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wtf are they doin.. is this crossfit?
The fuck.
This is Crossfit, yes.
Mein seiden
why is there an audience
Spooky scary skeltar
In the 2017 Hip Breaking Championships, the only winners are the spectators.
Did you see the way that thing "ran."
Fell bad for people like this, probably a bunch of health related issues being at that size, and unlike being an obeast, can't do anything about it.
man he should go full gear and become monstermode
Crossfit. Not even once.
> spooks back to the mothership and away from the pile of bodies before the police arrive
Why not just wear a suit and follow girls in the park at night
lel i thought this was going to be a squat
That thing is so tall it could legit watch you through your bedroom window on the 2nd floor
Ye but he could pretend to be Slenderman
If he shaved his hair off he would be slenderman
looks like a stick from a tree falling to me....
What the FUCK is that???
Someone please
Either that's a fantastic athlete, or basketball is a bullshit """sport""".
Imagine seeing the silhouette of him running at you in a dark alley
notice how when the men do it there are no tennis balls on the ends of the hurdles. this probably means that the guys did it first and somebody fell on the end of one and got fucked up so they just put tennis balls on and kept doing their stupid fucking crossfit shit
The fuck
Wtf is wrong with crossfit people?
As a rugby player the idea of tackling this guy gives me a boner.
Other rugby user here. Imagine spear tackling him
He would shatter like a chandelier, it would be glorious
As an american football player I'd honestly worry about about killing the guy.
Has there ever been a 7'+ guy who has been a healthy weight? I want to see a fucking hulking tower of meat and muscle at 7'4" 450lbs on roids.
Make sure to wear your paddy-waddys otherwise you might hurt yourself champ, 10 seconds of exertion can take quite a toll
a 6'4.5" lanklet
That's adorable.
Now go back to playing "tackle" like good little gradeschool boys.
Meanwhile we'll be over here delivering tackles and hits that have killed ordinary men and send most of us onto a path of permanent brain injury and life long neurological disorders.
The pads are there for a reason bitch. They wouldn't let football continue without it. Why? Because it was a fucking brutal blood sport that saw death and crippling life long injuries in every single fucking game.
that dutch bodybuilder, oliver richters i think. Biggest >7' guy that exists I think, prolly won't live long being 7' + roiding
Oh so that's what this guy's name is.
Hafthor bjornsson is like 6'10/400lbs
> falling for the bait
> huuurrrrrr we is more manlys becus we have no technique and no stamina and just throw our bodies at each other
> our utter lack of skill in tackling means we is deadlier and therefore better even though we have to wear pads
Fucking kekerino
He's fucking 7 ft 7 in / 2.31 m.
The difference between me and him is about the same as between me and Peter Dinklage. LUL
Vigilo Confido
Jesus, her poor spine
fucking lost
hafthor is 6'8", same as brian shaw. for over 7' bodybuilders, it's pretty much only
> yankee doodles tackle with their heads
> wonder why they get brain injuries
Like pottery
Bruh, don't fall for such easy bait from my fellow rugby man.
Although you guys have no tackle technique whatsoever. One of my teammates used to play American Football. He puts in some of the biggest hits and seems to have no fear of contact. Yet in the
It was fun in younger days to purely bodycheck kids, knowing that your momentum was greater than theirs and feeling like a freight train, but its a fucking retarded way to tackle. Doing it with your noggin or just trying to torpedo yourself at them head first isnt a very smart idea either. Rugby just has way more skill.
Ill happily hurl myself headlong into an opponents knees if you give me a helmet and those fucking space marine padding. If you tackle like that in rugby you wont play for long. Take a proper head to head collision and we can talk.
imagine actually having to weak cuck armour to tackle people
state of sharts
>Thought it was a bit of poop sticking out
>Still turned on
I need to leave this place.
Talk to me when you do a real mans sport
>have to be fit enough to play 80 minutes
>varying skillsets to master including passing,kicking,tackling,running(sidestep,handoff,Lomu mode)
>need to have good communication on the field and coordinate with teammates in the moment (no faggy planned plays)
>no padding, mano e mano
Fags never even felt a proper grassburn/roastie on the knees. Foosball is the ultimate plebian game.
