby face, jesus christ.

>Any recommended brands that work, I've seen a lot of shit that doesn't work.
That is the hardest part actually. It takes months to find out what works and what does not.
I suggest this website to check other people's opinions on products:
There might be some paid reviews here though...

And this one to give you an idea what are you looking for with Retinoids (that b) part )

Try shit that I mentioned. If you are fat you really need to lose weight because fatties always have those two lines
And maybe even after that you will still have them (smaller of course) and that other more invasive shit (5.) will be the only thing left

Bump. My problem is mostly on my forehead.

Try the shit that I wrote
Outside actual surgical procedures these are the most effective (widely available ) ways to handle wrinkles
If wrinkles are too deep try the 5.

sorry but sleep more is a good way


use face masks

you want to do things that dont use your eyes

sleeping /relaxing is the best way

those korean masks are good too

How much can prolonged hot showers fuck your skin?
I'm a-asking for a friend, you know.

Anyone has experience with sebaceous cyst ? I have a new one on pop on my forehead today
I'm sick of having to go to the doctor to cut them out

cold showers are better all around for sleep, recovery, and hair and skin

are there any good substitites to warm water? don't have any where i am

I have these dark circles that just won't go away. I sleep at least 7 hours every night, and my mom has the same shit so it's genetic.
Any good methods that anons here have used that helps?

try a vitamin c/e serum

>try to shave mustache
>skin isn't smooth, still has a shadow/stubble
what do?

>don't use alcohol based aftershave

I like my dark circles, I don't understand why some people hate em

Amazon link for a good korean mask??

Same but I sleep 8-9 hours

where you get this shit from, prescription only?

same here, someone please help

black eyes is caused by high cortisol. look up high cortisol causes and see what you can do there

yea... no

You ever try going against the grain? I've personally never had any terrible with it, but some people really get messed up skin from it, so YMMV

hello jawlet

How do I get rid of milia?

They can cause your skin to go from being normal to requiring moisturizer.

>he didn't take accutane and then get laser hair removal on his face
haha have fun wasting time in the morning

THIS. shave daily and still have the shadow....

Can any anons help same story with me

how do you deal with blackheads brehs?
i got huge pores apparently and no matter how much i wash (3 times a day) i still get some
what do?

that shit fucks me up. i have hairs on my neck that i can never shave going with the grain, whenever i shave against the grain to get them (usually once a month) it rips my skin to bits


you're washing too often. wash your face once in the morning every other day with facial scrubs/peels.

I've had "acne"(?) on my temple area for a decade. I'm not sure if it's even acne. It's smooth to touch like skin, but it's red like pimples/acne. Is it a scar?

What can be done about it? I thought it'd go away on its own, but its been 10 years and it's still there...

thanks bro
yeah i just read that overwashing overstimulates sebaceous glands creating a shitload of oil, damn
guess i gotta cut down a bit


>b) exfoliate with Tretinoin
That's controlled substance in Australia.
So I'm going to need an alternative because I can't afford to go to the GP to get a prescription for cosmetic reasons.

it's a scar, but it doesn't even matter dude.
Why are you guys so fucking gay?

Former addict, been clean for 14 months now. The skin on my forehead is way more wrinkled than it should be for my age(20's,) it's improved a bit on it's own but I'm not satisfied.

What's the single best proven product for wrinkles? I'm looking for the creatine of skincare(I know nothing about it,) something I can buy generic and cheap and apply daily for a moderate improvement.

anyone know if insurance covers facial surgery if your face was born extremely asymmetrical?

Tan. I use mt2 and a tanning bed once a week

I have really deep lines now at the corners of my eyes due to the way I smile.

It makes me look like I am in my 30's but I'm in my 20's. How do I fix this shit?

Also, how the hell do I get smaller pores on my nose? They are massive as hell and are always filled with oil. I wash my nose and face 3-4 times a day but it's always there again after a couple hours.

t. fat / jawlet / uggo / atheist

1. Exfoliate every other day
2. use a cleanser id recommend with charcoal
3. after cleanser use a toner{with cotton pads), any kind will do but dont be cheap
4. moisturise, one with spf would be best
5. you would also get some kind of night cream for before bed or just use your regular moisturiser..

>exfoliate with Tretinoin

Is this right? Most of the retinol and/or tretinoin are creams and gels, but exfoliating means scrubbing?

Retinol is weaker, but it might be available over the counter down under. Works the same way. See:

>a) cleanse
>b) exfoliate with Tretinoin
I have not idea what these things mean

I hear those terms all the time, especially exfoliate but I have no idea what that even is or how you would do it

Can any of you link me a good kit to buy?

No joke mine go away after 2 weeks of nofap and my skin looks way better overall. But no one wants to do nofap

>I want to look wrinkled.

Its ok, granpa

I`m so sorry you can`t afford shaving razors

>laser hair removal on face
lmao..low-test faggot

>people keep telling me to use accutane
>have known people that have killed themselves after taking it, going from normal to fucked
>fucked my brother up too
>just want acne to go away so I can get a qt gf

Why Veeky Forums? I'm cutting, next to no dairy, washing face twice a day, changing pillow cases every other night, I'm fucking trying friends. I want to be fucking aesthetic :(

I have dark circels under my eyes Veeky Forums Basicly looks like pic related, sleeping is only helping a little bit and I already drink like 3l of water a day. I have almost no fat under my eyes any Idea what could help? Except make up, maybe something like rich oil-based cream?

Need your guys' help. What's the best otc medication for acne?

Did you try showering once a day preferbly at night with cold water, using a water active cleansing gel (one that doesn't dry out the skin), changing sheets/towels every 3 days and using zinc for oily skin/moisturizer for dry skin?
Also skin products with alcohol

I'm 22 but still have bad acne like a motherfucker. Should I go on accutane?
I hear it fucks up your kidneys and liver so I'm not sure if it's worth it tb.h lads.

What can i Do about acne scars?

nah, try a face wash with benzoyl peroxide first. it works like a charm

Apply lime juice

just cope

Concealer is always an option. I'd see a dermatologist if you dont want makeup though.

Also, start mewing.

>3. Use proper body gel after gym
what is this

I dont give a fuck about my face, but the thin skin between my thighs, balls and ass gets dark. How can I avoid it and reverse it?

Lotion for your body essentially. It's pretty hard to apply it all over yourself so after your workout shower, ask your gymbro to help rub your body gel all over your body. You'll want him to help rub it in especially into your back and other hard to reach places.

Id like to know too

I'm 10 days in. I'll make a thread about this if it's true.

Moisturise. Especially your genitals.

Once you shave with the gran, shave against the grain. I do a pass in each direction. Gives you about as good a shave as you can get without razor burn.

get a separate washcloth for that area and remember to scrub when you're in the shower. The friction causes the skin there to harden and get darker so you need to exfoliate and moisturise.

Rich said this shit:

Might actually listen to roidmonkey analytic advice