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Health #433
Read the sticky
I cured my gyno by accident
Thinks he's strong
The bars open
What do you hate about your body?
The gym witch is hogging the hex bar again
Am i getting fat? Should I lose weight?
Why tf didn't they use this chick?
No In Between
/fraud/ - Anime is unbanned edition
Soy stops baldness
Are there any fit approved breakfast cereals?
Hey user!
Quick poll, is there any truth to this silly study that people keep sharing
/fph/ + /fps/: fat people hate and stories
/fast/ breakfast is unimportant edition
Is this a realistic female physique?
How is this fair again?
Peak Male Physique
Please tell me you guys are normal. You like real women right?
I really want to lift but im literally obese and im super self conscious
Is 1/2/3/4 respectable?
Mods, stop this shit
What's up little man? Is it too heavy for you?
What's the best way to shave body hair?
Flexed vs unflexed
The true mark of a high test, alpha man is to be able to be able to look like a 9 with or without a beard
Daily reminder not to use mixed grip
Which is more pathetic, using roids or wearing a wig?
Do you guys go to clubs?
Never directly train arms
Belly gfs are the best for winter
Your thoughts on tea?
Personal Hygien Thread
Post some Veeky Forums music
Blocks your path
What causes depression?
How do i achieve this mode?
1 plate in Europe is 20kg
Mouth fitness
Veeky Forums opinion
Okay Veeky Forums I need your help
Tfw my 50 year old Chad Dad has higher test than me
Tfw ex gf is probably out drinking, partying whatever
These my friends...are powerful
Well Veeky Forums, as pic related proves i'm not into this board...
Who here cycles NOFAP? Ever since I started my masturbation cycles, I've noticed (purely anecdotal):
Should a man who's 5'6 tall even lift or focus on other things such as career and such?
/sipboys/ thread
Whats your least favorite lift?
Women prefer fat guys
Who the fuck drinks from a bottle like this? You don't just insert the entire thing into your mouth, right?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Reminder that your body won't give you a gf like this
What the fuck is my opening line brehs?
What's the most Chad major, and why?
Hey user
Board browse thread
How do I unlock this mode?
Tfw seasonal depression is kicking in and hurting your gains
Thanks to Veeky Forums survey
/fraud/ fraud general
Are manlets with tall girlfriends alpha?
What music does Veeky Forums like
/sig/ Sp00ked edition
Reduce bloating tips?
I’m trying to get my gf into the gym with me. What kind of workout do you recommend for her Veeky Forums. pic related
As a 25 year old male... Is it too late for me to try and improve my life now?
How much must you lift to fuck girls like this?
How fat have your exes and crushes have gotten Veeky Forums? Let take a moment and self reflect...
What are some games that will make me stop being a fat fuck?
/Cooking with fit/
User you are coming with us?
TURN based RPGs?
Redpill me on this machine
Why the fuck are women such cunts?
Can women really get "thick" through lifting/cardio...
Bad genetics: fucked up bowel edition
I'm 5'7" and 190 lbs, currently dating a 6' woman who most of you could even like her boots...
Fellas help me out, i want to breakup with my gf and im not rly sure how, she rly doesnt see it comming i think...
How do I quit porn without falling for the nofap cult meme?
Do younger guys still think it's "gay" to sit like this? If so, they are stupid...
How do I get rid of these?
Why all preworkouts are so disgusting?
This group of brown buff manlets are always staring at me when i'm in the gym...
Symmetric Strength thread?
325 turbo virgin not wanting to be laughed at
Best course of action?
No Legs
When did you realize it's all about the face?
Really insecure about my arms since somebnnody pointed out that they're several inches shorter than they should be
Who is more aesthetic?
/fat/ thin people never got the luxury to experience eating how they want everyday for years
So which one of these lifting milestones did you bros reach first?
What motivates you to get up in the morning?
Post 6th image in Veeky Forums folder
We make fun of manlets
Plastic Surgery
Thoughts on MyProtein? I'm considering buying some powder from their site since its cheaper than most other brands
Tfw acne
Is 6' and 130 pounds ok for a dude?
How do I stop feeling like a loser?
women are socially conditioned and peer pressured to be submissive and generally not asserative
What do you do for calves, Veeky Forums?
Can you be fat but healthy? At what point does excess bodyweight hinder health?
How many times a week do you hit The Big Three?
Mom science rage thread
Be honest, no need to lie on the internet
What's wrong with modern men Veeky Forums?
