Lookin to buy some creatine

Bit of a newfag, started lifting about a month or so ago. I've heard loads of good things about creatine but don't really know where and what to look for. What're you recommended brands and types Veeky Forums?

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dont use that shit, its all water weight and you'll lose all your gains in a week after you stop taking it

Creatine is cheap, is a mild nootropic (smart drug), and lets you workout a little longer and a little harder. There are really no downsides. Except remembering to take it every day.

No point in wasting your money on that as a beginner. Just work out correctly, buy good foods and get enough rest.

If you still want to try creatine because all of your friends also use it than at least don't fall for any SUPER CREATINE FORMULA X20 CAPSULES MASSACRE memes. Creatine monohydrate.

I use BodyTech Creatine Monohydrate. It's pretty good.

>wasting money
Creatine is about $0.10-$0.15 per 5g scoop. That's literally pocket change for something that does actually work. One less trip to the bar will pay for two years worth of creatine.

ignore all the fucktards saying not to buy it

Why should a beginner who won't be able to tell the difference from is newbie gains bother with it? To even worry about that instead of just lifting and eating right until he stalls is putting the cart before the horse.

A beginner will not be able to feel any improvement in his performance from taking creatine. A beginner should be focused on learning proper technique, getting the frequent trips to the gym into his life routine, learning about nutrition, putting what he learned about nutrition into action and eating well and resting enough. If he does that he will be able to improve with every workout either way while creatine intake would be a factor so unstable and little it wouldn't even matter.

Oh for fuck's sake, it's not like he can't do that at the same time? No creatine is not a miracle but it's not like he's asking about going full bore into a $150 a month supplement stack expecting to come out looking like Arnie either.

Creatine isn't for size, dumbass, it's for stamina and recovery

>One young kiddie on Creatine cried all the water out of his body. Just imagine how his mother felt. It's a fucking disgrace.

Don't do it user

Well, it will pump your muscles up to RIDICULOUS fucking sizes.

The endurance also comes from how it helps your body store more water and glucose in the muscle.

Problem is that the body will pull water from your organs and that has lead to some stupid highschool kids dying.

You're an idiot. How can you be alive? Kys now you faggot

Yea, shut up. Stop giving advice,you're bad at it

Yeah if they're taking 10g and not drinking water. Some retard from my high school was hospitalized because he was so dehydrated, just drink a little more water if you're on it and you should be fine

This dude is actually right. Creatine is a waste of money considering that there are better supplements out there. There's also creatine alkaline, which should be avoided.

Creatine, basically wears off far, far too quick i.e matter of days. Sorry lads, I know some of you won't agree, but that's just how it is.

So long as the gymrat has made his natural progress and taken his body decently far enough into the natural programmes, then maybe consider prohormones. They're good.

Let's bet that even if he would be to invest just 20$ into creatine monohydrate every cent of that could have been invested better in actual nutrition. But I do get your point - compared to other products it's really not that expensive.

>A dietary supplement is bad because you have to keep taking it to continue to recieve the effect

Actual nutrition like what? 10 bucks will get you several hundred grams of creatine. Ten bucks of meat might have a few grams of creatine.

Don't do it. Do it after 6 months of training.

Also, FYI creatine speeds up MPB.

Just don't stop taking it you actual fucking retards.

I literally buy creatine at Walgreen's. It's like $20.

I buy mine on amazon. 2000 grams for 40 bucks, lasts over a year.

fucking this. I still have creatine that I purchased last march or so. I spent MAYBE 15 dollars on it.
creatine monohydrate is insultingly cheap

>Also, FYI creatine speeds up MPB.
is there any actual evidence of this beyond retards who go on the internet and say "i took creatine and muh hair felled out"

Unfortunately - yes. However if you really are interested in it and want to be 100% sure you should check your blood for DHT and see for yourself!


It's one of the few proven supplements. It's cheap, safe and effective; meat eaters get a gram or so a day from food already. It's not steroid level, but as far as *supplements* go, it's at the top of the list.

Also, I use ON creatine monohydrate. Reputable brand so I'm not too worried about contamination.

increases levels of DHT / Dihydrotestesterone

which is attributed to early MPB.

I wouldn't risk it personally.

I had a friend with severe creatine rage attacks in the past, and I had a couple of other gym buddies driven to the hospital with horrible cramping across all appendages and one of them had to get a toe amputated.