Tfw got kicked out of the gym because one of my oxygen balloons burst and scared everyone

>tfw got kicked out of the gym because one of my oxygen balloons burst and scared everyone

The fuck is an oxygen balloon?

i blow up balloons prior to working out so when my arms get sore from lack of oxygen, i inhale the oxygen from the ballons and get a little bit of a kick to keep working out

its like ghetto blood doping

Sounds like the gym did the correct thing by kicking the autistic retard out.

fuck you


>autism speaks

Unironically genius

Technically its carbon dioxide we breathe out

>user walking down the street with his balloons
>bunch of kids run up to him thinking he's a clown and beg for a balloon
>"Sorry kids these are my oxygen balloons"


probably bait but to those who take this seriously, we don't exhale oxygen. we exhale carbon dioxide so thats what the balloon would be filled with. if OP actually did this he would be actually fucking retarded

>thought he meant lung
>this is better

>we don't exhale oxygen

I'm afraid we do boyo

we don't exhale pure oxygen is what i meant

well it works whatever is inside them

don't know if this is a larp or real but either way pls go on

if this is real then he didn't blow them up himself, he prob bought them filled up with pure o2(idk if thats a thing).

Only a small percent of the oxygen we inhale gets turned into carbon dioxide.

Floating bombs. Do y'all know how explosive pure o2 is?

shoo shoo gains goblin

isn't that also dangerous inhaling pure o2

just looked it up it is. It can interfere with your lungs ability to function and would not give a boost, but m
ake you move tired. This is retarded.

> the replies to this thread
> current Veeky Forums is so reddit that they can't recognize an "absurd gym happenings greentext" thread

Fell for the b8

>gym clown keeps raping you between sets

You sure you weren't kicked out for trying to lure gym-goers into the manlet pit?