Just hit the gym bro!
Tip for pan frying meats
What is the IRL manlet cut off?
Veeky Forums - anger edition
Got humiliated in BJJ class
"Oh, sorry. Were you using this?"
Are machines really bad or did I fall for a meme?
Look a girl with a big butt
Another KEY exercise to build a strong deadlift and pulling power is heavy bent over rows
Would a men-only gym where nudity is allowed be gay or just a manly boy's club where banter and challenges are freely...
Good form, pupper
Paradigm shift
Why squat
ITT fitness myths and debunking them
Diet thread
Tfw i had sex last night and i still feel dead inside
Tell me my tattoo is retarded
Reminder that girls do not care about legs
Bad Habits of Veeky Forums
Sunday Night Sanity
How do you even achieve a body like this?
State thread
Ass or tits
I've come to realize that your appearance doesn't matter...
How do I attract a woman that is highly successful financially and good looking at the same time?
Watching a ton of porn and fapping non stop recently
How doomed are you Veeky Forums?
How many kg do you hug?
What are your test levels?
Be me
Sunday Night Thread
/plg/ - powerlifting general
How to eat pussy skillfully?
Confessions of a soyboy
Strg f
Quick! You wake up tomorrow with your perfect body, the one you dream about. You have now officially made it
Did roids
/routine thread/
Is it better to deadlift on a pull day or leg day, PPL split
Erection quality
Texas method
I love you guys and this board
I'm dumb and need help
Tell me your easy meals
/FPH/ Fat People Hate General
Tfw still live with dad
I overheard one of my aunts telling my female cousins to marry older rich men since their sexual appetites are less
Should overly revealing outfits be banned from gyms?
Are supersets a meme or do they actually give you better gains...
You were skinny fat and now you're fit
TFW Drunk
Is it just a meme or does it work?
Isn't it cheaper to buy 2-3 core gym gadgetry and lift at home?
How on earth do you know if you're getting in enough micronutrients?
ITT: arch nemesis
Is meat really carcinogenic?
Recently my cat died
Veeky Forums survey
Anyone else have natty bacne?
ITT: we post god-tier food combos
Height matters
I want to train my masculinity
Are Russians (or slavics in general) physically superior to everyone else?
Veeky Forums Halloween costumes
What are these and how do I get them
At what age does it start becoming an issue to find long term partners...
What is your favorite muscle on a girl Veeky Forums?
Is there like a.... step-by-step tutorial of what to do at the gym? A video perhaps?
No matter how shredded you get she'll never love you
Is scooby right? Is the US 3rd world in health and fitness?
Fit feels thread
What beginner program do you recommend?
Why are white men genetically the strongest race of people?
High IQ, medical doctor parents, wealth, final fantasy haircut, have good face, frame, height, aren't fat, lack shame...
Running is besides sex the best fucking free thing you can do. Jesus christ
ATG squats vs half squats?
Is it possible for someone to get that big without taking protein supplements?
On this episode of "user goes to a party an leaves alone"
Does Veeky Forums do anything to train their faces?
Wtf why?
Any truth to this? Or just more vegan lies?
Gym manager told me people were complaining that i stink
Buzzfeed soyboys gets their test levels checked
A vegan, a crossfitter, and an atheist walk into a bar. Which one talks first?
Are you an assman?
Anyone's else physique ruined by pubertal gyno?
I hate having man boobs. I'm teased in the locker room about it so much. Why must you hate me God...
When you catch a QT mirin
How do I eat more? I'm sick of this shit, I need 3500 calories a day and I'm dying
Who do you lift for Veeky Forums?
Do you want a thiccbrap, swolebrap, or braplet?
Guy loses 60 pounds
Lifting is Pointless getting Girls
Will fetish play lower my test?
How would Veeky Forums coach their mom?
Do bodybuilder zombies say "gainnnnnsss" instead of "braiiiins"?
Which one of these paths would you take, and why?
Be me, due to workout but low on motivation
Scooby confirmed for white nationalist
He's not natty anymore Veeky Forums
Test low enough that I get all the bad symptoms
This is why i lift
Veeky Forums dines
ITT: Quintessential Veeky Forums films
Beta Carotene
Are you guys here into traps/femboys ? Just curious :)
Seeing all the girls in their Halloween costumes
Want to start Keto diet. Have a lot of fat to lose. About 100lbs...