Post one first then
Probably has Marfan syndrome or some shit
T. Lard who wasn’t athletic enough to play football
He's like a Greek statue. Even down to the tiny penis.
Nope, played rugby since i was 6. Yknow, a sport for actual men who dont need pads and can actually perform for more than 10 seconds at a time
Skill to tackle someone?
You mean that thing that children learn how to do when playing pretend football but the rugby guys still manage to fuck up as grown men?
PS our teams are an army of specialized components. Not just random replacable assholes all dancing around on the field.
Yeah. We use what can be considered potentially deadly force when we tackle.
We used to do that before the armor was forcefully introduced to keep them from ending american football altogether.
We don't need tackle technique because it's about ruining the targets day and putting them down. It's not about stopping them it's about putting them down.
No you won't. Bitchmade rugby tackling is part of your DNA now. If you stepped onto a field with that attitude you'll probably get killed.
Seriously, the guys out there will pull no punches and they will try to end your career...and ability to walk.
is that a penis or a roastie
I am very confused
> hurr durr we have to wear pads cus our hits could kill people or fuck your head up
> gets BTFO with the fact that americucks have no skill and try to use their head as a battering ram and thats why they need faggot pads, because even their professional players have NO skill in tackling
> tries to then further use this as some sort of proof that handegg is more skillful
> tries to convolutedly use all this as evidence that a sport that doesnt have pads because A) the players arent pussies and B) actually have skill is somehow less manly
You mustve taken some big old knocks lad because you are thick as fuck
Is this CGI?
Yeah, Concerningly Gangly Individual
>mfw an americlap goes on about niggercollide
I dunno...that's a pretty decent bulge
dangle pussy lips gross
>who spots the spotters?
>needing a spotter on overhead work
looks like elvis dancing
unironically he should do GOMAD
thats fucking funny rt
Why do people think small bulge means small penis? My dick is 6.5 erect, but it's like a button when fully flaccid. I imagine it's like that for most?
i dont believe you, 6.5 my nigga. post pics for proof
Same here. feelsbadman when going skinny dipping with showers. feelsgoodman when girls tell you you got a big dick when erect.
Still, best would be to be a shower and a grower.
Nice try m8
I don't feel safe anymore
>implying pads and helmets dont cause much harder hits
that would kill that poor fella
>this lift brought to you by: The letter L and the number 5
>criticising him for taking the bait
Do you know what you just replied to or?
made me want to watch Big Fish again.
T-thats not how you tackle though.
You hit with your shoulder pads, wrap your arms around the guys legs, pull your arms close, and drive through with your legs.
the only place you use your head is on the line where you hit with your facemask then grab his chest plate and push for run blocking
You're right, but so is the medico, padding encourages more force less caution and guys are throwing their heads harder than they could without em and live. That butting in the line is about as good for you as a couple of cigarettes, any career involving hundreds of subconcussive head blows is going to be problematic eventually.
It's kinda like the way pro-boxers can punch with the full weight of their body delivered into the blow, take the glove off and any hand is going to come apart, i remember Tyson breaking his hand on Mitch Green's face in a street fight. Fuckin simpleton threw a blow that it's impossible to condition a human hand for.
eugh, i hate this
By the football guys logic, a sport where you just stand there and get your face smashed in by a baseball bat is the manliest sport going
>thats fucking funny rt
get the fuck back to twitter nigger
>thinks they have to wear pads because they tackle so hard
>thinks hes a bad ass because of it
>doesnt realize they only tackle so hard because they wear pads
if you're really intent on measuring dicks over your high school achievements, I was wrestling captain and you pussies cant tackle for shit. youd always strut into first day tryouts high and mighty and quit a week or two later because "muh knee hurts" or "muh football winter conditioning"
play a real sport
>Rolling around on top of other guys
>Real sport
Kek, get on my fucking level, chump. There's only one real sport, and it's called golf, the gentleman's sport. Lmao if we ever stepped foot on the same putting green I guarantee I'd fucking putt circles around your pathetic meathead ass.
>needing a spotter to spot you spotting
fucking lost as soon as i saw the thumbnail kek