How much weight can i gain in 3 months? i am currently very skinny 120 at 6 ft. is it possible to be 155 by january...

how much weight can i gain in 3 months? i am currently very skinny 120 at 6 ft. is it possible to be 155 by january? dont care if its fat or muscle i just dont want to look skinny

I don't know, you tell me.

you don't need to know "how much weight can I gain in x time". you just need to know that your body will inevitably change once you start eating more and lifting.

>dont care if its fat or muscle i just dont want to look skinny

i wish i had this problem. just eat fast food everyday, you dumb nigger

Take some test. Eat a fuck ton of food. Drink lots of water and lift heavy shit.

>dont care if its fat or muscle i just dont want to look skinny
If you don't care if it's muscle, of course you fucking can, just eat enough.

3mo = 90days
1lb fat = 3500cal
1lb muscle = 2500cal
35lbs is gonna be between 87500(muscle) to 122500(fat) calories
Which comes out to being 973cal(muscle) to 1361cal(fat) ABOVE YOUR TDEE each day in order to gain that much weight in 90 days

So start fucking eating user, your TDEE is at LEAST 2000 according to internet calculators, you better be putting away 3000-4000cal a day if you wanna hit that shit.

I eat ~3500/day and fucking hate it. Good luck.

I will also add, that's 35lbs to gain in 3mo, I have gained 40lbs of muscle in 2.5 years of lifting, so it's probably all gonna be fat. You can MAYBE gain 15lbs of muscle.

you need to eat
a lot
protip: avoid fiber to avoid the bloated feeling we get when overfeeding
your daily diet should be
4000 calories a day:
whey, 10 scoops a day (this shit has no fiber and thus very easy to consume)
pasta/rice (2lbs a day)
literally drink a couple ounzes of olive oil without cooking it to hit fat macros (fat is anabolic) (i'm kidding about drinking it lol just pour it liberally on uncooked spinach)
that diet will make you gain a fuck ton of lean weight in a single month.
add in daily gym session (heavy weights) and you'll be a chad

Not OP but I'm undecided on wether to eat more rice/pasta every day or to do GOMAD a few weeks, what is easier to stick to? GOMAD is like 10 bucks a day in my cunt


fyi, 10scoops of whey is equivalent to 2GOMAD but cheaper. eat the pasta for the empty calories.

>10 scoops

3500kcal - 4000kcal per day.

Lift heavy, often, consistent, with progressive overload (add weight, even a tiny bit, each session).

Inject some test if that's not possible naturally.

I did, I'm 5'11, was 50kg (110lbs) in March. First cycle over and I'm now 63kg (136lbs). That's two fucking stone.

Drinking extra cals is easier than eating, but fuark that's expensive
Milk is $1.90/gal here, and some states it's just over $1
Do whichever you will stick to. No real dietary benefit of milk over other sources if you can stomach them, but make sure to hit your protein goals

I'm in a country which is currently pretty bad economically (still not third world country though) and I almost have no trouble buying my supplements so what the fuck is wrong with you europeans and especially americans, everything is fucking cheap there, you have it very easy.

>in my cunt

5'10 @ 138lbs reporting in, am i skelly tier?

just consume whey

Just drink a shake of milk, Mutant Mass, whey, creatine, eggs, oats and yogurt worth of 2000 cal. and get other 2000 cal from solid foods (4 meals of 500 cal each)

you morons dont even realize with the slightest bit of effort you can make your terribly balanced bulking diet into something with the same amount of calories and actually proper macro ratios

If you're that fucking poor, you've got bigger issues on your plate.

1/2 ground chicken, 44g protein, 19g fat
1 cup split peas, 44 g protein, 108 g carbs
4 cups rolled oats, 56 g protein, ~250 g carbs
4 cups of whole milk, 32 g protein, 32 g fat, 48 g carb
8 tablespoons dextrose, 140 g carb
1 cup whey, 24g protein

3500 calories. buy the oats in bulk on amazon. $30 a week

I managed to gain about 33 lbs in 3 months while on GOMAD. Gained most of those within the first month, slowed down considerably after that for some reason.

Pro tips:
Buy your grain of choice in bulk online. This should be easily half your calories if your ratios are proper.
Ground chicken is cheaper than ground beef and has way less fat and more protein. It is preferable to have less fat in your meat since you will be getting a tremendous amount of fat from your milk.
Drink your milk. No need for GOMAD, its very expensive and the macros are ridiculous. 3-4 cups a day is fine.
If you have issues eating your grains consider taking the Oat Pill and just blending everything. It took me at least an hour to eat 2 cups of brown rice. Now I can just drink all the shit in 30 minutes. Not to mention the oats dont need to be cooked