Barbell carrying case
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Are asians the most beta race in existence? They are manlets and won't look big when they put on muscle
Be at gym
Small victories of the day?
Can Veeky Forums guess which one of these two is still alive? LMAO Veeky Forums BTFO!!!!!!!!!!
Im thinking of replacing of replacing bench with dips for a good couple of months because im bored
I have an idea: to seriously de-shit this board...
Ok guys serious question. I'm 25 years old and basically sick of having sex...
Okay...weird question
Be in gym, working up to set a new clean max
"Maybe you should put down the dumbells and focus on flexibility, balance...
It's halloween weekend
Women don’t care about looks bro
Sup Veeky Forums, me and my bro have been lifting and building for almost a year. This is what my friend looks like...
Can you even satisfy a grill like that if you don't have a 8"x6" dick brehs?
R8 please
Anybody got any tips on eating pussy?
How Veeky Forums do you have to be to knock out a bear in a fight?
Does the more weight you lift/push/pull mean relatively the fastest muscle gains...
Who /wristlet/ here?
I think I need to get into HIIT and improve my VO2max. HIIT is the best way to do that, right?
/MMG/ -Militant Manlet General
My girlfriend is trying to lose belly fat so she started going to the gym...
/balding general/
How are you lads holding up?
January is coming boys O.O How will you deal with the coming invasion? I think I'm fucked RIP gains
It's an user finds the gym completely empty...
How to stop knee click
Gym incel reps 2pl8 OHP
Transformation Thread
Veeky Forums literature anyone?
How do I Into this mode?
Got my haircut at the barbers today lads
New age alpha method
Is the weight loss from Intermittent Fasting caused by the lack of carbs/glycogen in your system...
Anyone else here got offered sex work since becoming Veeky Forums
Are you doing a pullup or a chinup if you use a neutral grip?
Could lifting realistically redeem this guy?
Alright lads, what's the REAL verdict on protein shakes? Need them or not?
One chance at life
Someone put up /fag/ thread again. Setting up shop to compete...
How do i get abs...
Guilty Pleasures
Do ketogenic diets lower test?
How to have a healthy relationship with girls? I don't want to be jaded like Veeky Forums
Rate my physique
Post you're waifu Veeky Forums
/hangout/ thread
Fat people like chocolate
Better than sip
Why haven't you taken the bogpill yet?
Would Joe Rogan be browsing here if he was born 3 decades later?
Are sumo wrestlers fit?
How homo are you Veeky Forums?
30% bodyfat
Oneitis sent me a snapchat of her with another guy that likes her
He doesn't read books to get brain gains
My shoulders hurt after every chest day now and I feel the conductor is going to stamp my ticket to Snap City any day...
Got Veeky Forums, but have no desire to get girls
Weak as fuck
/fph/ - fat people hate
THICC > sticc
What's the best natty physique a 5'10 boxer could have? Heavy cardio, constant conditioning etc
Whats brehs thought process during heavy squats
Guy loses like 50 pounds
/NoFap/ General
Will lifting heavy really make me shorter? Im 5'10 I cant afford to lose even an inch ;_;
In gym
Gym troll thread
He wastes all of his daily (limited) motivation on going to the gym and wonders why no other aspect in his life improves
Sup Veeky Forums
Friday Night Feels Thread
Had an egg thrown at me from a car
Are Deadlifts as good as people say?
Manlet Story Thread
How to fix overbite without spending much money?
My ex is out right now and literally getting dicked down...
/Routine General/
Go home after sick night out
Best oil for frying?
My friend is dirt poor...
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Pasta place by me is good but they serve the pasta too hot and it burns my mouth
Rack Pulls
I bet u fit fags cant get digits like this
Last rep face
Dietary Kryptonite
Has your sex performance changed after getting fit?
How do I learn to sleep on my back? It's seriously harming my gains
*blocks your path*
Did you see his headphones get caught on the bench barbell? HA, What a loser
How much is she lifting?
Fat guys can't get smoking hot wi-
I've failed the 5th rep at 135lbs bench, twice. I had previously deloaded to 125 and worked back up today...
Best spotify playlists for lifting?
Does being Veeky Forums automatically make you a d-bag/jerk? Society sure makes it seem thay way
Zyzz physique is achievable natty
Is it true that getting Veeky Forums makes you gay? Why is that?
How could you possibly be Vegans with this?
/CBT/ I look like a paper sheet edition
Does he think he is the new Zyzz?
