"How much you bench? Yeah I could probably bench more than that just no time to lift too busy working, my careers demanding"
"How much you bench? Yeah I could probably bench more than that just no time to lift too busy working...
Most of my coworkers are like this.
>yeah in highschool i used to bench 300 and squat 500
Their lying is painfully obvious
Why the fuck does literally everyone have better body hair growth than me?
u mad they used to lift more than u?
Because you are a woman?
Just try the salt trick. Worked for me and now I've got the perfect amount of hair
i bench much less than what i look like i should be able to
Oh god this. They all say this and yet now they are all mid thirties-forties and fat.
I have a full beard though
>Just try the salt trick. Worked for me and now I've got the perfect amount of hair
Yeah but how can you stand having that much salt in your urethra? I tried it before and the pain was unbearable dude.
No pain without the pleasure of the pain
>not having a career that isn't demanding yet still make 6 figures
have a nice life being a wage slave bragging you work long hours for someone else
Working for someone else is a racket. Better on the fucking dole. Best decision I ever made was to start milking horses.
>career that isn't demanding yet still make 6 figures
like what?
>salt trick
what the fuck are you talking about?
KYS loser lmao
To make your hair grow
If you don't eat a amount of calories and don't do curls you could have world class lifts but look like Woody Allen.
My friend constantly tries to put me down now that I have got Veeky Forums and reminds me that he was bigger than me in high school. Nobody fucking cares about your fucking squat you had almost 6 years ago, you have gained 50 pounds fatass
Just say that to his face. True friends fat shame each other.
tell him that and he might become your gymbro, he sounds like retard though so he probably wont
what do you do with salt to make hair grow?
mad af
I'm a millwright at a steel mill and after OT and bonuses I make about 100K and honestly I spend most days at my job sitting on my phone waiting for something to break down.
Sure sometimes the OT can suck and shutdowns are hell. But all things considered I don't do an awful lot of work from day to day and make 100K and have a pension.
How did you got this Job and which degree do you have?
He's a millwright fuck head
He didn't go to school
He got a trade apprenticeship
And my wife tells me not to quit my shitty ass office job to become a millwright. I guess at age 34 it's probably too fucking late.
sit on my face
You use it stupid
>the cope
so what, they peaked early. it doesnt make it not true
Actually I did go to school but you don't always have to. I took a pre apprenticeship program 2 years local college(Canada fag here so our colleges are like $2k a year tuition). I got a paid 1 year co-op at my job then hired after. You do 4 years apprenticeship where your pay rate steadily raises the whole time. I know guys who skipped school and went right into the apprenticeship though but usually you gotta know someone for that or be really lucky or have prior experience. Also apprentices have to do 4, 4 week blocks of schooling spaced out over their apprenticeship, my program let me skip that.
Can't think of any other field out there where you can make this much for this little schooling. Seriously, the trades are where its at. Welding, Millwrighting, Pipe-Fitting, Heavy Mechanic, Rigging.
by azura! by azura! by azura!
Yes it does. Much of your strength persists, these people don't have it
It's the Grand Champion!
I fucking hate delusional fatfucks who think they're builtfat just because they do labour.
My old boss was a fat fuck who legitimately believed he was stronger just because he weighed more. He told me for ages he could curl more than me so eventually at a work outting we were at a gym (one of our clients owned a gym) I curled a 70 pound dumbbell and told him to put up or shut up. He made excuses and eventually just stopped bringing it up.
cop that piggie