That's it I give up. I wanna start doing roids. What am I expecting for the first month I'm in on them?
This officer is about to tackle your ass to the ground
What the fuck is wrong with fatties?
2 weeks
She swiped right now we wait
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
How to jaguar mode?
ITT: All of a sudden, girls are given the ability to immediately have any shape or size they'd like...
How would you cope with losing all your gains?
Have any of you ever tasted unflavored whey with just water?
Do you ever cheat on your diet?
Tell her you're 5'10
Romanian deadlifts
How did Arnold squat 4pl8s without getting tree trunks for legs?
Will never be a huge black guy
Friendly reminder even Zyzz looked dyel with clothes on
Lets have a /gymstories/ thread
Guess Veeky Forums is wrong again, sorry sweeties ;)
Welcome to the Salty Spittoon Gym, how tough are ya?
Tfw no cute female lifting buddy to flirt with before going back to gf
How do i get rid of this? not me but pic related
Post underrated or obscure exercises that you like
Ages 30+ preferred
How you holding up Veeky Forums?
What are the side effects of a ketogenic
/fat/ I'm not thin; I'm a hungry food addict
Gym nemesis enters the locker room
Tfw finally disregarded girls and focusing completely on lifting
Weightlifter: DUUUUUDE you have to do reverse tipple twisted bicep curls for best effec-
What do you pay for your vitamin D?
Manlet feels thread
This fat black gamer chick did CrossFit for nine months and looks like this, why are you still a worthless dyel
How do i increase hunger
Remember: It's either ALPHA GENETICS or BETA RESULTS
Can you pass the army physicals?
Is there a recommended supplement stack we should all be taking?
Sick phüsiek, in all actuality
Are there any fat to fit asthma bros...
Is there any benefit to doing hammer curls rather than just regular dumbbell or barbell curls?
Tfw you will never have the 9/10 facial aesthetics of a male model
Snap delivered 18 hours ago
Starting to fall for other gym goers gfs again
I can beat up anybody on this board
Does losing weight make you more attractive /face/ wise?
Make my lifestyle healthier
He doesn't lift exclusively to inner strength
Front Squat bs Rear Squat
What do you use to track calories?
1 chance in life
So I've been on test 2 weeks today and dbol 4 weeks today
Can somebody teach me how to eat pussy? I feel like I need to learn how to eat pussy properly in order to please my gf
Am I alone in this Veeky Forums?
Move out of parents' place
Are these things muscles or fat?
What's up fit, I aint that big but I been working out for a minute
Progress Thread
More and more hairs fall out every day
That guy who eats between sets
Any Veeky Forums stem majors here?
Zyzz was once king of Veeky Forums. Now, he is gone. Rich Piana took his place. He, too, is gone. We need a new king...
How many people here on that low protein?
Tried ephedrine before workout
Thanks to everyone who's helped me out over the past few weeks :) Finally hit 60kg squat (1 plate) last night...
Friendly reminder that for 99% of us, no matter how much we lift or how Veeky Forums we get...
When did you realize that lifting has nothing to do with being an athlete?
Will womenmores ever recover?
Veeky Forums you have to help me. I'm decently good looking, I'm 19 went on tinder for a week found a ton of matches...
Fitnesses to increase intelligence??
This is simply the worst item you could put in your diet. Every time you eat refined sugar you destroy your gains
/SIG/ Self-Improvement General
Hey guys, what am i doing wrong
Do you mix your protein with water or milk?
Getting Older
Oh yes
CBT: Let me fuck your girlfriend edition
Are there benefits to eating dark chocolate?
What's inside your gym bag?
Is this a solid protien or is it all hype?
Hey Bros, sunglasses in the gym. Yeigh or neigh
I used to be a tits/ass guy, but after becoming fit, the face of a woman became much much more important
For someone who isn’t fat but has higher bf than average and lower muscle mass than average would playing squash...
Guy loses 50+ pounds
How you holding up fit
Who else enjoys going to GNC/Vitamin Shoppe/etc. even if they end up not getting anything...
How bad is pic related for trainning mass gain etc
How the FUCK can you get 1.5 grams of protein when you can only get 1600 calories in
Shoulder joint DOMs
Tfw lifting won't make you attractive
Nailed 130 lb OHP 4 reps strict and clean
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Who da faq is even watching it... As they are sayin, two black guys make watch white chick doing squads...
Tfw 5 ft 11.654
How do you cope with the feeling of insecurity when you're with your gf around bigger, taller...
A highly common misconception in history is that a male silverback gorilla would beat any human in a fight because of...
No push up thread
ITT: we discuss ways to initiate conversations with babes at the gym that DON'T sound retarded
Anyone else on Veeky Forums very particular about working out their shoulder muscles?
How do I tell a girl that I am into her?
19 years old
If you were a girl would you still workout regularly?
What’s the deal with potatoes? Are they healthy to eat as your main carbohydrate source?
Is Cheese okay?
Era of Zyzz: 2007-2012
When Was The Last Time You Got Your Ass Kicked?
Why even lift when you could just get plastic chirgury to look like this?
Whats it like being extremely attractive?
Am I going to die
Have you realized you were bisexual since you started getting fit?
What lift will help me stop being a sperglord?
Rich Piana has been dead for 10 months
Bulk and Cut at the same time?
Reminder that getting a gf is mostly about your personality
Good Veeky Forums feels
Only mired by black girls
Whats his problem?
Why is it so great? I'm a fat fuck, and I'm now struggling to hit 1500 calories a day
Times you turned around at the gym
Hey Veeky Forums how you holding up?
What the fuck happened to Henry Cavill
Have you ever taken a creepy picture at the gym?
Bois, if you do cardio while cutting...
Is it acceptable to drink alcohol while powerlifting?
I'm on my 7th day of keto and I just noticed that the feeling of hunger just dissapeared out of nowhere
Tell me, Veeky Forums
Did ketosis for like 2 weeks. Was fine, not too tough, but I stopped today
/tr/ - tinder general
How do I get the Bruce Lee physique?
Are we being raided?
If you died today, would you be content with your life?
What are you lifting to today, Veeky Forums?
Have you ever tried hitting on a girl in the gym?
Why are gay guys stereotyped into being really fit? Is it true statistically?
Manlets Beware
Why is being Veeky Forums useless after 27?
How many times a week do you guys go to the gym
Thot here. How do I pick up a guy from my college wrestling team? They're so hot
Why do you fucktards even bother working out...
Compliments all the time irl in the gym and from normies
/plg/ - powerlifting general
How does Veeky Forums fight crippling depression
One good reason
/fat/ Eat your vegetables edition
Is he natty?
Front vs Back
Running as substitute for working out legs
What advantages does pic related have over coffee?
Lateral raises
Become slowly weaker over past 6 months
College and getting Veeky Forums
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
Why do fashion and streetwear-communities always exist out of either skeletons or chubsters?
Veeky Forums feel
So apparently girls dont like you when your emotional but how do i open up to them? isnt that what a gf is for
Goal Body - No Donovan posting edition
Anyone else do yoga to stay flexible?
Omg user, you're getting huge
Doesn't smoke weed
Powerlifting vs Crossfit
Is this bullshit?
GF just told me she's pregnant. I want to raise my kids to be Veeky Forums and not like our current generation of...
Is getting an ass like this mostly genetics or can anyone achieve it through hard work, glute bridges and dedication?
Barefoot/minimalist shoes
Supplements. What do you take? Whats worth it? Are test boosters legit? etc
Hello. I'm new here and I want to get a bit healthier
My friend was an ugly 48 year old 5'2 Indian guy and he was having trouble finding a woman who wanted to be with him...
Strengthen Mouth Muscles
What program should I run 5/3/1, Westside, Korte 3x3, or Sheiko #29?
Need more suggestions for lifting music plz
What do u do for ur lats, Veeky Forums?
I fucked up Veeky Forums
How do I pick up girls like this at the gym?
This is why Grandpas were always Chads
How smol is your bae?
Why has there been increase in anti-zyzz posters. What happened?
What do rows hit that deadlifts don't hit? Guess I'm just trying to find an excuse not to do rows cuz I hate them
Doesnt do glute ham raises
How to into cardio???
/tr/ - tinder general
Those are some impressive muscles you've cultivated....but they wont help you against my blade
Is pizza really unhealthy?
Is this a meme? Or did I find a good program?
Let's decide for all, Is vegan diet the best, healthiest diet one can have?
Best source to buy Dnp that ships worldwide?
Is there any part of your body that you want to change but can't with training?
Good feels thread?
He’s still obsessing over that one girl
How the hell do you get arms like this? Possible natty? I want to look this good in clothes
About to do db press
What’s Veeky Forums‘s party drug?
Work 45 hrs a week + 1 hr commute a day
So fit what is the reason why you lift
What’s Veeky Forums sippin on after a long hard day of work?
What are some things Veeky Forums is thankful for?
What food should I buy that will help me loose weight
Why do you fags think weed is cool?
Will this make me grow facial hair? I have a full mustache, but my beard is neck only and side burns are very patchy...
Mode thread
So Veeky Forums is it worth doing Hex bar Deadlifts if you can do regular ones?
No Fap + Fasting + Black coffee = maximum HGH = Godmode
/plg/ - polish lifting general
Bro, just lift! Girls will be all over you!
You're given $1000 to build a home gym
Bout to order a new batch lads. Which flavour should I try this time? Last one was toffee. Hated it
+10 lbs./week to squat
Vegan recipe
Eat whatever I want
Tfw saw a pretty girl in my lecture and approached her right when it ended
A very Veeky Forums snack
Question to people with visible abs
Why don't more people self diagnose and treat themselves?
Quick claim your fitfu
Gymbro or Gaybro?
/myron/ thread: It finally happened edition
Coworkers start talking about sex
Tfw balding at 24
Give me one reason to eat meat
Low Weight Bench Hogs
Is there any program that satisfies all of the following?
Are some bodies just not meant for certain lifts?
Post your enemy
What mode is this
People ACTUALLY think starting strength is a good routine
Veeky Forums what can I do to stop myself from cumming after 5-10 pumps in a girl during sex...
Last rep face thread?
Oh user, you are starving yourself. Here have a donut :)
Pussy pads
Tfw doing steroids
Sexual Fitness General
Update sticky
Gym infection
Its bulking season, why arent you eating your blini?
Facial aesthethics beard edition
Can i get some feedback on my workout schedule
What is the actual difference in getting 10g of protein in chicken vs 10g of protein in a slice of pizza
How do you count calories when eating out
Go to gym
Daily reminder that Facial Aesthetics are a meme
Am I ready for roids friends? I'm not a doctor I don't know what this shit means. If death imminent please inform
Ok fit post your bench along with your height
Is there any point in trying if you are a womanlet Veeky Forums?
I just fasted for 20 hours and had a huge meal half an hour ago. Now I'm sleepy as fuck
What are your worries?
Meat eaters who hate vegans, why don't you become at least vegetarian?
Tfw no gf
Veeky Forums is being mean about us again
How can I get a 10/10 to mire me like this
What can i throw in a crockpot?
Brahs, first time seriously cutting, I could use some tips
Who /cocoon/ mode here?
Enlarged Prostate with 26 - Am I done
How to get a good butt?
Veeky Forums - tinder general
What’s the best way to bulk if I’m a gay bottom Veeky Forums?
My obese sister doesn't believe in calorie counting
Pic related is my story, it’s eight in the morning and I still haven’t slept
Newfag here - Scared of loose skin
Does anyone have foot and calf muscle asymmetry from driving...
/fraud/ - Neko edition and also not complete garbage OP edition
Mirin thread
My dentist quoted me $4,500 to get an upper first premolar (4th teeth from the center) replaced with and implant
Spend teen years chubby, shitty hair, bad clothes, overall painfully average looking
What is the ideal female form?
Why did you decide to get Veeky Forums?
It's another wake up and can't go back to sleep episode
Be me
I like working out but I fucking hate going to the gym
Literally cant balance school, internet, and the gym. I have complete shit work ethic so i never study...
Who else here is involved in manlet conservation activism?
Pushup thread
How long would it take to achieve this? I'm cosplaying as Kamina this January for a convention...
Fat Fuck Social
Motivation thread
What percentage of gym-goers are actually going to make it?
I love running Veeky Forums but for the love of god how do I stop my nipples from chaffing off my body
Anyone else falling for the Gomad meme? Making some pretty nice strength gains and aesthetics are on point for now
Let's settle this once and for all
I've lost all hope for a gf my only motivation to get big and shredded was to have girls mirin, how do I keep going?
Used to browse Veeky Forums stopped for a while...
Whats Veeky Forums's worst gym related injury?
Hey I'm male 6'4 430 pounds 16 and desperately want to loose weight the only problem is the emberasment I went to a gym...
Power cleans
What is the best martial art for combat? I want something that can be used for real life applications...
No hobbies other than lifting
I;m thinkin bout thos sips
Jennifer Thompson has to roid, r-right?
I'm sorry, but I have to ask... What is the point of playing a rigged game again?
Tfw slipped disc
/routine/ thread
How much can height, frame, etc. be stunted...
Deadlift: Can't keep lower back straight
How do I stop binging due to stress?
Powerbar lovebites :(
Am i the egyptian chad Veeky Forumsbrahs
5 years lifting for this
Apollo's belt
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Do I have chad potential?
My thighs look a lot skinnier in a neutral position than when rotated. I've been lifting for a couple months now...
Why dont people use GZCLP?
Former CIA agent blows the lid off ketognic diets
*sweeps your path*
/NoFap/ superpowers kicking in
How do you guys deal with being exhausted for the rest of the day after working out in the morning?
Veeky Forums feels
No /fph/ thread
Too much fur?
"Are you really going to the gym for the fifth time this week after work...
Meal prep is hard?
How do I kangaroo mode Veeky Forums?
Every site that provides routines always tell you to stretch before your workout
Is Frank Yang natty perfection?
Why does everyone idolize this faggot like some sort of God? He's nothing special...
Weightlifting Shoes
What the fuck is up with my testosterone
Hair loss
"Oh user, you big muscle hunk, lay off the exercise for a day and come make sweet love to me"
20+ Dead Hang Pullups
I think I've reached peak ottermode
Sup Veeky Forums
Getting bullied whilst jogging
Fuck Veeky Forums what do I do? Last night I had a girl over we were going to have sex but I couldn't get hard...
/fat/ Halloween is coming
Musclefu thread
You have COMPLETELY ruined my fucking life
The cure for manlets
ITT: Mistakes you made as a beginner
Why is Veeky Forums so awful?
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Tfw no red-head qt gf
When was the exact moment you realized lanklets are more insecure that manlets?
What did you hit at the gym today, Veeky Forums ?
Would your waifu be proud of your lifestyle Veeky Forums?
Lifting doesn't improve fighting performance
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
First sip of the day General
Penis issue
What's for lunch?
Symmetric strength thread
My gf has a male personal trainer. Should I be worried?
Does it become increasingly difficult to be strong with increases in height? ie...
Loses 50+ pounds
How does one look this good at 31?
How do I learn to be happy alone?
I fucking hate getting old
How much do i have to bench to kill someone with a single punch
Daily reminder that natty lifting is a waste of time
Hello Veeky Forums, I want to play a game
Smol titties
Is there any good reason not to systematically genocide all manlets?
Tricep extensions
Anyone else lift to get a girlfriend?
Should I use gloves Veeky Forums ?
So I am a fat black girl and I went to the gym for the first time and gymbros kept bothering me, asking if I need help...
Small dick thread
Garbage teeth
Constantly Fucking Tired at 20 Years Old
This triggers the vegan
This is the peak of male aesthetics. Prove me wrong
"lifting helps depression"
Manlets think this is an appealing physique
Tfw lifting when you're weaker than you used to be is so fucking tedious
Routine thread
Any of you guys know how to fix back rounding when maxing out on deads? my working set of 3.5 pl8 is fine...
Cringe thread
Hanging out with girl
Wtf is my back
How much do I have to lift to get a girl like this?
Cheating /fraud/ general
Literally bleeding gains away
Admit it, you'd give up all your "gains" and "aesthetics" if you could have a real family: loving wife and children
In Dune, Feyd was described as an example of human physical perfection. Did Sting nail this?
How much can you snatch?
Have kids, they said
Lifting weights instead of doing gymnastics
How many miles should I be running daily if I want to burn serious fat...
How do I work side delts without inpingement
Our father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy lifts, thy nutrition come...
If you live in a city that puts fluoride in the water I suggest you filter that shit out or buy a bulk load of fluoride...
Been on keto for months
Post your Veeky Forums memes
What are you working towards?
This guy asks you for a spot while he squats
Health at Every Size doesnt exi-
A Thesis on Human Fitness and Attraction
Hey Veeky Forums my main problem is indecisiveness...
What are your favorite healthy as fuck meals?
Am I fat? And if so how can I loose weight
Goodnight Veeky Forums
What kind of body do you need for a girl like this?
Why do people drink caffeine???
Am I a lanklet Veeky Forums? How do I fix it?
Joan of Arc was best Veeky Forums waifu
Why doesn't he trip here? He definitely browses and possibly posts He'd instantly be declared King of Veeky Forums...
Energy drink and coffee alternatives
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games